Freedom Spirit

This topic was created in the Virgo forum by LeGendary ViRGo on Tuesday, December 8, 2009 and has 6 replies.

sup peoples what do u about those kind of people and do u kno those type of people or are u that type person and and what signs u think freedom spirited.
ima free spirit i guess with all my air in my chart my aqua rising mercury and venus in libra makes me like that i dont hamper and tell people what 2 do and how 2 live their lives i guess thats why im loved cuz that mellow person just living.
my opinon freedom spirit signs
Leo cuz they are child like and naive lmfao love them tho smile
Posted by LeGendary ViRGo

my opinon freedom spirit signs
Leo cuz they are child like and naive lmfao love them tho smile

I'd add Pisces and Minus Leo.
Posted by Kaleidescorp
My daughter is an aquarius. She came home from kindergarten the other day and told me "I'm running away from home mommy." I said, "Now why would you do that?" She replied, "I just gotta be free!"

awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww that is so cute lmfao

thats a aqua for yall
Posted by sortilege85
Sagittarius and pisces are the only two that would sacrifice hard work to remain free.

Posted by Cajunspirit
Posted by sortilege85
Sagittarius and pisces are the only two that would sacrifice hard work to remain free.

click to expand

lmfao i kne u was crazy bwoy lmfao
Posted by sortilege85

Since you were with a sag, you understand their passion that they have, but all the friends i have who are sagittarius are so easily motivated by movies, preaching, music and so forth that their passions rules their reason and so it causes them to re-think what they like and want in life and even out and even do what their passion wants them to do instead of what is actually good for them.

Yeah, a lot of her philosophy came from movies and music.
The meaning behind tattoos and all that crap.