Dear people,
I am new on this, but how much I have already learnt about Virgos!
Here is the scenario:
Female scorpio ( 29) in love with male Virgo ( 49).
Female scorpio needs to move away for work for a few years.
Virgo holds back because of this.
Virgo show love and affection, that he is romantically interested in her.
But scorpio female then does not hear from him for days or weeks.
Whenever she shows him love, he disappears for a while.
Virgo male seems sincere and loyal of heart.
Scorpio female has learned to be very very patient with him.
The more affection she shows....the more he backs off. He says it is ebcause she is leaving and he does not want to be hurt.
He says he has thought of a future with her.
I am not sure how patient I should be, and when to give up.
If he says he thinks of a future, is this word gold for a Virgo?
Also, someone on this forum ( sorry, I forgot ur name, and am going to quote you, if that is okay):"Anyway, if there's one thing I believe you have not yet learned regarding Virgo.....and that is PATIENCE & my goodness NEVER EVER ASSUME!"
What does this mean?
I want to believe in my Virgo's sincerity. I am scared...that he will change his mind...Gosh.
Sorry for the vague email...
I believe he really loves me. But he disappears and it causes me to think he is playing with me, or not taking me seriously, or he does not really care. As if he takes advantage of my patience, as if I am a doormat...? Or could my patience be appreciated? He says he is not good with women; I want to try and hold on, I think he is worth it. But am not sure if the staying away is good or bad? I could personally never stay away from someone if I were in love....
I have never encountered anything like this before. He asks me how I feel. I tell him how I feel. And then he backs off. If I open up emotionally in a letter ( sincerely, no drama), I do not hear from him....Strange?
Thanks a lot..
Signed Up:
Jan 18, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 13612 · Topics: 756
There are GAPS here..! no matter how ?free style thinkers? you guys are, there will be always 20 years in between and it is not good.
I am talking about my own experiences.
Signed Up:
Jan 18, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 13612 · Topics: 756
not taking me seriously
For obvious reason like I said above?. 20 years gap..!
Why is a 20-year age gap necessarily a problem, or "not good"?
Signed Up:
Jan 18, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 13612 · Topics: 756
Simple, think about it.
Most of your dreams/thoughts/wishes are belong to your age +/- 8 years range.
He either tired of it or can not cope with it..
Thanks Qbone for your honest words.
Starfish: I had lost my patience, but did not express anger.
I have kind of backed-off and it makes me feel much better.
But what I do not understand is whether or not Virgos who do this KNOW they are hurting the other party?
Or are they totally oblivious to this, to how it influences someone else?
Well, actually I am the one that cannot deal with the grey area either. I am heartbroken myself.
I have tried to develop a deeper bond so we can have a long distance relationship while I am gone, and so that I can visit him.
I want to make it work, he is the right man for me.
But he holds that back too.
I respect him so much, I do not want any unhappiness for him.
I do not know what to do.
Staying now is not an option, he and I know that.
I am fiercely loyal to a man. I am not asking him to wait ( we never talked about this), but I could be completely committed to him until I am back. The thing is that we never developed enough closeness to discuss this, because he always held back.
I wish he and I could say: let us hold on to each other, try to make this work overseas. But he does not let me near.
And I do not want him to have pain either.
What to do? I am afraid if I ask him to have something long-distance that I will force him onto a commitment he is not ready for, since he has always held back.
I have no eye for any other man.
Thank you very much..
I asked him if I should give up any hopes for a future together.
He said no, but that the fact that I was leaving was the reason for him holding back.
What should I do?
I do not want to lose him...
Virgogotome and Fumingli, thanks so much...
I am scared. I have tried several times to get closer, but he does not lot me and it feels like a rejection every time.
I cannot stay here now and be happy right now, that is really true. For the sake of my growth and future I need to do what I have to do now. He says that too, that that is best right now.
But I am so in love with him, I think he is such a beautiful person.
He rarely opens up.
I am leaving in 2 weeks. He knows I love him. I have told him.
But we have never really talked about where we stand.
We have never even kissed..
I could be overseas for 2 years, visit him. I could develop our relationship/friendship and then move back to be with him...
If ONLY he would ask me to stay...or if he would indicate that he wants us to be an "us"...then we could work things out.
What does this mean, Virgogotme? "Poor Virgo will go ape if you dump all this and leave!"
But why does he not talk to me..? Ask me to stay, ask me about us?
I always have to talk about this....makes me feel he is not really into this....
I thought that my dear Virgo and I could communicate overseas and I could visit him. Send cards, gifts, talk, make it work.
And that after 2 years I would move back...
You are all so kind.
PS: I told him I loved him, he never said it back directly. But I know he does love me.
I am trying to understand this Virgo male.
Dear people,
I would have to say that I was the one that offered to stay longer, but he said I would have to leave anyway in the future...
I really hope that he and I can grow closer despite the distance.
I would move for him too, in the future.
How great you all are...