I notice something virgo women don't ask 4 help

This topic was created in the Virgo Women forum by virgoking on Thursday, February 28, 2013 and has 45 replies.
On relationships I see every other sign of women ask for help with their man but not virgo women maybe one in blue moon I'll see one. But most of the time no is it because you know everything Winking Or are you like all virgos and you don't like asking for help.
I'm a virgo and I asked for some advice here, and I got some straight forward replies I liked very much... But yeh, the decision was pretty much already made I just needed confirmation.
Overall, I hate asking what other people think because they are not me, and I'm the only one who has to deal with what I do...
This is VERY true for me. When I finally get around to asking for advice I've usually already made up my mind and just want to see how many people agree with me. And I RARELY ask for help and it kills me to do it. I hate to delegate my issues as I'm convinced no one will handle them as efficiently as I.
In my current relationship I try to come up with things to ask for help on that I don't really care about. This way he feels like he's needed and I don't have work myself into a frenzy if he doesn't complete the task the way I would. Everybody wins!
that's what I like about Virgo women... they know the truth... they just need some confirmation... they have already weighed in all the pros and cons before they started asking questions... smile smart girls, you are! smile
Posted by neuroticvirgo
...In my current relationship I try to come up with things to ask for help on that I don't really care about. This way he feels like he's needed and I don't have work myself into a frenzy if he doesn't complete the task the way I would. Everybody wins!

Haha true! I do that also! And at work as well, it feels like I can't share, so sometimes I throw someone some photo copying just so they feel like they earned their wage haaaaa
My great grandmother is a 94 year old Virgo who lives by herself cooks her own meals etc and so forth. She gladly admits she's bullheaded and independent. She's outlived all of her siblings and her children. She also has a aries or taurus moon though so that can account for something.
Posted by wagtail
Posted by neuroticvirgo
...In my current relationship I try to come up with things to ask for help on that I don't really care about. This way he feels like he's needed and I don't have work myself into a frenzy if he doesn't complete the task the way I would. Everybody wins!

Haha true! I do that also! And at work as well, it feels like I can't share, so sometimes I throw someone some photo copying just so they feel like they earned their wage haaaaa
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uggghhh... why are some water signs sooo annoying? my ex is a scorpio and she is sooo annoying... she keeps on imagining things to the point of making some delusions... the reason why virgos don't have much problem on love - whether they be male or female - is that we just seem to know where we go so we don't ask too many questions. and we are not as attached to love and other emotions as most other people do. scorpios are too magnetic... they can get soooooooo annoying... okay, we tend to be emotionless but that seems to be a compliment if you may ask... because in dire situations where there are fights or disputes, we tend to be unbiased and rational... we don't take sides too easily...
I always bought Scorpio and Virgo work quite well, no idea why...
My best friend s Scorp, married to a Virguy....
oh no... i'm tired of scorpios. @_@
my descendant sign is scorpio so i don't get it. i am not attracted to any scorpio. they are just effing magnetic... they can lure you to like them even if in the first place, you don't like some of the things about them...
Posted by CluelessCancer
That's cause they can never maintain a relationship long enough to even warrant making a thread about.

Really?! that's funny ...I was in a relationship for 10 yrs Winking
Posted by LostinmyMind11
Posted by CluelessCancer
That's cause they can never maintain a relationship long enough to even warrant making a thread about.

Really?! that's funny ...I was in a relationship for 10 yrs Winking
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And I can count all my relationships on one hand...all Virgos aren't whores and cheats etc
Virgos perfectionist as they are would usually not get into any relationship that easily... So naturally, whenever we pick someone, we are very certain about our feelings about that person so that it will be hard for us to break ties easily...
Posted by firebunny
Posted by wagtail
Posted by neuroticvirgo
...In my current relationship I try to come up with things to ask for help on that I don't really care about. This way he feels like he's needed and I don't have work myself into a frenzy if he doesn't complete the task the way I would. Everybody wins!

