I have been freaking out over this Taurus guy. I guess it has been a while since someone came along that I really, reall
Tues. Met online/made the phone call - found out he was in town visiting his mother, same neighborhood even Spent the wh
When you are involved in a relationship with someone. .of any kind and you just don't feek that they are giving you 100%
Although I still really like this Capricorn guy, I have this gut feeling that he doesn't feel the same at the moment. I
What does it mean to you? Are you offended by bad grammar? Feel free to post any other questions for topic sake...
So supposedly because Venus is on our sign since the beginning of June that it's more likely to find love. Any single cr
This combo is one of the most powerful ever known. Scorpio woman is driven by in stinks and power. Taurus is driven by
My main question is, can anyone relate to problems with bf or hubby that keeps pushing you away? Because when he drinks
Hi guys! I'm a newbie here :) Just a question for all aquamales out there: In what ways do you act differently with a