This topic was created in the Virgo forum by Mystical on Thursday, September 21, 2006 and has 16 replies.
If my memory serves me right, the nr. 1 VirGuy (StringsAttached words) on DXP is on September 22nd. Therefore I know I'm a day early but where I am in the world it's already the 22nd. Also I know Dyrstr8z, has a following of groupies (yeah, I'm one of them). I remember reading his ScorpGal called us groupies but it wasn't meant in a positive way. Well, to heck with that as groupies also can have a positive affect.
Since Dy does have a following, I wanted to be the first to congratulate him on his birthday. However, I highly doubt he'll be on DXP today and tomorrow as his ScorpGal will be keeping him very busy with extra activities.... smile I'm sure everyone knows what I mean with that.....
Anyway, come and join in the congratulations to one of the best on DXP. Have a great day, Dy. Don't do anything I wouldn't do... smile
Well DYR, I hope this does you proud but I happen to know that a certain guitarist (Addicted to Love and Simply Irresistable) shares your B-Day.
Happy Special Day to you and all the VGuys.
Happy Birthday!!!
Well I AM NOT A GROUPIE...I just appreciate the "virgic verses".
Have fun Dy smile
Happy B'day. I enjoy your inputsmile
Sweet Pea
Happy Birthday, Dyr!
The first letter went well, thanks to you.
I saw him tonight briefly and his old beam of a smile was back...gave him a 2nd letter. This one filled with truths about how it came to pass that the brick fell on my head when I knew and said I love him after 9 years. (Heck it has been 9 years...I have stuff to say right now. (And I printed out his and my Astrotest Portrait, Love & Sex portraits, a one year forecast, and a Partner Portrait for the both of us together. There were a few small downers in there, but....okay well, actually, the year forecasts said I would lose a relationship I didn't want to lose. And his said that he will end one to clear the road for his wonderful future. I included it as I wanted him to read all of the rest too, which was so good for him! I told him there are striking semblances, although you must read with a grain of salt. Many positives were in it for him, besides. I still accept that if he needs to move on from here without me, I will accept it. I also shared my same portraits with him. When I left, he kissed me and made little circles on my back with his fingertips. Oh, how I have missed those little circles so much. I explained what and why the astro print outs, that I used them in trying to help me understand some of his ways. No kidding, we were meant for eachother. But then, I should have known that 9 years ago. (Consistent, don't give up, and actions speak louder than written words. I think I got an "A," thanks to you. I'm not forgetting everyone here, either. Everyone, you are my confidants when I'm in trouble and I will never forget it how I came on here bewildered, then suddenly I had a plan after all of your inputs. Thank you. I'm still waiting. If I finish my "Waiting for R------" piano music soon, then I will see how to go about putting it on my profile. Might need your help. If you use html to do it, I can do it from my website, I guess???? Oh yeah! I have my profile up, so go look, y'all. Tell me if you see anything between me and R that looks good or maybe a suspicious problem. I really don't know astrology. It sure has helped me, though, and my beliefs are about as fundamentally Christian as they get. But I do believe God made the universe. I won't depend on the astrological predictions 100% , but I will surely tell people in relationship problems to consult astrology. Dyr you are on your way to a beautiful new life and I am so happy for the 2 of you.
Accidently posted the above on the wrong thread.
Hope this year is your favorite and I wish you a kazillion more just like it!
Happy B'day big guy
Happy Birthday DYR - as the saying goes...there's only a few good men....and from your postings and gentlemanish sytle and attitude towards everyone, you shine through as one of them.
Have a great day.....and tell scorp lady to fly you to the moon:-)
Alana x
I hope your scorpGal is taking good care of you smile smile smile smile smile smile Winking Winking Winking Winking Winking
Happy Birthday Dyr, many more!!!

HAPPY B?DAY DY... itz your day today.... all the best smile
Happy birthday. The card's in the mail and should be arriving promptly. Tongue
Yeah... happy birthday DY...sorry... I didn?t know it until today... Thanks to the ladies above..
Wish you many happy and sexy hours with your scorp lady for at least 100 years?

Happy birth day?
You are very welcome. You've been a true gem to us gals who have been very confused regarding Virgos males (I still am but moving on). The Virgo board sure came alive when you came and it's just been growing and growing. Hopefully, there will soon be more happier stories regarding Virgos males. Well, you've been very good at showing/writing how Virgo males can be.
I wanted to show my appreciation for all your help with starting this thread. However, I didn't think you'd be on today as I stated. How happy I am that you acknowledged this thread. Besides, I know how busy you've been with a certain Scorpio Queen. Wow, you shocked me and put a smile on my face.
You are truly one of the best on DXP (yep, meant that one) and may you keep on rocking. Oh, you just have to keep coming back to us on the Virgo board. We'd miss you (as you already see) if you're gone too long.
Have a great day. I wish you all the best.