Gemini Woman/Virgo Man can this work?

This topic was created in the Virgo forum by Gem Nation on Thursday, September 24, 2009 and has 32 replies.
Hello Virgos!!
Okay...can the Gemini Woman and Virgo Man work?? Right now I think I'm starting to fall for this Virgo man that I know.
I am coming out of a marriage with a Scorpio and we both have moved on and I don't want to jump back into a relationship but this man makes me tingle all over and is a WONDERFUL LOVER...
Any info would be great!
Gem Nation
This combination is my Grandparents.
46 years and going.
He used to beat her, but now they are fine. He seems to have given up on a Virgo and seems to be a bitter old man to me.
She is a tyrannical dictator who often won't let him speak for himself.
8 Children and 5 grandchildren.
wow cajunspirit...I like the Longevity part and the kids, but the rest is just... "WOW"
That's True Jason...I am faithful but I must have the same in return or there will be problems!!!
Like that Virgo Man in the ICU...just kidding :-)
Posted by Cajunspirit
This combination is my Grandparents.
46 years and going.
He used to beat her, but now they are fine. He seems to have given up on a Virgo and seems to be a bitter old man to me.
She is a tyrannical dictator who often won't let him speak for himself.
8 Children and 5 grandchildren.

LOL!!! Unless of course you were being honest!
My Dad was a Gemini and my Mom was Virgo. They lasted 13 years. He eventually cheated though.
Posted by LeoLadyLovesToBeLoved

LOL!!! Unless of course you were being honest!

I don't see what is funny nor do I see why my honesty is in question.
Gem Nation, I have been attracted to a few Gemini women myself but I have no idea how the dynamics of the relationship go.
I will advise you though, those that I dealt with were very "difficult" for me to get in a relation with.
Another Virgo, to whose name I can not recall, said Geminis have a way of sabotaging this relation before it gets going.
Keep showing him that you are interested and be wary of saying or doing things to throw him off. If you can show consistency with your convictions, you will nab him right up.
Heh I think it can work.
It didn't for me and I was totally into my Gem 100% . She didn't like it when I caught her shopping for another guy Tongue
Posted by Cajunspirit
Posted by LeoLadyLovesToBeLoved

LOL!!! Unless of course you were being honest!

I don't see what is funny nor do I see why my honesty is in question.
click to expand

Wasnt questioning your honesty. I couldnt tell if you were being serious or if you were being humorous. Obviously it wasnt an attempt as humor, therefore not funny. It was a quite matter of factly statement with some pretty serious statements.. him beating her, her being tyranical, him being a bitter old man... so I didnt know how to interpret it. My apologies.
Thank you all so much, I'm over 30 so I may be in the right situation!!! *fingers crossed*
The sex is great but it ends there. You will eventually get bored with him and look elsewhere.
"Keep showing him that you are interested and be wary of saying or doing things to throw him off. If you can show consistency with your convictions, you will nab him right up."
Ok........shes a Gemini and its not in their nature to be consistent. Not a bad thing but their creative creatures who need freedom and need spontaneity. Consistency stifles that. Virgos live by consistency and routine. This is not a match in my experience.

This pairing is my mom and her boyfriend. They've been together for gosh... 6 yrs at least. She gets a crack out of his corny jokes Tongue And they are pretty cute together. Gem Nation... whatever sign... dont let what you read out there stop you from going for it.
Do any relationships ever work?

