I should probably add, when I mentioned this to him, he said "you better use a condom with whoever you sleep with otherwise I'm going to have to wear two!" Adn then later after we had sex is when he asked him who this guy was I was seeing on Thursday.
From who's view point? Mine or his?
I have no reason to play games. My date with guy #2 was planned before me and guy #1 were having sex.
He's always straight up with me. If he didn't want it anymore he would have just said so as he's done in the past. But I find it ironic how his friend (guy friend) is staying till Thursday and my date is on Thursday. That's why I'm skeptical that he has anyone staying over. He said I can come over any time I want. We are friends. I hate how sex complicates even non relationships. I know he's not sleeping with other women.
It's just odd. He made plans with me, and suddenly someone showed up at his door from another country? I think he would have known that 4 days prior to this friend arriving.