HELP!!! Virgo man really confusin me?

This topic was created in the Virgo forum by aries123 on Wednesday, April 17, 2013 and has 18 replies.
Hi im new here but i really wud like some input and help if possible lol.
Ive met this virgo guy and we been texin and talkin on phone for a while and eventually met up last sunday had a lovely afternoon and really got on and he gave me all the signs and said all the things that he def wanted to see me again and "give it a go". We both been single for over a year and were very open in what we wanted and as it happened we want the same thing, to the point where we both said there was absolutely no reason for us to see how things went and hpefully buld a relationship.
BUT, lol. Eventhough hes been in touch everyday since (by text) and keeps sayin he cant wait to see me and cant wait to start buildin a possible relationship I still havent seen him!! \he's made no effort or plans to see me either, eventho ive usggested things. \he says hes sick of goin pub with is mates and sick of bein on his own, then he goes to hte pub anyway!! If he was that bothered about me why int he makin an effort?? I am so confused? Ive told him how I feel about the situation this morning and said maybe its not to be and he just seems to be playin mind games and his reply was "what ave i done wrong"!! He just cant see it. Then he said "is it over then?" Is what over??!! lol. I wish hed given it a chance to even begin which i said to him.
What goes on in a Virgo's head?? Is everything he said the truth? Coz from where im standing i homestly dont know what to think. The worse thing about it is we get on so well its like we known each other years, so comfortable and open with each other and both want a relationship. But im still gettin mixed messages. what does it all mean?
Posted by VirgoFlirt
Aries and Virgo, it's either gonna work or not. He sounds like Mr. VirgoPlayer (still young in the mind). Maybe why his marriage never worked to start with.
How is everything he said the truth???? It can't be. No way. If it was he'd be there for you. He would just go off to the Bar Either and leave you behind.

LOL. VirgoFlirt, she's not saying what he's saying is the truth Winking She wants validation whether what he's saying could be the truth...
How old is this Virgo of yours Aries123?
Posted by VirgoFlirt
Posted by Pisces1803
Posted by VirgoFlirt
Aries and Virgo, it's either gonna work or not. He sounds like Mr. VirgoPlayer (still young in the mind). Maybe why his marriage never worked to start with.
How is everything he said the truth???? It can't be. No way. If it was he'd be there for you. He would just go off to the Bar Either and leave you behind.

LOL. VirgoFlirt, she's not saying what he's saying is the truth Winking She wants validation whether what he's saying could be the truth...
How old is this Virgo of yours Aries123?

I did say it can not be the truth dear.
What does it say to you? What would dear pisces do in this situation? If pisces really wanted him she would run him down just like a virgo would. But I think they both would know better and move right along. Winking
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Pisces would move on because it seems like Virgo definitely doesn't seem like he wants to be in a relationship, or knows what he wants. If he's still going to the pub then there must be something/one there catching his attention? Or maybe everything looks better with beer goggles on ;-P?
he's 43 27.8.69. He goes to tenerife tomorrow for a week and asked if we could "start again" when he gets back coz he definitely wants to give it a go and hopefully build a relationship. Asi said before i have said to him about if he was that bothered he wud have made an effort to see me (typical aries i say it like it is) but that i am willing to give him the benefit of the doubt and see what happens when he gets back. He said im not to worry coz this is something he def def wants with me. It's still a niggling feeling tho that nothing will change when he gets back. That is why i asked about virgo men being honest, are they players? is he sincere? Coz i have been 100% honest with him so he knows its what i want to hopefully build a relationship in the future.
Hi Aries123,
How long is he going away for? If he's not going away for long then give him the benefit of the doubt and see if he walks the talk, But if he comes back and nothing's changed, move on. He's obviously not ready or unwilling to commit to anything at the moment.
Good Luck.
Posted by aries123
... as it happened we want the same thing, to the point where we both said there was absolutely no reason for us to see how things went and hpefully buld a relationship.

What the fuck is this? ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
So, you agree to not to put forth any effort in seeing how things pan out, and just want to jump right into a relationship with a guy you don't even know?

:::: shakes head ::::

Well, in that case ... you kind of deserve any confusion you are getting, considering it was YOUR choice to make for yourself. Any mature woman would WANT to make terms and considerations for herself. You don't appear to have cared about how you are regarded, so why are you bitching?
This is a case of .... you don't want to lie in the bed you made for yourself.
Aries much?
Considering that he is a Virgo .... maybe he can't tolerate your blatant disregard for the English language.
Posted by aries123
.... hes been in touch everyday since (by text) ....
Then he said "is it over then?" Is what over??!! I wish hed given it a chance to even begin which i said to him.
The worse thing about it is we get on so well its like we known each other years, so comfortable and open with each other and both want a relationship.

:::: shakes head ::::

so, he texts every day, and then when he doesn't move fast enough for you, you tell him .....
'"its not to be and he just seems to be playin mind games and his reply was "what ave i done wrong"!!'
.... and then turn around and tell us .... 'Is what over??' ... as if you believe that us in dxp are so stupid that we can't detect your desperation to have him ... you have it in your mind that there was nothing there, for you to even say, 'Is what over??' .. so if nothing was even there in your mind ... then what the fuck is this thread about?