And if they did, do you think it was because of fearing/doubting it's longevity, which led to asking strangers questions about it?
Or, do you think it was because of thinking about the success of it?
Gem Nation, my GF is a Gemini, and she has that EXACT pic on her pc.. haha
Anyhow, I can give you the scoop on my end of the relationship and it will serve more as a "guide to success" rather than telling you IF you can succeed.
She's great. I love every inch of her existence. My universe revolves around her but I do fear we are doomed.
It's been 4 years and we've helped each other through a divorce. Once we announced to each other the papers were being filed, it was on relationship wise. We knew there was a massive heat building but didn't want the other kind of heat from our already filing spouses so we felt it was better not to cross that line and wait until we are legit to do so.
When we did it was like planets colliding. Literally, I can say UN MATCHED by anyone. So intense and emotional and REAL.
She feels EXACTLY the same way. Here's where I feel we will eventually part ways...
I am CONSTANTLY feeling like she's just way too casual with men. That's going to be your undoing I guarantee it.
See, you guys calculate that you need to make us feel wanted needed etc.. AND WE DO!! It's just the value of that totally goes to shit when we see you giving that same sweet stuff to other men... I am no longer special. I am no longer your boo... etc..
Imagine if I bought you a car for our anniversary and then you find a week later I bought a car for this girl that I've been flirting with back and forth at work constantly and I KNOW she wants to do me bad....
Wouldn't you be pissed?? Well my defense if I were Gemini is "I only love you and I don't love her and WE HAVEN'T EVEN KISSED OR TOUCHED EACH OTHER" well guess what, even if that's true which is HIGHLY in question, it's hardly a defense...
(Gemini forecasts say HIGH probability of infidelity during any relationship but they DO STAY LOYAL and always come back to the man they truly love.)
At that point, the only way the Virgo could be able to process and deal with that level of hurt is to feel just as casual about flirting and intimacy with people as the Gemini does.
I have a bunch of emails between her and this guy who is engaged to a girlfriend she knows and I know there's not any serious X rated talk but DEFINITELY blatant references. Jokes and playful. Not "I want to touch your..." or "You have an amazing" but "hey like the kilt in my pic I sent you? Don't even think about asking me about what's under it.. I was sick of all the ladies pawing at me to find out that day!"
Point is, the other 11 signs would disagree with Gemini in that "it's harmless" In fact my harmless flirting is how I landed in bed with her... She was married, it was doomed WAY before I showed up and she had been caught cheating twice 5 years ago...but it is proof positive that the excuse just doesn't hold water.
Either way, if you REALLY want this person and want it to work and give a crap about their heart...
It's all on your lap unfortunately. There's nothing a Virgo can do to deal with that superficial a method of showing affection. When there's nobody around, a Virgo would kill or die for you, trust me. They'd go through hell and back or drive 350mi round trip to see you (which I am about to do this weekend) but when other men are around, we want to gouge our eyes our and blow our brains out... we just don't have the genes to deal with it..
So you can't control their acceptance but you CAN control your actions.. Personally, what I'd do is tell him you need a break, disappear for like 3 weeks and go on a man binge.. until you are CERTAIN you have ZERO need to use men as a mirror to remind you how devastatingly sexy and hot you are... Use YOUR MAN, your VIRGO man to show you. He will for the rest of your life.
We are extremely low maintenance and the most loyal. We have major quirks but we'd eat em whole if we knew we'd never have to log into your facebook because it would just be all girl talk waiting....
MMMMMMMM...... NO! I hear what you're saying, but that Mercurian intellect is one thing, but fastidiousness without flexibility is another. Virgos will never understand a Gemini because you have "Laws", sorry, we create our own.
So what, we flirt. Takes a tough person to be with us anyway. My woman would understand this, and flirt with me. Not be whiny about it, saying that this isn't 'normal' behavior. Furthermore, the other 11 signs that you speak of is a generality, a language that you Virgos don't even speak. Nice try though, and you'd be wrong. We are not the only ones that knows what's going on in our heads. Example: You don't, yet very "special" someone's do. Don't get it twisted, daddio. The ones that 'do', don't post things like what you're saying.
By casual, I assume you mean the general definition of the word based on the marketing of a few individuals. Tsk Tsk. That's not how we roll, bruh. See, you don't get "It". There is an "It" to get.
I'm very familiar with the Virgo male, Gemini female relationships. Virgo men give the girl the illusion of security. When in fact, it's her that's holding your ass together. YOU suffer from worrying about shit you can't control. She, knows there is no such thing as control. You have stomach issues, don't you? However, I've never met a Virgo man that didn't "Roam" the pastures. Winking
If people weren't so damn weak about their feelings they wouldn't get hurt so easily. This life, not a personal "Me" show. Fuck that. Too much is at stake. We've known that shit since birth. That, is truth.
If people want to actually know what's going on inside of our heads, they can always just ask a question and shut the fuck up. We'll talk to you, explain to you, and love you for allowing us to do so. You will learn something about yourself that you didn't know that we knew. Just sayin.
i know an amazing couple who is virgo man gemini women. it did take a lot of work. virgo def needs to take the lead.
gem will need to learn to listen. my friends have been married for about 20 yrs and have 4 amazing children. they do very well together, they in fact give counselling to other couples and many people look up to them a great deal.
You sound like an amazing guy. Now that I've read more details of your Gem relationship, you should really talk to her and express your needs/standards. I can understand light flirting as a minuscule issue that doesn't deserve explanation, but if it gets to a point where it hurts you then I believe anyone who loves you should curve her habit. If she's been with you for that long, trust me, she probably do truly love you and can (should) adapt/compromise. I will usually compromise within reasonable means.
I grew up in a household with 3 Geminis and we are ALL loyal and generous towards our significant other to a fault. So I think it really boils down to upbringing and values.
Right now, I'm with a Virgo and there is nothing like it. We are honestly like two peas in a pod. Even though it says that Virgo and Gemini are generally a bad match, however, with great communication we are actually quite perfect for each other.
Mr. Nice,
That is a very vague generalization. You can't base everything on sun signs.
I can show you mine and my bf's charts. I'm a better match for him as a Gemini woman than he could be with a generic sun sign that is supposed to be more ideal for him, like a Cappy. People are more complicated than sun signs so I don't ever agree with such generalizations.
Posted by Mr Nice
Posted by MedullaOblongata
Mr. Nice,
That is a very vague generalization. You can't base everything on sun signs.

