He broke up with me

This topic was created in the Virgo forum by scorpio24 on Thursday, April 25, 2013 and has 73 replies.
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I responded in a very scorpio way. I hysterically cried, I told him I hate him and that he's broken my heart and all I ever did was try to be the best so that it could be like it used to be. I start punching the wall. I let out all my anger at him. I say I don't ever want him in my life again. He didn't like that, I could tell by his facial expression and he said "it doesn't have to be like that" and I said yes it does. He's just sitting there doesn't even look like he cares that I'm hysterically balling my fucking eyes out. He goes up stairs - I follow him. I am more calm but still crying and I say I don't want us to break up he starts to hug me. I decide I don't want a hug so I push him off me, I open his draw in his room and I start ripping up all the cute love notes I wrote for him. We go downstairs I'm packing up my stuff I say some more horrible things to him, I say have a nice life. He did not like that he made the face again and looked quite upset that I said they I say fuck you cunt. Slam the door and I leave.
It's sad cause it actually hasn't properly hit me that it's happened.

Good. Well not the way I thought you'd do it but what can you do. So yea don't call him for anything or message him for anything. Let it be. Settle.
Can't lie...this will be a tough time for you from now until at the very least 2-3 months...I know, have been going through it myself and 8 weeks almost feels like an eternity...My best advice is find a friend...a "true" friend that will not tire of you telling them everything you are going through...from not being able to sleep to just crying for no reason. Off load all that you need to whenever you need it, hell use this site if you can stand the hypocrites and the nastiness that some have to offer...but get it out of your system and most of all No contact! The No contact rule is for your benefit...not his!
Sorry you have to go down this path but tbh...it was coming, one way or another.
be happy, virgos are difficult & annoying anyway, i dont like virgos too sometimes.if it's not because my virgo has venus in scorpio placement, I don't think I'd be with a virgo hehe.
Posted by PotHeadVirgo22

I just looked it up. Obama is NOT a Virgo. (Thank God!) He was born Aug 4th. Too close for comfort though! WHEW!
Seriously, calm down, and let it go. Trying to get him back is a waste of both of your time.
Not good to make a sean of thingsSad
but insted go on like everything is fine. Eventually things will be fine.
Ohh I've been there.. punched a wall because i was soo angry but i didnt know to show that side to anyone. But who got hurt? me not the person who hurt me. Its a tuff time but you will in time pass by all this and move forward. can take weeks or months. But dont hurt yourself ok.. keep yourself busy.. focus yourself on other things in life.. keep postive and good things will happen.
What drug are yo on EEE? **looks around for days** share Tongue
So I went on my day I didn't contact him all day and didn't feel the urge to. I was at my best friends house until something un expected happened. He messaged me a big long message which he NEVER EVER EVER EVER DOES. It said:
I kno u think im a jerk, and i deffinatly feel like one!
I dont kno what to say to make things anybetter, u such a beautiful, faithful person and u dont deserve this bullshit but i honestly didnt kno wat else to do!
U hate me bein a jerk to u n im not a fan of it also, i cant control it ive tryed! I hav a way of pushing away the people closest to me, i duno if its coz sam or daniel or its jst the way i am but its not on!
Somtimes i felt like i loved u so much n then jst lately a lot i feel so numb!
I honestly hav been feeling breaking up is the right thing for u not just myself, i feel like its somthin u should have done ages ago! Things prol wouldnt be this way if i wasnt so mentaly damaged, funny how the government will give u money shen somone dies in ur faimily but dnt offer u mental help or fuk all, im also angry that my parents didnt get me help also, things may be different i duno!
Hardest part of this for me is the fact u dnt want anything to to with me at all now with is prol the right thing but arrrrr i duno!
I hope u feel better now than u did b4 im honestly so sory n upset now!
I think we should maybe catch up somtime for a talk, when wer more calm n not so wound up!
The last thing i ever wanted to do is hurt u Tash i hope ur doing ok
Sad x
I didn't have my phone on me at the time and only read it an hour after he sent it and then he sent another saying "please respond!!"
I am not going to reply.
Good for you, stay strong..it will get harder but he isn't saying anything new that you haven't heard before...Nothing has changed!
Called it! Wtf are you upset about? you apparently wanted to break up with him anyway...are you more upset because you didnt get to play head games with him first? "shock" him into giving you all his attention?
He feels bad because Virgos arent heartless but thats about it...his mind was made up a long time ago, he just didnt know how to go about it...probably trying to avoid the very thing you did...being overly dramatic and emotional.
You could really give two shits less about him anyway....you wanted someone to manipulate and control and when you couldnt...you bitch and complained about it. If you actually cared about him...there would have been no need for games.

Like I said youre too immature for a relationship and its time to move on...
good luck!

