Posted by julietteehaha care to clarify??
It is well known fact if someone invites you to a birth party, especially a virgo, is not a bad sign, it's a complete disaster. ?
Posted by julietteehaha i'll take your advice, thanks!Posted by DarkLoneWolfPosted by julietteehaha care to clarify??
It is well known fact if someone invites you to a birth party, especially a virgo, is not a bad sign, it's a complete disaster. ?
Its a good thing I'm pretty damn cautious of people/my surroundings. I never get my hopes up like I have in the past.
he's got capricorn moon, venus in leo if that helps![]()
I care.
It was a joke. Be cautious ok, but don't over analyze. Go, and if something goes wrong tell your friend to make fake emergency to expand
Posted by sierraleooneHaha YES! Progress
he knows you exist
it's the first step![]()