I hope that I did not lose him for good!

This topic was created in the Virgo forum by Tallblackbarbie on Wednesday, May 4, 2016 and has 12 replies.
Hello all. I do not have any Virgo male friends to confide in so I thought I'd fish around here. I'm a Libra women Sept 26 that has been involved with a Virgo man Aug 25, who is now being distant after I said to him I wanted to take a move back from us. I didn't mean leave, just to think. I said that in reference to him making a comment a woman that is interested in him. Everyday he tells me a new story about how a woman is interested or is trying to pursue him. I've said to him why say anything to these women if you are trying to build something with me? Anyway, he was mad and said he was angry and hurt that I decided to leave just like that. And that he was starting to seriously develop feelings for me. I care for him deeply and said that to him. He could not stop saying he was mad at himself basically for letting himself fall for me. He is now acting like he never had any feelings for me and as if we just met! I don't understand. I told him I want him only and just want him to not have so many female friends because it makes me jealous. But he claims he is not trying to do that. I'm wondering if we will ever get back to the lovey dovey phase and makeup? How the heck do you win theses guys back?
Sometimes you don't and it really is over
"Everyday he tells me a new story about how a woman is interested or is trying to pursue him."

-that would get real fuking annoying. Thats Kiddie shit.
There's no purpose, unless he was trying to make you feel insecure, and boast to you.

"He was mad and said he was angry and hurt that I decided to leave just like that."

- you did the right thing imo.

"He could not stop saying he was mad at himself basically for letting himself fall for me."

- lol, bs.

I went through this and I’m a Libra dealing a Virgo as well. And yes, for some reason, he has felt the need to tell me about the women interested in him. In the beginning, my natural reaction was jealousy. I didn’t expose it but had that burning feeling on the inside. But eventually I started to think, why is he telling me this? If you have all of these beautiful women interested in you and you can have them anytime you want…then why don’t you? I’m a decent looking woman, but apparently these women are gorgeous, so…. But yet he was always there with me, very solid and stable. Then it hit me, especially after doing my Virgo research, HE’S INSECURE! He likes me and he wants me to be totally into ONLY him. He wants me to believe he’s the best thing smoking. And when I would get so pissed with his acting distant, I would elude to wanting to end things, but never actually ended it. This annoyed him big time and he would say that I was “always trying to leave.†He would then let me know that when we’re done, there’s no coming back. Of course I don’t want to go. My guess is you’re going to have to do some major make-up to get him back. And he probably won’t trust you for a long time, he’ll always have it in the back of his mind that when things get tough you’ll leave or when he does something wrong, you’ll leave. Virgos need consistency and stability, they need to know you aren’t going anywhere.
Posted by CrosstownTraffic
Posted by Greentea
"Everyday he tells me a new story about how a woman is interested or is trying to pursue him."

-that would get real fuking annoying. Thats Kiddie shit.
There's no purpose, unless he was trying to make you feel insecure, and boast to you.

"He was mad and said he was angry and hurt that I decided to leave just like that."

- you did the right thing imo.

"He could not stop saying he was mad at himself basically for letting himself fall for me."

- lol, bs.

Honesty from a virgo, is a hard thing to dig. He never had to tell her at all?

but we don't know the whole nine yards....)
click to expand

Half the time it's all in your heads any how.

Who says he has to tell her? ... what purpose does it have?.. Every. Single. Day..

There is no other purpose to why he would have to tell her every single day how some woman wants him, people who are secure within themselves in a relationship, wouldn't even dwell on those those kinds of things.

So what if some guy likes me, take a freaking number. It doesn't change my mind about who I want to be with, so why put that insecurity there. Seriously, some of you guys need to grow up, and for a sign who are supposed to be smart as hell, you should know these things.

It's not like ya'll are honest and truthful when you're cheating anyways....

So what's the purpose....

I already know what it is, I just want to hear it from you.
What's funny is when the tables are turned ya'll act like insecure females..moping around, silent treatments, or whining.
Thanks everyone for your input. It really helped mesmile
Posted by JustWant2bLoved
I went through this and I’m a Libra dealing a Virgo as well. And yes, for some reason, he has felt the need to tell me about the women interested in him. In the beginning, my natural reaction was jealousy. I didn’t expose it but had that burning feeling on the inside. But eventually I started to think, why is he telling me this? If you have all of these beautiful women interested in you and you can have them anytime you want…then why don’t you? I’m a decent looking woman, but apparently these women are gorgeous, so…. But yet he was always there with me, very solid and stable. Then it hit me, especially after doing my Virgo research, HE’S INSECURE! He likes me and he wants me to be totally into ONLY him. He wants me to believe he’s the best thing smoking. And when I would get so pissed with his acting distant, I would elude to wanting to end things, but never actually ended it. This annoyed him big time and he would say that I was “always trying to leave.†He would then let me know that when we’re done, there’s no coming back. Of course I don’t want to go. My guess is you’re going to have to do some major make-up to get him back. And he probably won’t trust you for a long time, he’ll always have it in the back of his mind that when things get tough you’ll leave or when he does something wrong, you’ll leave. Virgos need consistency and stability, they need to know you aren’t going anywhere.

OMG, everything you said is a mirror image of what I feel and think when he tells me about these girls. I just want to scream in the inside. He is very attractive, takes care of his body, and is very successful, sweet and very easy to talk to about anything. So I do expect women to hit on him. But damn they flock! Lol. I'm very loyal and consistent when in a relationship and I've said that to him. We are not trying to work out our differences.
Posted by Tallblackbarbie

So I do expect women to hit on him. But damn they flock!

In reality, you are being told BY HIM that they are flocking to him.

do you witness him being flocked by women?

What is happening here is that he is trying to get you to fight for him. He wants you to win him over. this is what insecure and immature people do ... so, it's not abnormal for him to try and manipulate you into being possessive.

this is an old trick that people (mostly women) have been doing since time began ...... he is only telling you these things to try and force you into making him your King, likely because he doesn't have the dignity to be one on his own, so he has to be flocked over.

It's very transparent, and I'm uncertain why this is unseen by you. If this was one of your girlfriends, would you then be able to see his game?

At any rate .... why do you want to win back a person who makes you feel bad?

perhaps, the pondering should be on why you want a man back who makes you feel insignificant, rather than worrying about his approval of you.
Virgo men. sigh*
I attract alot of these guys and mind you they can be confusing af. Get them out of your life. That's it, if they come crawling back, be polite but draw the line.
Anyway mine was so annoying, he'll take a picture with attractive girls and send it to me.
Of course since we aren't in relationship, (I dumped him) I didn't care. Tbh they are just so immature.
They'll send you signs they like you then get cold the next day acting cool.
Everything they do, turns me off. They're walking drama bombs.

ANYWAY rant is over,
I think he's just trying to think things through which is probably your relationship. Give him some time I guess, he'll come through. Virgo men has the tendency to overthink amd assume things without your permission and state it as a fact. Anyway, you could also express yourself to him but you have to be serious about it. Explain your feelings in detail and what you want from the relationship. (This is what I do and it amazes them) Like, make some kind of plans with him.