Gettiin back

This topic was created in the Virgo forum by es on Monday, September 4, 2006 and has 7 replies.
Its a very stupid question but just want to be clear on this. some one very important told me that she wants to getback with me.I know the meaning of the word but i just want to be clear on this.By gettin back what could one mean-is it generally getting back ie just being in touch with me or getting back exactly the way we were before.
I would read that as getting back into a relationship, would be foolish to say that if they didn't mean it. would need more details... did she say it to your face?
No not on my face but she text me.It was her decision to go out of my life and now she contacted me after months of being away.We spoke few times and one day she send me long text in which she also wrote that she wonders if she would be able to getback with me.
I know it almost means that its getting back into a relation ship but i dont want to come to any conclusion about her statement.As i might think what i want to, so wanted others opinion.
Hmm, I would read it as getting back together, what do your instincts tell ya? Was she writing in her first language? Coz I know a friend of mine received English texts from her Spanish speaking boyfriend and it hasn't made absolute sense, miscommunication is common. Texts are annoying like that.
she was writing in english only.The problem with my instinct is it says exactly what i want to hear so i stop listening to it.
I see, well I wouldn't worry too much. I think you are being too paranoid! She wouldn't say something like that if there was any danger of you interpreting it wrong and thus getting hurt. Would she?
yes i know i am analysing too much but she has been the kinds who plays with words a lot.Secondly what i am thinking more is about > "if she would be ABLE TO"you know this 'able to' sounds like she kind of wants to get back,would try but is not sure.As if its not that she is wondering would like to get back to her or not but its possiblility on her part.