Posted by scorpio24
I responded in a very scorpio way. I hysterically cried, I told him I hate him and that he's broken my heart and all I ever did was try to be the best so that it could be like it used to be. I start punching the wall. I let out all my anger at him. I say I don't ever want him in my life again. He didn't like that, I could tell by his facial expression and he said "it doesn't have to be like that" and I said yes it does. He's just sitting there doesn't even look like he cares that I'm hysterically balling my fucking eyes out. He goes up stairs - I follow him. I am more calm but still crying and I say I don't want us to break up he starts to hug me. I decide I don't want a hug so I push him off me, I open his draw in his room and I start ripping up all the cute love notes I wrote for him. We go downstairs I'm packing up my stuff I say some more horrible things to him, I say have a nice life. He did not like that he made the face again and looked quite upset that I said they I say fuck you cunt. Slam the door and I leave.
It's sad cause it actually hasn't properly hit me that it's happened.


Sad sorry hun. youre at the bottom now and it will hurt but soon youre gonna stand up and be brushing off the pain.
hang in there. you will be ok. you maybe crying now but you will find your smile again. i was you months ago i may be not

the same person but i am stronger and Im smiling now.
and yes better not talk to him because you will just go back to him and would put the real problem under the rug. if you think you're not happy then walk away.
go heal yourself. if you know youre not ready to talk to him then youre not ready. don't feel guilty because that's how you felt. theres nothing you could do to erase the incident. its done now so just accept it.
A couple hours after creating this thread, you make one on the Scorpio forum stating that nobody walks away from a Scorpio ... as if to suggest, "how dare him" .. like by virtue of being a Scorpio, you are all that ... when all along you've been in here whimpering like a little girl because you were getting your way.

You're pretty pathetic in the whole scheme of things, and instead of getting pissy because I said that ... why don't you try getting it, so you won't be in with the next guy
* weren't
Posted by scorpio24
Posted by LostinmyMind11
Called it! Wtf are you upset about? you apparently wanted to break up with him anyway...are you more upset because you didnt get to play head games with him first? "shock" him into giving you all his attention?
He feels bad because Virgos arent heartless but thats about it...his mind was made up a long time ago, he just didnt know how to go about it...probably trying to avoid the very thing you did...being overly dramatic and emotional.
You could really give two shits less about him anyway....you wanted someone to manipulate and control and when you couldnt...you bitch and complained about it. If you actually cared about him...there would have been no need for games.

Like I said youre too immature for a relationship and its time to move on...
good luck!

Can you please just fuck off??????? You are a mean person. Stop fucking telling me that I don't care about him etc. you don't fucking know me and you are pissing me off so stop opening up my threads. Your opinions are fucking rude,
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Hahaha thats hardly mean! Im not gonna sugar coat shit for you or anyone else...my opinions are right and thats why youre taking such an offense to them. and IMO if anyone is being rude...its you with that mouth of yours!
@ lostinmind
I don't see your point in coming in here...is it to gloat?
Seriously, it's not necessary unless you get a personal kick out of knowing someone is suffering and if that's the case remember to not air your own grievances here for karma will surely return the favour!
Posted by sweethearts
@ lostinmind
I don't see your point in coming in here...is it to gloat?
Seriously, it's not necessary unless you get a personal kick out of knowing someone is suffering and if that's the case remember to not air your own grievances here for karma will surely return the favour!

If you wanna coddle her go ahead...I'm not going too. She knew what she was trying to do, she's hardly suffering (she put up a thread in the scorp forum "NO ONE WALKS AWAY FROM A SCORPIO")..she wanted to break up with him and play mind games with him...I guess people fail to see that part! So I dont feel sorry for her but by all means go ahead and fall for it.
smh...and dont try to threaten me lol gimme a break with that non sense lol
Everyone is basically telling her that her behavior is acceptable....no one is gonna put up with it! Specially a guy
She maybe young but come on that's common sense shit!
You come off as jaded and no doubt will come back again and again to gloat because someone is going through hell, whether it was self inflicted or not she is young...cyber bullies like you do this as a reflection on what is lacking in your own boring lives.
Go ahead, you're only showing your true colours here...
@ OP block her!
Posted by LostinmyMind11
Everyone is basically telling her that her behavior is acceptable....no one is gonna put up with it! Specially a guy
She maybe young but come on that's common sense shit!

No everyone is telling her to mark this up to learning...because of her age and to move on with her life
Gloating and being right are two different things
I told her have fun being single and guess what ..she's single because if her behavior...she did it to herself
I don't need to gloat...thank you!
I responded to a thread...which guess what..I'm allowed too. Hardly call that obsessing lol but call it whatever you want
Posted by sweethearts
You come off as jaded and no doubt will come back again and again to gloat because someone is going through hell, whether it was self inflicted or not she is young...cyber bullies like you do this as a reflection on what is lacking in your own boring lives.
Go ahead, you're only showing your true colours here...
@ OP block her!

Hahaha...when exactly did I cyber bully her? People just that word around and clearly don't know what it consists of Smh!
Keep reaching guys....
I knew he would.
Posted by LostinmyMind11
Called it! Wtf are you upset about? you apparently wanted to break up with him anyway...are you more upset because you didnt get to play head games with him first? "shock" him into giving you all his attention?
He feels bad because Virgos arent heartless but thats about it...his mind was made up a long time ago, he just didnt know how to go about it...probably trying to avoid the very thing you did...being overly dramatic and emotional.
You could really give two shits less about him anyway....you wanted someone to manipulate and control and when you couldnt...you bitch and complained about it. If you actually cared about him...there would have been no need for games.

