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Jan 11, 2007Comments: 0 · Posts: 145 · Topics: 28
OK i don't know if u all remember my situation, it's been a while since you all told me to get a clue lol....i found out thru a mutual friend that tha virgo guy that pretty muched dissed me 2 months ago has a new girlfriend...BY THE WAY PEOPLE IM OVER HIM BUTTTTT, now he works at this club that my friends frequent a lot...he doesnt know that i know he works there, but at the same time i cant bring myself to going friends are starting to call me a whimp for not coming out w/them and that im scared and "hey it's not a big deal if i run into him there" but i know he's gonna think im there on purpose or something if we run into eachother....what do u think? i mean the way we left off was me leavn him one of my stupid drunk txt's BUT I NEVER CALLED OR TXT AFTER THAT! so it's not like i pursued him and stalkd him.... i realized i had f'd up and chalkd it up as a loss then he just never called me u think im best to stay away from that place? will he think im stalkn even if i havent spoken to him since then? or will he see me and think hmmm Y AM I W/ THAT UGLY GIRL??? j/k any advice would be great THANKS
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Apr 13, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 44084 · Topics: 685
"that tha virgo guy that pretty muched dissed me 2 months ago has a new girlfriend"
"i know he's gonna think im there on purpose or something if we run into eachother"
"i mean the way we left off was me leavn him one of my stupid drunk txt's BUT I NEVER CALLED OR TXT AFTER THAT!"
"i realized i had f'd up and chalkd it up as a loss then he just never called me again"
He didn't diss you .. you're not over him .. he's not gonna think anything because he has a girlfriend .. you dissed him with that phone call ..
"my friends are starting to call me a whimp for not coming out w/them and that im scared"
And yes .. you're being a whimp .. but, there's a reason.
libra lis .. face it, if you were over him, you wouldn't be scard. So, first you have to deal with the REAL reason why you don't want to go. To say he might think you're stalking him is an excuse, because you know full well that if you haven't seen, nor talked to someone in two months that it is NOT stalking.
You're scard because you still care .. you never got closure. You left that message in a stupor, he never returned your call, nor contacted you since .. so, naturally, if you see him again, you're going to have all these memories flood back in your head.
Whether you go, or not, isn't for anyone in here to decide, nor your friends to chose for you. My whole point in repsonding the way I am is to get you to realize where this paranoia is coming from .. apparantly, there's possibilities of running into him around town and you can't change your life around and hide .. you deserve the right to live happily too.
So, the only way over this is to face the truth of what you're truly afraid of.