Posted by HeavyEntertainmentShow
They're not following because they're interested. They're following because this is the cheapest form of entertainment. It's like watching a car crash in slow motion.
You're either a troll, or you've been dropped on your head too often as a baby. Because no sane person would do this. You have no self-respect or sense of self worth. If she butter in your mouth, I'm positive you would thank her for it and invite her to dinner.
I gave my Virgo hell for withholding a crucial piece of information that I deserved to have, but in the end he practically begged me not to leave. We are taking this opportunity to make changes in our life that will make us stronger & better people. Because we try to learn from our mistakes and aim to do better next time.
But you? If this is real, you are just pitiful. A walking doormat who doesn't even respect herself, so how do you expect other people to respect you? Whatever happened to women being all about empowerment?
Posted by Chesh
She's only doing this, because in a way it's entertaining and for that she's simply an marker.
Disengage with her as soon as possible...block her if you have to. You no longer need to worry about why she's playing these silly games, she's absolutely childish; for ditching you and ignoring you.
Don't give this girl the satification any longer, bottom line.
Posted by HoovesofTopazI agree. Do you think if she does have any feelings left for me that blocking her on Snapchat might be a good way to get her to text me?
Either they’re interested or they aren’t. Doesn’t matter if it’s a straight man or lesbian woman. It will be obvious and if you have to sit there and guess then it’s probably a no.
Tell her to skedaddle and then tell yourself. Too many games involved right hurrrrrr
Posted by -sierra
a virgo creepin or studying you whichever you wanna use.. is either fascinated or trying to get some dirt on you.. maybe she's trying to see if she was wrong about you and maybe she should give you a chance after all..
but that whole posting a screenshot from you is bad news coz that's digging for dirt.. though we have changeable minds sometimes.. as for me personally, what gets my attention usually gets through my mind and what i often think about.. i start to kinda like.. but that's just me lol
Posted by HoovesofTopazPosted by AriesAngel92Posted by HoovesofTopaz
Either they’re interested or they aren’t. Doesn’t matter if it’s a straight man or lesbian woman. It will be obvious and if you have to sit there and guess then it’s probably a no.
Tell her to skedaddle and then tell yourself. Too many games involved right hurrrrrr
I agree. Do you think if she does have any feelings left for me that blocking her on Snapchat might be a good way to get her to text me? click to expand
Sure but if she was interested she’d probably already be texting anyway click to expandclick to expand
Posted by -sierraPosted by AriesAngel92Posted by -sierra
a virgo creepin or studying you whichever you wanna use.. is either fascinated or trying to get some dirt on you.. maybe she's trying to see if she was wrong about you and maybe she should give you a chance after all..
but that whole posting a screenshot from you is bad news coz that's digging for dirt.. though we have changeable minds sometimes.. as for me personally, what gets my attention usually gets through my mind and what i often think about.. i start to kinda like.. but that's just me lol
So maybe I shouldn’t block her then? click to expand
she hasn't blocked you and is actually looking through your profile so why would you block her?
date someone else and let her see how awesome your life is click to expandclick to expand
Posted by nikkistar
10 if (Validating Response) {
Positive statement1
} else {
INSERT INTO statement2 (bully, fat, disgusting, miserable, abusive)
Goto 10
Posted by -sierraI totally agree . So done embarrassing myself over this and playing these retarded games.Posted by AriesAngel92Posted by -sierraPosted by AriesAngel92Posted by -sierra
a virgo creepin or studying you whichever you wanna use.. is either fascinated or trying to get some dirt on you.. maybe she's trying to see if she was wrong about you and maybe she should give you a chance after all..
but that whole posting a screenshot from you is bad news coz that's digging for dirt.. though we have changeable minds sometimes.. as for me personally, what gets my attention usually gets through my mind and what i often think about.. i start to kinda like.. but that's just me lol
So maybe I shouldn’t block her then? click to expand
she hasn't blocked you and is actually looking through your profile so why would you block her?
