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Nov 05, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 201 · Topics: 21
Hello All,
This is an update to the situation I had described earlier in my "help understanding a Virgo guy" thread on the Relationships board. I am thankful to those who have shared their experiences and offered advice. It really helped me a lot in analyzing where we stood, and planning how could I get to the happy ending I have been dreaming for months.
After a series of "checking the pulse" actions within the past 2 weeks and getting the right signals in return, I finally took the courage last night and spelled the beans. I texted him and told him about the very first moment that my heart was touched by him. Of course the style I chose was elegant and honest, not mushy. I simply told him where and how I saw his real intelligent, strong but sensitive "self" and decided to get to know him. (Until now, he thought our meeting was just a coincidence but in reality I had arranged it, so I confessed him that) And I thanked him at the end for letting me in to his world. I am almost sure that I will not get any written answer to this. Maybe he will disappear for a while. Because this is a huge thing for him. Until now we were just friends with some staring, smiles and unexplainable acts on both sides, but now I took things to another level.
Dy, branh, other virguys around... Would you please tell me what do you think his reaction would be? What should I expect now? Have I done the right thing? What would you do if you were in his shoes?
You have to be very patient with him. I have a Virgo guy too. And we have been dating for almost 4 months. And I flew to see him on a Sat and when I came back Sunday night I thought everything was alright. But I knew something wasn't when he didn't answer his phone and it was on voice mail. I was going to move with him, I was giving up a job that I had for 10 years. He wouldn't answer his phone I had an interview on the Following Monday , I never heard from him until that Tuesday when he emailed me and
told me that he's not ready for the living situation right now and that he's at the crossroad of his life and he needed time to think things through.
I was hurt over this and I thought that maybe it's for the best if I just ended the relationship because I didn't want to see him hurt. So I emailed him on that and I never heard back from him. Even thou I would email him and tell him my feelings they were from my heart . I even cried as I was writting them. 3 weeks I finally decided to tell him if there's someone else just to let me know, I explain to him how he made me feel safe that I wasn't going to give him my heart but I did after awhile.
he called on my Cell, home phone and even left me a email.
It's good to let them know how you feel but then it's good to back away and let them figure out what they want to do. You have to be true yourself , and not let yourself get down over it, just do the things that make you happy you have done everything that you can do at this point. He know how you feel.
I'm got a business trip coming up this week and it's in the same town where he lives and he emailed me today and want us to get together.
Don't give up on him if he's really what you're looking for., just give him time to think about things. If he really want it he will be back.
I agree with roxi if they don't come right out and tell you.. Then it's worth the wait. They need time to think about things most men are that way they go into caves is what a guy told me one time. That's how they think about things and deal with things.
Signed Up:
Nov 05, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 201 · Topics: 21
Appreciate all your comments. I am not worried about the time, etc. As I said, I feel like I have all the patience in the universe, something I would never thought I had! I am not imagining a prince on a white horse either, it's just him giving me this comfort. I believe in his sincerity.
Signed Up:
Nov 05, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 201 · Topics: 21
Oh, one positive note: He comes in the room, sees me and stands right across, alone. (wasn't his favorite spot, not even a good spot, plus the place was nearly empty expect a few people he knew but he choose to stay in my vicinity, alone).