I finally found the courage to ask my Virgo crush out.
I had a crush on him for 4 months and would see him at his workplace maybe twice a month.
Every time I would see him he would get quite around me. But talkative with the guy friends.
Even a couple of his coworkers would try to flirt or talk to me but it was him that had my eye all along.
After 3 months I finally started short conversations with him which were nice he's very smart!
So the other day when I went in there and he tried to not speak but I started a conversation, made some jokes which he engaged in to break the ice.. the next day I texted him telling him I enjoyed our talk are you single. He texted me back "Hey! Yeah, I'm single." So asked if he was busy this weekend and that she go out some place I'm still pretty new to the area. He texted me back that "he was busy this weekend but we can chill sometime"
How long would be a good time to wait for a response to see if he is interested? The ball is in his court and I don't plan to text him again if I don't hear from him..which I hope isn't the case.
I am a Capricorn with Pisces Moon
He is a Virgo with Gemini moon
..Thoughts and experience for Capricorn Women Dating Virgo men
Signed Up:
Apr 12, 2015Comments: 1437 · Posts: 3712 · Topics: 58
I don't know how I feel about that response he he gave......
I'll just do what the other person didn't do and answer the question....don't push a Virgo.....just be patient
I'll just do what the other person didn't do and answer the question....don't push a Virgo.....just be patient
When my virgo dude is busy, that's usually means he's really busy and I've learned not to bother him until he's free...so if you're just getting to know him especially, wait until his busy weekend is over at least...
Signed Up:
Apr 12, 2015Comments: 1437 · Posts: 3712 · Topics: 58
I think it would have been appropriate to go off on him as soon as that "sometimes"
"oh oh what what's this sometime business??? I ain't good enough for you all the time?
I ain't good enough for a specific damn time for your ass? Why your ass single anyway? You got herpies or something? Can't get it up? Something must be wrong with you if all you got to say is "we can chill SOMETIME" you know what? Fuck your sometime. Maybe you can sometime be a man"
Signed Up:
Oct 08, 2015Comments: 2 · Posts: 1193 · Topics: 43
He's not serious about you. Had to learn this the hard way. They will give a date and if they don't he will string you along if you insist or it will never get anywhere. Back off and if he contacts you for a date then go for it, if not don't waste your time and go on other dates. The guy is out there Hun it just doesn't seem like it's him.
If you want something you'd go for it right? Like me wanting to get to know him better. But at the same time if he wants me ..he would have had a better response.. or at least try to keep in touch. So I'll just leave it there. Thank you for your input and I still feel great that I didn't let my fears stop me from asking a man out. I feel empowered either way!
Not quitting just not holding my breath either
It's been two weeks since I told him I'm interested in him...nothing.
So I assumed that you win some you lose some and began to move on.
But every time I post anything on social media he likes it!
Which I know that doesn't mean that he's interested necessarily but.
I posted a lot today and he liked everything! which I think was intentional to get my attention.
IDK.. I just needed to come out here and type it out to avoid doing something stupid like texting him.
I mean.. I gave him the ball in his hand by saying HEY OVER HERE! I like you! But he still hasn't texted me to even try to get coffee to see where this could go.. as friends or just taking this slow..wtf.
Anyway, I don't want to text him but I want to hear from him. I feel like he is playing games. I'm starting to learn if it its too difficult to get off the ground it won't fly well... but boyy I felt a connection with this man and man did I want it to at least get this tension to the airport you know? See if we could catch us a flight. LOL
But I think I just needed to come here to release it.
Comment if you like or just leave it be.