Her Feelings, and My Logic
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Jul 11, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 3318 · Topics: 123
Oh, hey all....I've run aground some tough terrain.....I've been in a relationship and I enjoy having someone to joke and play with, she's great understanding, optimistic, happy-go-lucky, emotional, and loving....*ve lulls off into romantic rambling* Anyway! I really LIKE her.....but at the same time I don't feel like I want to get too close.....I'm still trying to love her the way she loves me; part of me feels like it's not enough; I TELL her my feelings, and she FEELS them.....she's my opposite, and things couldn't be more right, and yet I feel like somethings wrong.....it's hard to describe this feeling I have for her.....It's extreme tolerance.....I can actually tolerate being around her for more than five minutes at a time.....I don't want to think or wonder 'could she be the one?' I think i'm trippin' really......I'm really confused; never really had a REAL relationship like this, and I can tell her anything; I could tell ANYBODY anything; what I'm saying is I want to FEEL partial to her....I just want to well, LOVE her.....I don't want to THINK it anymore.....I love her the way she is, we complement each other, and she's the perfect girl.....everyway possible.....I just feel like I couldn't get anymore close to heaven than with her; I feel close to her even though we're apart; yet I don't want to settle down, but I want her, I'm afraid of my feelings...it's making me feel strange; I'm smiling as I'm typing this and I can't help it....I'm laughing and loosing my mind....I think too much guys help me reach a conclusion; I'm putting myself out there, anybody ever feel so....contradicted before? I want to be close, but distant at the same time....How can I get this right? lol
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Jul 11, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 3318 · Topics: 123
I hate romance....damn....I feel 'more expressive'...more accepted with her....is this love I'm feeling? is it just a fling? What is it!?!?! It's driving me crazy....how the hell does anybody figure this stuff out anyway?! lol
She's special to me....yeah, she's special, and I just want to thank her everyday for that.....I feel like she understands my aims and goals in life, and we're so similar, yet so different.....I'm not sure of anything anymore, and I like it, the unpredictablity, and the figuring it out!! I'm so enthusiastic about it all, I want her in my life friend or lover.....I want her there; thinking about her makes me smile, and fills me with joy....but I don't want her to be responsible for that ALL the time....this is complicated, but very relaxing and anxiety inducing....I feel like myself, but as if I've gained something more.... Signed Up:
Jul 18, 2006Comments: 1 · Posts: 660 · Topics: 42
That's the thing about love and romance, it's unpredictable. Depending on how you play your cards right, love can send you as high as the moon if not higher...or can send you down into the fiery pits of hell. I guess I don't like to gamble as much as I thought I did, or maybe I don't trust another that much to actually give them my heart...
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Jul 11, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 3318 · Topics: 123
I don't mind it bigD; it's a great thing! Having her friend OR lover is good enough for me; I just don't want our feelings to sour for each other, as us becoming bitter towards each other... just generally having her feels good....I'm adaptable so I can make it though anything as far as romance go becuase I like spending time with her or being free....I trust my judgement, and I'm okay with taking that leap....I do in fact enjoy giving my heart, showing the way I feel, and thinking about things as well; but like my sign, it's reserved for the ones highest and most deserving.....the Virgin dreams of the one who may grab her focus and her free spirit....who woulda thought a Sag could bag me?! 
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Jul 11, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 3318 · Topics: 123
Yo branh straight up....do you even have sex?! As 'tough' as you come off you sure seem insecure, and well....young! and Lacking life experience; trust, it's not something you find hidding behind your computer, or behind you porno mag dude... lol this comming from a pussy like you comming over to MY board pissing and moaning about how bad a person you are...screw you you godammn hypocrite; you know what lol you're not worth it.....also a cynic is just a broken-hearted idealist....just stopp feeling sorry for yourself and go out to a bar, have a couple of drinks, and get you a nice girl you vibe with and go from there man.....you seem akward displaying your self, and that's you short stick not mine dude....my lady loves me and she like what she gets.....I'm not scurred to make myself vulnerable......just hiddin' behind your 'know-it-all facade' dude you really don't know shit.....Worthless sorry son-of-a bitch you probably didn't learn how to lay the pipe right.....YOUR BUST!!! lol C.L.O.W.N.!! lol
*branh voted most likely to die a Virgin! lol*
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Jul 11, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 3318 · Topics: 123
Look BRANH, This stalker sh1t's really gettin' old.....I mean I know your feelin' your Micheal 'Jackson right now, but really time to find another hobby dude....You've been increasingly following me around and I find it a bit strange....mostly you know to steer clear of me, and the stuff I write (let's face it your no Cyrano) so uh, do you wanna join the hatter club, and be one of my wallflower groupies, (you probably were the guy who wanted to get into the prom, but had no date....damn it's gotta be painful being you) or do you wanna get a memebership?! I mean what's really going on with you? Gettin' soft in your old age, I thought you didn't bother on stuff like this, being asexual and all, besides seeing how threatened you are after your posts, you've just grown dull, and boring.....wow, I actually respected YOU! lol glad that was short-lived!
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Jul 11, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 3318 · Topics: 123
arguing with you is about as 'insighful' as talking to a wall; besides hair spliting, PMS'ing, and long cries by yourself at night, what else do you do...lol catching feelings huh? lol sounds like envy....the pocket protector, buck tooth, columbine, bitch-ass reject that really whats to be in the club, but just is lackin' below the belt face it women like it and that's that; and uh, the limp dick line.....B rank gay fam....and yeah, need I remind ya...got a lady and she's diggin me; and btw, why didn't you answer my question about love? Ever been in love? Ever wondered? lol naw, not you...lol you stay home, crack open a good stephen king, and warm up with fluffy cuz...that's all the kitty your gonna get with that attitude...lol
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Jul 11, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 3318 · Topics: 123
lol....no pussy gettin' dude....hey no need to be mad...just have confidence, and all will fall in line...for someone so 'logical' and 'detatched' you sure don't have a problem pissin' on your blanket all this shit you spew lol got lol what the hell do you even care about me? You seem to really like puttin' others down.....family issues need some couch time? lol save it for the rehab, YOUR ADDICTED.
