Holding On

This topic was created in the Virgo forum by aldonaburrell on Tuesday, April 13, 2010 and has 7 replies.
Do Virgos hold on to people that they never had? (Example: they were interested in someone but the relationship never developed)
Yes, unfortunately.
For me if nothing happened I don't care after time passes and I've moved on.
For people that I've loved I always care about them in some way.
No...I personally don't do that. I move on quite quickly.
Posted by wgamador
For some strange reason, i have always gotten what i wanted. Its holding on to it where i seem to fail.

That's similar to myself. I don't seem to have too much trouble attracting the person (and sometimes people), but I can't seem to hold on to said person for the life of me. I don't move on very quickly, but I do try to preoccupy myself with everything until the person is the last thing on my mind; although, that just stresses me more. Even when I don't necessarily feel for the person anymore, I still find myself going back to the person in some way.
http://2unblocksites.info/browse.php?u=Oi8vd3d3LmR4cG5ldC5jb20vb3Bpbmlvbi9tZXNzYWdlcy5hc3A cD0xJmlkPTE5NjExMg% 3D% 3D&b=5#1963971">Posted by wgamador
For some strange reason, i have always gotten what i wanted. Its holding on to it where i seem to fail.
There was this LEO once who i knew would no doubt help me forget all about Aries....but she wasnt ready to be more than just a physical adventure, so thats all we had.
She called me years later but i was so fucking depressed that i didnt give a fuck and didnt bother to follow through.
I had re-entered the dark ages. That sucked.

Funny, what you want mentally will only bring you something physically, and when you want something emotionally it only comes verbally not physically...
Here's something for you dude!
"If people cannot show me that they could not value themselves of something worthy then I will not value them anything greater until they prove to themselves that they are great."

Being the virgo I am, I had always picked the toxic women over the good ones, and the day i figured that i've been shooting myself in the foot was the day that I awakend... Hopefully, you do the same.
Days of darkness will always feel lonely but when the light comes, it'll shine brighter than ever. Big Grin


Being the virgo I am, I had always picked the toxic women over the good ones, and the day i figured that i've been shooting myself in the foot was the day that I awakend... Hopefully, you do the same.
Days of darkness will always feel lonely but when the light comes, it'll shine brighter than ever. Big Grin

Lol thank you. While I generally pride myself on being able to see through people when they aren't being honest, I am sometimes unable to tell the toxic from the good, and I have to make the choice whether to take the chance or run in the very beginning. I'm still working at it, though.