Haha true! I do that also! And at work as well, it feels like I can't share, so sometimes I throw someone some photo copying just so they feel like they earned their wage haaaaa

uggghhh... why are some water signs sooo annoying? my ex is a scorpio and she is sooo annoying... she keeps on imagining things to the point of making some delusions... the reason why virgos don't have much problem on love - whether they be male or female - is that we just seem to know where we go so we don't ask too many questions. and we are not as attached to love and other emotions as most other people do. scorpios are too magnetic... they can get soooooooo annoying... okay, we tend to be emotionless but that seems to be a compliment if you may ask... because in dire situations where there are fights or disputes, we tend to be unbiased and rational... we don't take sides too easily...
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They say Virgos can leave a relationship with no emotion or without ever looking back. This is somewhat true; for me I can be fine with you or I can be fine without you the thing that tears me up emotionally is that grey area where you don't really know where things stand. I can get over anything so long as I know for certain what it is. So yea I guess we are not really attached to emotions the way other signs are.
@SeeingStars721 my moon is also in Aries and I could so see that being me in the future.
Posted by SeeingStars721
My great grandmother is a 94 year old Virgo who lives by herself cooks her own meals etc and so forth. She gladly admits she's bullheaded and independent. She's outlived all of her siblings and her children. She also has a aries or taurus moon though so that can account for something.

Wow...good for her! She sounds like one tough chick.
I absolutely hate asking for help...even when I really need it. My cancer friend is slowly breaking me of the habit though...cause he just does it even if I say no lol
Posted by SeeingStars721
My great grandmother is a 94 year old Virgo who lives by herself cooks her own meals etc and so forth. She gladly admits she's bullheaded and independent. She's outlived all of her siblings and her children. She also has a aries or taurus moon though so that can account for something.

haha i am pretty bullheaded and independent too, though for a person seeing me they would never guess that about me due to the calm persona. but my family says this too, that i ask for advice but pretty much always do what i want. and i have an aries moon, don't know what that means.
I think another reason why virgos take so long to get into relationships is because if the relationship fail, or if we were wrong about the person. It really piss us off because virgos never want to be wrong all that analyzing and you were wrong the whole time that will drive a virgo up the wall lol.
I also think its funny how virgo women only ask for help when they have an answer and only asking so they can hear that they where right lol that is so me.
All the stuff about Virgo not caring about emotions makes me feel a little comfortable... For a long time, I thought my insensitivity is something I need to get fixed. Now I learned that I just have to be myself because anyway, it's not that bad after all... coz I can be a happy single for a long time without caring about having no relationship whatsoever... I only get attached to years and dates however... but love? I forget about it the next day or so... I know, I'm in love with an Aquarian girl but the very next day after Valentine's (an unhappy Valentine's for having no date at all), I returned to my old self, not feeling any loneliness whatsoever...
But I do care about people... A LOT... and I worry about them too more than they do about themselves... It's just that... I am emotionless at most...
Posted by tiziani
Hell cannot possibly be so boring as a Crab scorned.
Is there a thread around here where you don't start some sort of controversy for controversy's sake?

Incidentally on topic, the penchant for never asking for help also gives birth to a lot of neurotic behaviour in Virgo women but they are affable for that all the same.

looks like we are bulls (tauruses) at mind - won't budge, won't ask, won't change smile
Posted by virgoking
I think another reason why virgos take so long to get into relationships is because if the relationship fail, or if we were wrong about the person. It really piss us off because virgos never want to be wrong all that analyzing and you were wrong the whole time that will drive a virgo up the wall lol.
I also think its funny how virgo women only ask for help when they have an answer and only asking so they can hear that they where right lol that is so me.

You're absolutely right about that. I get frustrated whenever I do something wrong... that makes me contemplative much about my past... Analyzing what I should do next and what I should not...
The virgo women are funny... My sister's a virgo and we do get along really well... Most of the times, she knows the right thing to do and most often, she's the one we turn to whenever we need some advice or so... As to me, I tend to be too academic... I have no practical advice whatsoever... but give me the map and I can show some directions...
Posted by memyself
Posted by tiziani
Hell cannot possibly be so boring as a Crab scorned.
Is there a thread around here where you don't start some sort of controversy for controversy's sake?