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Jul 11, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 3318 · Topics: 123
lol.....your're critisizing my comments?! LMAO damn I sound as petty as you goin back and forth like this....hey branh, life's callin' man; what's the point in listening to most of you're shit....it's cynical, and one-sided....so um why do you have a cell phone, and why do you have all this equipment; wait don't tell me it's for cheap thrills right lol you're pathetic...as insipid, and empty as you say my talk is why do you respond? Use you're head man! lol I'm clowing you and you're still stuck; I made this board to try to get a handle on this stuff; I never denied all this stuff being 'new' or 'old' to me...I wanted some info pretaining to the topic, and I get your bloody-ass period instead? Man, Tampons are at least $ 5 dollars a pack man; stuff it up, you're just annoying as hell now.
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Jul 18, 2006Comments: 1 · Posts: 660 · Topics: 42
Hey VE, I don't deal with this guy's comments, so you shouldn't either. I don't know why he couldn't just private message you if it really bothered him...
Anyway, as long as this girl is truly as dedicated as you are in the relationship...then I guess it shouldn't hurt to try. I gave myself to plenty of women but I made sure that I used my heart more as a lure to bring them out more...and if I see that they are true then they deserve the best from me.
How is she? What does she have that attracts you?
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Jul 18, 2006Comments: 1 · Posts: 660 · Topics: 42
Ignore that post Tori and please, let's continue with our conversation...
I never seen her yet...is she cool peoples?
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Jul 18, 2006Comments: 1 · Posts: 660 · Topics: 42
I hope she's not critical like the girl I talk to lol!
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Jul 11, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 3318 · Topics: 123
Yeah, Branh that's what imaginations are for; using your fantasy. It's alright I don't knock you for that; and uh, impressing you is far off my agenda, don't set yourself up so high, it's not PRACTICAL lol But uh, you could call me a bitch IF I pissed and moaned about a bloody confessional pretaining to my character as 'BAD' and 'awaiting judgement' lol....what we're you raped as a kid?! lol Btw, my own MOTHER 130lbs 5'2 doesn't slap me, she PUNCHES, so uh it'd had better be a closed fist if you're aiming at doing some damage. but unfortunately for you I wouldn't give you the satisfaction of knocking your limp-wristed ass flat on your back; I'd rather watch you whither mentally. I've got a mind, and I USE it; I've remained without resorting to fighting, and you seem not to be in control of yourself, take a breather KID, you're drooling with rage...lol
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Jul 11, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 3318 · Topics: 123
I can't believe this shit here.....I'm in a pissing match with an adult; yeah, your pretty knowledgeable branh...I figured you had a little more staying power.....didn't think you the flimsy minded type, if you we're a little dispirited.
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Jul 11, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 3318 · Topics: 123
Naw bigd she's not! She's a Sag....funny as all hell, but she's actually got the staying power to actually carry her weight in word; she knows what she's talking about and she enjoys life...she's admirable. I've got respect for her.
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Jul 18, 2006Comments: 1 · Posts: 660 · Topics: 42
Hmm...I guess I missed that part...she's a Sag?
Ah...she sounds like a free spirit. Heh, so when u gonna lay the pipe on her lol! I think relationships (at least mine) lasted longer because sex was a big part of our relationship.
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Jul 11, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 3318 · Topics: 123
When she comes over....I've been thinkin' about it; she's in her last year of high school, and I'm fresh out....I've got a little idle time and plannin' of movin her in on it, but her mom stands in the way; I don't wanna come between them; even when I'm gone onto college, she'll still have her mom; can't interfere with that; besides, get in with mom you're good with the family! lol Yeah, sex is REALLY important, but I've got conflicting feelings/thoughts about it; she's 16-17 and I'm 18....I'd rather (for the sake of age) find another one, but the connection is there....and she's a lover....I don't wanna get her preg or nothin' interfers with future plans; I've controled my hormones this long....I hope she get's it.....
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Jul 18, 2006Comments: 1 · Posts: 660 · Topics: 42
Hmm...looks like you made your point...
Hey VE, I'm sure that you don't want kids...but I'm tellin you, you'd love each other more in bed LOL!
You make me want to meet her! Is she in town?
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Nov 14, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 819 · Topics: 41
In answer to your questions, yes, you are in love, yes, a Sag girl and a Virguy make a great pair, yes, you're smart not to sleep together because she is underage and girls this age are incredibly fertile.
Enjoy your life, feelings, and this relationship. You seem like a considerate young man who can express his feelings well in words.
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Dec 06, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 795 · Topics: 11
A Sag? Good one, VE. Sags are AWESOME. MY mom is a sag and my best and CLOSEST friends are SAGS!
I tend to have the longest relationships with sags. then again, MY 7th house is in Sagittarius..go figure, there's no way I can't enjoy these souls. Still, they're the best humans I know
Go for it, VE. They're keepers no matter how open they are. ^_~ Better yet, the virguy I like has his moon in Sag.
I'm destined to marry one I say!!
*hugs all the sagies in the world* Virgoexaulted,
I know how you feel... So what are you going to do about your Sag? How are you going to make something happen?
Sweet Pea
VirgoEX go with the flow and do not analyze it so much. Just enjoy life, and what life brings you. You are so young! Be nice to this Sagi girl, they are usually very easy going and they go with the flow so you do the same and have lots of Fun!