YOU, Princess-wanna-be, are giving mixed signals just to us in here by you saying, 'Is what over' ... so, it's logical to assume that he's getting a slew of mixed signals from you, considering you talk to him everyday via text.
Omg!! Where did all that come from?? I came on here to ask generally about a virgo not to be abused!! God you must lead a sad life if you can spend all your time on here (to the point of calling yourself "us in DXP") and to have the time to copy and paste my messages and then lace into me!! And for your information miss know it all,
i am NOT a princess wanna be
I am NOT a cookiemonster
I am NOT desperate to have him
I DONT want to jump into a relationship with a guy i dont even know as it says in my first message if you had bothered to read it right. Getting to know someone is hardly jumping into a relationship. If I wanted to jump into a relationship and was that desperate I woud not have stayed single this long!! So as for the point you made" Any mature woman would WANT to make terms and considerations for herself" I am not immature and i do respect myself and have considerations
And what the hell does my blatant regard for the english language supposed to mean?
I cant even be botherd to go on, ant got the inclination or energy to waste anymore time on you

Oh and just for the record little miss know it all!! I was that desperate to have him and that desperate to ave a relatiosnhip with him, that I have already told him where to get off and there is no point in us bein in touch anymore.

Aries, I would hang it up. Seriously. What P-Angel meant when she mentioned your blatant disregard for the English language is your spelling and grammar. That type of stuff irritates the hell out of a Virgo. I agree with P. Mixed signals are warning flags for us, and as much as we may like someone, it doesn't take alot to send us packing.
If you don't like us, you probably won't like him after a few months of being in a relationship with him. But it does sound to me like he's disappearing.
I am the same way for this Virgo guy. He keeps this push-pull thing.
I mean, he doesn't block me anymore but he just messages me once twice a day? And at the middle of the conversations he just disappears
As an Aries, this is exhausting and the relationship requires a lot of patience, which I am doing.
He tells me he loves me and doesn't want me to leave. I don't wanna leve him either. But the times that I feel like he's ignoring me, I lose my security and I overthink things.
But when he comes back, I shrug all the doubts off. Push and pull indeed!!!
What do I have to do?
We have a 'just the facts please' type mentality. Once we get to the end of the point of the conversation, and it doesn't seem to be going anywhere else, we quickly lose interest in the conversation. Its nothing personal. My Scorpio wife can't stand that about me.
If you ask him what you have to do to keep him around, he will likely tell you. Try something. When you are in a conversation, and it seems to be ending, YOU be the one to end it. Not him. That will likely turn him on.
Posted by VirgoMerlot
We have a 'just the facts please' type mentality. Once we get to the end of the point of the conversation, and it doesn't seem to be going anywhere else, we quickly lose interest in the conversation. Its nothing personal. My Scorpio wife can't stand that about me.
If you ask him what you have to do to keep him around, he will likely tell you. Try something. When you are in a conversation, and it seems to be ending, YOU be the one to end it. Not him. That will likely turn him on.

He's too reserved that I feel I'm always the one opening a topic. When I ask him what he wants to talk about he just says 'you tell me'.
Makes me feel he's not really interested. And when I start telling him things, it'll end up with 'ok'. I tell him I'm annoyed when he does that and he just laughs.
Other guys normally would ask follow up questions.
That sounds so familiar. lol
Here's what I try to tell my wife to do...Tell me something, then ask my opinion on it. He will either say he doesn't have an opinion, or he will give you his opinion. Either way, if you ask him a question, you will get more of an answer than 'ok.'
Engage him in conversation is the point. If a Virgo doesn't care about a subject, he/she won't comment on it unless you ask for their opinion.
Posted by VirgoMerlot
That sounds so familiar. lol
Here's what I try to tell my wife to do...Tell me something, then ask my opinion on it. He will either say he doesn't have an opinion, or he will give you his opinion. Either way, if you ask him a question, you will get more of an answer than 'ok.'
Engage him in conversation is the point. If a Virgo doesn't care about a subject, he/she won't comment on it unless you ask for their opinion.

Yeah. That's right. But idk which conversations interest him. That's my guy right there. Never comments. Lol!!
Ugh. It's frustrating.
I wanna make it work though.
Trial and error. Ask him about things you think he might like. For example, if he is a football fan, ask if it would be possible for the 2 of you to go see a game next season. If you are not a fan, he will ask you why you want to know. Tell him that it is an important part of his life, and you'd like to experience it with him. That will blow his mind. And if you go, you might actually like it. Winking
Obviously, I don't know if that particular scenario would work in your case, but you can catch my drift. Get him talking. He will start to open up to you. And, he will also return the favor, and start asking things about you.
Yeah. I'll try that. I know Virgos like being asked for help. He doesn't believe in it Astrology, I mean.
But he's 100% Virgo, stubborn, intelligent and believes he is intelligent. Lol!

You're welcome. smile
I don't know much of anything about astrology. But, I have read enough Virgo profiles to know that it is pretty damn close to describing me. If you showed him some Virgo descriptions, and read him writings that describe him to a tee, there is another conversation you can have. Once he sees that he is being described, he will want to know more. How do I know? How do you think I got into this? lol