For all you woman involved with a Virguy and are wondering where he's disappeared to.
I found this on Virgo males:
He's a true hermit, so don't force too much togetherness. His Sun sign destiny is to achieve self-containment, and this requires a lot of solitude. Give him the freedom to go off and do his own thing, and he'll keep coming back.
Signed Up:
Aug 27, 2008Comments: 3 · Posts: 4208 · Topics: 163
Yes, we need our alone time.
It is necessary for personal content.
maybe thats ture though if i want to believe astrology and tarot thing then i should still be waiting for my virgo....i cant count this astrology thing as a reason honestly....because if they really miss you and like you even as a simple friend they must be polite enough to answer at least one of your contacts.we all want our lonliness more or less.
so it doesnt have anything to do with sun sign,its all about how people grow up and learn in their life.
Sorry....i cant believe it.
I think they just think a lot..and tend to be in their heads a lot. They tend to over think stuff. I think that's why they seem like they like solitude...but no, I don't agree that they are necessarily 'hermits'. I mean, that's a little extreme.
They are just thinkers is all.. shoot, when I'm in deep thought, I tend to go hide out in my little 'cave' too. Don't you?
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Apr 13, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 44084 · Topics: 685
Emotions have to be objectified ... pulled out and studied under a microscope to find a reason for their existence. Once a conclusion, or partial one has been assessed, and a file created to store this emotion ... then back they go for another dose.
===== push & pull
you are so sure about what you say. alot of them never come back.....what is your definition for them...if its a card for a virgo then should cover almost all....but no, still im saying they are just not committed and are irresponsible as like as many other guys/gals from any zodiac sign.
Signed Up:
Mar 23, 2008Comments: 0 · Posts: 876 · Topics: 65
My Virguy once text me a apology for "objectifying" me. So wow, hit the nail on the head.
He also said he was not taking me for granted, when indeed he then did.
He also said he was not playing me, and dint want to be anywhere else w/anyone else and i have not heard from him again in 5 no replies to text when i attempted to reach him. Not a response of a request of a email address to reach him.
The longest time he disappeared on me last, he had Cancer treatments he said. IDK?
Signed Up:
Apr 13, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 44084 · Topics: 685
PGA ... it would depend on what his conclusion was about his emotions for you, once he plucked this from his being to analyze. It appears that his feelings weren't worth going back for another dose.
And that's not to say that YOU weren't worth it .. it's saying that his weren't worth it for him. Your feelings, as it pertains to your worth, isn't in the equation, at all, though because you are female and pure emotions ... this would be invisible to you.
He would tell you one thing, to keep you there .. just in case he wanted another dose after his evaluation.
We see this daily in here with all these women .. their VirGuys tell them exactly what these women want to hear to keep her dangling .. then push her away to see how she reacts, so he can see if she is worthy enough for him, as viewed as an object. This is where he is blind within this condition .. because he would believe he is measuring HER worth, and he's not.
.... because he views as an object, it then becomes his own emotional worth because her feelings in the situation were eliminated.
Signed Up:
Mar 14, 2007Comments: 0 · Posts: 1083 · Topics: 56
I noticed that the virgo I was dealing with about a year ago, is calling me alot now that I don't pay his ass no mind....I'm not even attracted to him anymore...
Last time I talked to him he said he wanted to get me pregnant...I asked him was he on crack, like seriously? I don't hear from you for weeks even months at a time, and you want it raw dog? Hell naw.....
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Apr 13, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 44084 · Topics: 685
Self-horn-tooting, again?
Signed Up:
Apr 13, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 44084 · Topics: 685
You mean ... Offend? Nope, do you affend yourself?
I agree with Shinnygirl...I am a cap and need my space as well, but I dont disappear on the person...the fact is they get scared or pull away b/c they dont want committment..when you really care for someone you dont pull away for weeks/ long are we suppose to wait for them? and what if they dont come back? I say live life, go out with others, and when he does come back let him know how your feel, otherwise he will do it again..NEVER let a man, whatever sign think your so smitten that your willing to wait for him..must be nice, we suffer waiting for them and they are out dating other girls..LADIES RESPECT YOURSELF!!
Signed Up:
Oct 08, 2007Comments: 0 · Posts: 2906 · Topics: 93
Contrary to what I've read in this thread, Virgo Men do not play emotional games with you...
First, we really don't understand emotions in ourselves, much less others. If it looks like game-play to you, it's because we're clumsy at dealing with strong emotions, and will do positively goofy shit when confronted with them...
Second, the vast majority of VirGuys I know do not "objectify" women. Most of us are mystified by women, and have a great deal of respect for classy ladies. Most are happily married. Most of their wives are happy with their VGs.
Yes, we are often "loners" and we are definitely self-sufficient. But, we also have a lot of love and kindness to share, along with a well-hidden tender heart, and an awareness that there's more to life than A Job Well Done. So, we'll pluck up our courage, actually approach a woman who seems interested, and marry her if she's an honest woman... with a nice curvy figure, of course!
For the umpteenth time: People who are happy with their lovers aren't going to post on DXP too much, so the samples on this site are skewed to the "I don't understand him" end of the scale...
I would go on & on about how happy my Scorp & I are, but then the sourpusses would rag me for it...
Signed Up:
Feb 05, 2009Comments: 0 · Posts: 2019 · Topics: 27
I agree with the Cappies. I'm a loner. I'd never just disappear on someone and not tell them why or leave them hanging. The only reason I'd do anything like that is to "play" a head game.
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Feb 05, 2009Comments: 0 · Posts: 2019 · Topics: 27
I thought you were considering becoming engaged to a Scorpio? ^^^^^ That was pretty recent wasn't it?
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Oct 08, 2007Comments: 0 · Posts: 2906 · Topics: 93
First, make sure he ends the current relationship before he starts one with you.
Second, it sounds like his sister is playing matchmaker, and that could be a very good thing for both of you. I have an older sister, and I value her opinions. And in the case of my courtship of my Scorpio, it started after a lady we both work with kicked me in the ass - not literally! - and let me know Debra was interested in me.
Third, yes Virgos will pursue a woman if we see potential there - and we know she's not just a flirt or a tease. We can be very persistent (we are Earth Sign guys!). If you were recently engaged / involved with another guy, and VG's sister makes him aware of it, he's going to take his own sweet time deciding what type of woman you are.
Signed Up:
Apr 13, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 44084 · Topics: 685
Ginger, they change often ... it was a Pisces just a couple months ago, a Taurus a month before that ......
Signed Up:
Oct 08, 2007Comments: 0 · Posts: 2906 · Topics: 93
COM: So is anyone in a 'healthy' relationship with a Virguy?
In my Real World: 5 out of 6 VirGuys are happily married to Aries, Taurus, Cancer, and Scorpio wives.