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Oct 09, 2013Comments: 0 · Posts: 579 · Topics: 30
I don't know if I can do this.... Some of you know that I fell hard.. Really hard for the recently divorced Virgo man.... I think I have to step back... Way back.....maybe just end this..he hasn't led me astray but I didn't even consider how hard the holidays would be...I'm trying real hard to just walk away for awhile... Maybe just till the first of the new year....why do you meet someone you really connect with at the wrong time? Life/love can be so hard......
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Sep 30, 2011Comments: 712 · Posts: 13125 · Topics: 157
Why do you always mention that he is recently divorced? It makes it sound like maybe he isn't & you're just covering it up.
Back on topic, what is making you so sad now? Won't he be able to spend time with you?
I feel you there when you talk about meeting the right person at the wrong time & yup, life is so unfair. Sometimes I envy those who are with people whom they believe to be "the one". Inside I go "Wow, you're so lucky!". LOL! But at the same time I believe everything happens for a reason. Maybe the gods or whomever is in charge of this is just trying to wear you out so that when the two of you do end up together, then you appreciate the love even more. I wish I knew the answer to the WHYs, but I guess the fun lies in the slow reveal...VERY SLOW REVEAL. LOL!
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Oct 09, 2013Comments: 0 · Posts: 579 · Topics: 30
I really don't know what to say.. The man is divorced.. I mention because people (CC) attack me every time I post! It's difficult. This is the first holiday that their family is not all together.. It's horrible... There is small children... The x saw us together a couple weeks ago and flipped out... It's a very delicate matter.. I want this to go right.... I feel I should back off... I have a daughter too, I can't just say... Hey so and so's daddy is spending the holiday with us... He needs to be there for his kids... They are fighting because the tension.. I just can't deal with it!
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Mar 19, 2012Comments: 273 · Posts: 5457 · Topics: 33
Idk man, he must be going through a lot right now, too, being recently divorced. You seem more concerned with backing off to not cause problems instead of stepping up and supporting him full force. Whatever tension there is, isn't caused by you. Even the ex seeing you and flipping out...that's strictly between him and her. So instead of worrying about your position, maybe help him a bit more? Whatever stress he has with his ex is something they need to work out. If you plan and want to be with him for a while then you will need to get over whatever issues you have with bringing his and your family together and pushing his ex wife out of the picture. Even though she's the mother of his kids...that's all she really is now. So, she can't be butting into your life with him. That's my opinion, anyway. I'd say just stand up and support him or else I'd have to say VirgoFlirt would be right....he might look elsewhere
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Sep 30, 2011Comments: 712 · Posts: 13125 · Topics: 157
Sometimes it's easier to judge & point fingers until one is in the exact same situation. I'm sure nobody says "I want to be a home-wrecker when I grow up". But shit happens sometimes & people find themselves in positions they never dreamnt of. I give people a single pass in every situation. I'm guessing that this is not her usual pattern, that she doesn't go around dating married people, but somehow got caught up with this one. IDK how they met, but I do know that sometimes married men do hide the fact that they're married until later on when the truth finally comes out. And the girl usually feels shitty at this point because they've already developed feelings for this person. It's not easy to get rid of feelings & knowing the truth doesn't stop them either.