Posted by 29LeoYeah I hear you
w/ virgo man for 7 years. selfish little creatures, virgo men. He's part of the argument as well yet you take all the blame SMH.
If a man questions a relationship, it's better to leave them alone. Chivalry is dead, a man can be seeing multiple girls while you think you're the only one.
Posted by MiaouYou are right. what does it tell though?
Forgive you for what?
You got tired of waiting, I understand family matters and all but he already had plans with you, so he was late.
In your shoes, I would be doing some ''questionning'' myself and Wonder if he's the right guy for me.
Considering breaking up for something that can be fixed with direct communication is childish and very telling.
Posted by sugarplumeowVirgo are not a masculine sign, just like a woman they'll complain about everything. & I am the woman here hello. I realized that I was such an enabler that ex-virgo lost sight of how woman are supposed to be treated. I was an enabler, but that's because as Leo woman, I need a strong man in life. Virgo are not. Anyway, if he's still upset that's his problem not yours. It's not up to you to sort things out for him. In fact, he's a terrible "date" I mean that's why there are dating rules, if his character thinks it's okay to be late for a date, OMG imagine what else. GL
It was kind of stupid . I was upset because he was with family "which was fine" but he kept taking a long time. We had a date to go on. I finally got upset and started stomping around my house telling my mom that I was so annoyed when he would do this . My mom then said that she did not like that he "would let me know when he was ready", which fuled more fire in me (hot head). I was going to go out for a coke and took my phone with me ( i knew I shouldnt have ) and let him have it saying I was so tired of waiting around and blah blah blah. it made him upset. It happend Saturday and he is still upset
Posted by 29LeoLol thats true really I agree with you on that.Posted by sugarplumeowVirgo are not a masculine sign, just like a woman they'll complain about everything. & I am the woman here hello. I realized that I was such an enabler that ex-virgo lost sight of how woman are supposed to be treated. I was an enabler, but that's because as Leo woman, I need a strong man in life. Virgo are not. Anyway, if he's still upset that's his problem not yours. It's not up to you to sort things out for him. In fact, he's a terrible "date" I mean that's why there are dating rules, if his character thinks it's okay to be late for a date, OMG imagine what else. GL
It was kind of stupid . I was upset because he was with family "which was fine" but he kept taking a long time. We had a date to go on. I finally got upset and started stomping around my house telling my mom that I was so annoyed when he would do this . My mom then said that she did not like that he "would let me know when he was ready", which fuled more fire in me (hot head). I was going to go out for a coke and took my phone with me ( i knew I shouldnt have ) and let him have it saying I was so tired of waiting around and blah blah blah. it made him upset. It happend Saturday and he is still upsetclick to expand
Posted by KoniuchaaWe were texting yesterday, and Monday. Last night he told me he questions our relationship. He was visiting an aunt with his familyPosted by sugarplumeowWell everyone has something to work on. No one is perfect or even close
I think the big thing is that I blow up easily. I had an explosive anger sometimes
What was he doing with his family?
I agree that this isn’t worthy of ignoring someone for so long. People that care about each other will communicate with each otherclick to expand
Posted by CaramelizedCoffeePosted by sugarplumeowtell him you question his point in living.Posted by KoniuchaaWe were texting yesterday, and Monday. Last night he told me he questions our relationship. He was visiting an aunt with his familyPosted by sugarplumeowWell everyone has something to work on. No one is perfect or even close
I think the big thing is that I blow up easily. I had an explosive anger sometimes
What was he doing with his family?
I agree that this isn’t worthy of ignoring someone for so long. People that care about each other will communicate with each other
lol isn't that adding more fuel to the fireclick to expand