date someone else and let her see how awesome your life is click to expand
Just cuz by her looking at my profile it gives me false hope that she could change her mind when that’s probably not gonna happen. Idk. I’ll give her a few days and see if she reaches out to me. Otherwise I’d rather let her wonder what’s going on in my life instead of being able to see it. I feel like if she is still interested in me whatsoever that would have more of an effect click to expand
there was this capricorn man i used to chat with before i got into a relationship but we haven't met in person before and we were chatting as always when he just suddenly disappeared
he comes back trying to talk to me again after a few months and was furious that i dated guys in the months he was gone.. and so i blocked his azz coz wtf you poof on me and come back like nothing happened?
if someone's not acting interested, then you better move on click to expandclick to expand
Posted by CancerOnTheCuspPosted by nikkistar
10 if (Validating Response) {
Positive statement1
} else {
INSERT INTO statement2 (bully, fat, disgusting, miserable, abusive)
Goto 10
Maybe more appropriate? click to expandclick to expand
Posted by CheshPosted by AriesAngel92Posted by Chesh
She's only doing this, because in a way it's entertaining and for that she's simply an marker.
Disengage with her as soon as possible...block her if you have to. You no longer need to worry about why she's playing these silly games, she's absolutely childish; for ditching you and ignoring you.
Don't give this girl the satification any longer, bottom line.
You’re right. I’m so done. If her creeping on my Snapchat is any indication she still has any feelings for me, blocking her is probably the only way to ever get her to text me right? click to expand
I would personally be done with her, she's a complete user. She's probably caculating an angle to use you again.
You dodged a bullet, count your lucky stars that all she got from you is a free meal ticket.
click to expandclick to expand
Posted by VirgalLuvsCoffeeHey, she is 25 a year younger than I am. It really blows because I know she’s the type to push EVERYONE away that cares because she’s insecure and scared to be vulnerable, but I wanted so badly to change her mind. And she actually had me believing I was different bc she’d tell me how no ones held her attention the way I have in forever and that I make her laugh all the time and most of all I could tell she really wasn’t texting tons of girls cuz she’d try to chase me if I didn’t text back enough. But literally the night after we hung out she posted a Snapchat of this chick in her bed.. like come on. So you’re right. I’m done w the games. It’s immature and stupid and I’m only embarrassing myself if I allow this behavior to continue.Posted by AriesAngel92
Basically she still never reached out to me. But when I cussed her out she saved it on Snapchat. She viewed my story and then I posted another story specifically adressing the odd behavior of people who creep on your shyt and don’t speak to you and how weird that is . She legit was the first to view it .. within like 2 minutes. I haven’t viewed any of her stories at all. Any ideas as to why she could be doing this? Like why can’t she just talk to me? How can I make her do that?
How old is this chick? She sounds very petty and childish. I would definitely ignore her from now on. I wouldn't waste my time, energy and let alone my $ on a person like that. If she saved what you wrote her on Snap she will use that as ammo later on. I'm sorry you've had to deal with this type of Virgo. Not all Virgos are that way. I'm sure there are plenty of good ones out there... RUN AWAY FAST FROM THIS ONE. I hope this helps... click to expandclick to expand
Posted by AriesAngel92Posted by HeavyEntertainmentShow
They're not following because they're interested. They're following because this is the cheapest form of entertainment. It's like watching a car crash in slow motion.
You're either a troll, or you've been dropped on your head too often as a baby. Because no sane person would do this. You have no self-respect or sense of self worth. If she butter in your mouth, I'm positive you would thank her for it and invite her to dinner.
I gave my Virgo hell for withholding a crucial piece of information that I deserved to have, but in the end he practically begged me not to leave. We are taking this opportunity to make changes in our life that will make us stronger & better people. Because we try to learn from our mistakes and aim to do better next time.
But you? If this is real, you are just pitiful. A walking doormat who doesn't even respect herself, so how do you expect other people to respect you? Whatever happened to women being all about empowerment?
You think talking down to me makes me you better than I am? You really think that’s gonna make me take your advice? That by verbally abusing me somehow I’m gonna listen. I didn’t even keep reading past saying I was dropped on my head as a baby. Honestly, how unbelievably disgusting. You think you’re so smart. But the reality is you’re just a miserable pathetic cyberbully who talks down to people and thinks he knows everything. You’re a moron, first of all. And secondly go to to expand