Like I said youre too immature for a relationship and its time to move on...
good luck!

Posted by LostinmyMind11
Posted by sweethearts
You come off as jaded and no doubt will come back again and again to gloat because someone is going through hell, whether it was self inflicted or not she is young...cyber bullies like you do this as a reflection on what is lacking in your own boring lives.
Go ahead, you're only showing your true colours here...
@ OP block her!

Hahaha...when exactly did I cyber bully her? People just that word around and clearly don't know what it consists of Smh!
Keep reaching guys....
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People just don't like to hear TRUTH. Point. Blank. Period. So in that respect you're "mean" or "bullying" someone because you're keeping it real. People fucking kill me...What should you say? He's gonna come back & they're both gonna run off into the sunset skipping through the field of daisies? FOH...
Posted by RealTalk
Posted by LostinmyMind11
Posted by sweethearts
You come off as jaded and no doubt will come back again and again to gloat because someone is going through hell, whether it was self inflicted or not she is young...cyber bullies like you do this as a reflection on what is lacking in your own boring lives.
Go ahead, you're only showing your true colours here...
@ OP block her!

Hahaha...when exactly did I cyber bully her? People just that word around and clearly don't know what it consists of Smh!
Keep reaching guys....

People just don't like to hear TRUTH. Point. Blank. Period. So in that respect you're "mean" or "bullying" someone because you're keeping it real. People fucking kill me...What should you say? He's gonna come back & they're both gonna run off into the sunset skipping through the field of daisies? FOH...
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Right!! Smh ...some people are something else!
Hasn't anyone learned yet ...that we don't/won't sugar coat shit and if your going to post here ...you need to expect that!
Try talking to him WHEN YOU'VE BOTH COOLED OFF.
It's a big thing he's reaching out to you.
Posted by PotHeadVirgo22

+ infinity
Wtf lol
I'm really not trying to make fun but for the love of god....DO NOT SEND THAT!!!
Sleep on it for a couple days, calm down and let him calm down....then if you still feel the need to send it ..then send it...as closure for yourself.
He's told you how he's felt ...and I don't see that changing....sending that right now is just gonna add fuel to the fire imo...
Posted by LostinmyMind11
I'm really not trying to make fun but for the love of god....DO NOT SEND THAT!!!
Sleep on it for a couple days, calm down and let him calm down....then if you still feel the need to send it ..then send it...as closure for yourself.
He's told you how he's felt ...and I don't see that changing....sending that right now is just gonna add fuel to the fire imo...

and for god sake cut most of it out...his attention span is not going to take all that in. Get to the point and use it as closure!!
Posted by LostinmyMind11
I'm really not trying to make fun but for the love of god....DO NOT SEND THAT!!!
Sleep on it for a couple days, calm down and let him calm down....then if you still feel the need to send it ..then send it...as closure for yourself.
He's told you how he's felt ...and I don't see that changing....sending that right now is just gonna add fuel to the fire imo...

Posted by sweethearts
Posted by LostinmyMind11
I'm really not trying to make fun but for the love of god....DO NOT SEND THAT!!!
Sleep on it for a couple days, calm down and let him calm down....then if you still feel the need to send it ..then send it...as closure for yourself.
He's told you how he's felt ...and I don't see that changing....sending that right now is just gonna add fuel to the fire imo...

and for god sake cut most of it out...his attention span is not going to take all that in. Get to the point and use it as closure!!
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@sweethearts, are you a virgo? i was thinking the same.. gist, bullet points etc. lol
Libra....and I know if I get a letter that size I would read the first few paragraphs and then throw it....
I agree. Don't send that block of text full of emotions. Guys DO NOT comprehend emotion. They're not built that way. I guarantee you he will not understand any of that & you will receive a response you don't want to.
But if she uses it for closure..it's not gonna matter if he reads it or not...it's more for her benefit
Posted by LostinmyMind11
But if she uses it for closure..it's not gonna matter if he reads it or not...it's more for her benefit

Or you might not receive a response at all. I wouldn't read all of that.
And for the love of God can someone please tell me how to bold text!!!!!! Thanks!
but same time i think sometimes we need to stop thinking how others will receive our actions and just act for our own sake. the thinking messes everything up.
Posted by LostinmyMind11
Posted by RealTalk
Or you might not receive a response at all. I wouldn't read all of that.
And for the love of God can someone please tell me how to bold text!!!!!! Thanks!

http://www.ironspider.ca/format_text/font style s.htm
Hahaha I had to lookup how to use html ...I had no freaking clue how to do bold text lol
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putting the 'b' tag around sentence should work.
Posted by memyself

putting the 'b' tag around sentence should work.

Ahh this is so much better...my dumb ass kept trying to write it out and of course it showed up as just bold text and not how you do it lol
Btw did anybody check to see if spelling was accurate in the long ass message? Just wanted to see if the Virgos had a moment lol :p
Posted by LostinmyMind11
Btw did anybody check to see if spelling was accurate in the long ass message? Just wanted to see if the Virgos had a moment lol :p

I ain't reading all of that shit...
Posted by RealTalk