Prove me wrong.
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I know of 3 Virgo male Gemini female marriages. The longest is my business partner who's wife is born on the same DAY as me. They were high school sweethearts. Works fine if you're willing to do the necessities. If everyone stayed within what the "experts" say, then nobody would grow. *shrugs* Let's see how anyone would fair with water/water or earth/earth. Never seen it consistently stay strong for the long haul. Gimme a break on this so-called compatibility bullshit. pfffft...
I agree GeminiMind.
There are soooooooooooooooooooooooooo many elements in life that we should NOT forsake because the stars say we can only find happiness, fractionally. It is so silly to me.
The Gemini female loves to get down and dirty ... and this is a very attractive quality for the Virgo. The male Virgo really digs it, that the more taboo it is, the harder she fucks him .... unfortunately, it's the nasty she's getting into, and not the man.

When the Virgo male gets entrenched, and he does, the Gem female makes sure of it ... it takes awhile for him to realize he needs to crawl out of the filth, and find his self-respect.

Posted by P-Angel
The Gemini female loves to get down and dirty ... and this is a very attractive quality for the Virgo. The male Virgo really digs it, that the more taboo it is, the harder she fucks him .... unfortunately, it's the nasty she's getting into, and not the man.

When the Virgo male gets entrenched, and he does, the Gem female makes sure of it ... it takes awhile for him to realize he needs to crawl out of the filth, and find his self-respect.

I wanted to add ......

While he's digging his way out of the filth .... this is when you find the Virgo critical of others. Because they cannot handle their imperfections being noticed, they have to attempt to deflect them off on another.

Yes, there are rules. BUT, society has convoluted everything. For instance: There is no honor in society, so there is no honor in relationships. Look at P-"Angel", how she's willing to admit that she's with a Virgo male and she talks about Virgo's like shit. People are supposed to learn what they don't understand, not get with what makes them feel comfortable, that's easy and short term. That's why the world is so stupid now, and so easily led like pigs to a slaughter. Society, by means of the media, t.v. shows, lies, half-truths, theories and conjectures have fucked up all compatibility. It's the "Me" show in today's relationships, and people are looking for a persona that doesn't exist. It's Stupid. *smh*
It never ceases to amaze me at how she projects like it's nothing. It's like she's talking about herself in 3rd person. Amazing the sickness on dxp, simply amazing. :::Shakes Head:::
Point taken, Dy.
Posted by GeminiMind
Yes, there are rules. BUT, society has convoluted everything. For instance: There is no honor in society, so there is no honor in relationships. Look at P-"Angel", how she's willing to admit that she's with a Virgo male and she talks about Virgo's like shit. People are supposed to learn what they don't understand, not get with what makes them feel comfortable, that's easy and short term. That's why the world is so stupid now, and so easily led like pigs to a slaughter. Society, by means of the media, t.v. shows, lies, half-truths, theories and conjectures have fucked up all compatibility. It's the "Me" show in today's relationships, and people are looking for a persona that doesn't exist. It's Stupid. *smh*
gm you seem to be the one that always writes what i am exactly thinking (must be the aqua moon)dude, i agree with your statement on dependabilty on generalizations. Alot of people begining with the "90's" babies are too lazy to challenge themselves and explore around theories(which are just that, made up generilizations for others to comform).there are different type of virgoes as there are different type of geminis including on how evolved they are. my best friends adn cousins are (may29),may31,june 8th,june 12th, and we connect mentally and spiritually what they like about me is the fact that i never complain and am always open to lead into random adventures because at the end they would learn something new. now that is very different from the typical virgoes that never want to evolve because they are to busy complaining and being scared with all the negativity, just like this second decan virgo i know sep13, that i work out with everytime i meet up with him he;s NEGATIVE, as much as i try to spiritually uplift him he always seems to go back to complaining and talking about other people like its their role to diminish his LIFE, it really drains out all of the positivity i bring without trying.theres a thread on virgoes complaining where i go more in deph on this personlol, and the funny thing is that his babys mother is guess what? a gemini, me and her get along great and our repartees have him spinning like a top because guess what HE DOESNT WANT TO THINK OUT OF THE BOX,BECAUSE OF HIM BEING CONSERVATIVE.euuk.

my ex girlfried (only broke up because of distance) and respect as a friend to this day, is a gemini(may 30) and she loves me like no other, she flirts but it doesnt even bother me because every one is diferent, and im in act a flirting machine, i must be in 8765857 different conversations in a 24 hour span because my mind is always flighty and needs stimulation form different views, i guess thats what makes us click, i understand she HAS HER OWN BRAIN SHE UNDERSTAND I HAVE MY OWN.
people need to learn especially virgoes; that change is GOOD AND EXCITING. like come on doesnt the though of "man something very good can happen tommorow" excite you?
HaHa! Great minds think alike! I'm a 3rd Decan Gemini, by the way. So maybe I'm a little different. I share birthdays with Tupac, Geronimo, and Che Guevara. So, maybe I'm destined to be what a Pisces always want's to be, a true Martyr. Or, maybe I'll just raise hell instead. Winking
Mr. Nice, I AM referencing astrology. If you research it, it will tell you that compatibility is NOT solely based on "sun signs." There are other placements that makes an unideal relationship more ideal. I apologize if I sounded like I was attacking you, that was not my intention, I was merely pointing out that making an assessment based on parts and not as a whole will give you faulty results.
MO, yeah, Mr. Nice is a Scorpio.