Incidentally on topic, the penchant for never asking for help also gives birth to a lot of neurotic behaviour in Virgo women but they are affable for that all the same.

looks like we are bulls (tauruses) at mind - won't budge, won't ask, won't change smile
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except that we are smarter than the bulls... so we change our minds more often than they do... there's the mutable quality in each virgo...
Posted by CluelessCancer
Posted by LostinmyMind11
Posted by CluelessCancer
That's cause they can never maintain a relationship long enough to even warrant making a thread about.

Really?! that's funny ...I was in a relationship for 10 yrs Winking

Well according to every post on the VIRGO forum and discussions with my Virgo friends, you guys LOVE your independence, you must be a RARE breed LMM. I think it's all a facade by the way, this whole Independence, I don't need love mumbo jumbo. I think Virgos are scared of true intimacy.
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Its the one thing we want most...with the right person. Sadly most can't get past certain things about us to know that :/
Posted by firebunny
All the stuff about Virgo not caring about emotions makes me feel a little comfortable... For a long time, I thought my insensitivity is something I need to get fixed. Now I learned that I just have to be myself because anyway, it's not that bad after all... coz I can be a happy single for a long time without caring about having no relationship whatsoever... I only get attached to years and dates however... but love? I forget about it the next day or so... I know, I'm in love with an Aquarian girl but the very next day after Valentine's (an unhappy Valentine's for having no date at all), I returned to my old self, not feeling any loneliness whatsoever...
But I do care about people... A LOT... and I worry about them too more than they do about themselves... It's just that... I am emotionless at most...

@firebunny you are right, virgos care with an intensity. the one's receiving the care will not even know how much they are being thought about, or how attentive you are to their needs. i don't think it's lack of emotions in virgo. i think we just feel only where there is connection. with someone you care about, you pay attention to all their needs, likes, your happiness then becomes making them happy. i can be very emotionally hurt by someone who means a lot to me or someone that i respect. even small words can tear me up, but important thing is i won't cry in front of them, my heart will be crying but i will stop it from showing, and only let go when i am alone (of course other than in front of family). maybe we are guarded is what we can say, rather than unemotional?
Posted by CluelessCancer
Posted by LostinmyMind11
Posted by CluelessCancer
That's cause they can never maintain a relationship long enough to even warrant making a thread about.

Really?! that's funny ...I was in a relationship for 10 yrs Winking

Well according to every post on the VIRGO forum and discussions with my Virgo friends, you guys LOVE your independence, you must be a RARE breed LMM. I think it's all a facade by the way, this whole Independence, I don't need love mumbo jumbo. I think Virgos are scared of true intimacy.
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i'd rather be independent than be in a relationship i am not sure of... in my 25 years of existence, i only had one GF. just one... because i am reserving the best one for marriage... whoever she is, i'm going to wait... but yeah, another reason why i still don't have a GF is that I am not yet fully financially-independent. i can't be in a relationship if all my dates are going to depend on my parents' pockets. lol. that's not gonna happen... i'd rather think than love in the meantime...
Posted by LostinmyMind11
Posted by CluelessCancer
Posted by LostinmyMind11
Posted by CluelessCancer
That's cause they can never maintain a relationship long enough to even warrant making a thread about.

Really?! that's funny ...I was in a relationship for 10 yrs Winking

Well according to every post on the VIRGO forum and discussions with my Virgo friends, you guys LOVE your independence, you must be a RARE breed LMM. I think it's all a facade by the way, this whole Independence, I don't need love mumbo jumbo. I think Virgos are scared of true intimacy.

Its the one thing we want most...with the right person. Sadly most can't get past certain things about us to know that :/
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And I do love my independence....doesn't mean I can't be in a relationship. Being hesitate doesn't mean being scared of intimacy...we don't just bum rush into relationships
Posted by memyself
Posted by firebunny
All the stuff about Virgo not caring about emotions makes me feel a little comfortable... For a long time, I thought my insensitivity is something I need to get fixed. Now I learned that I just have to be myself because anyway, it's not that bad after all... coz I can be a happy single for a long time without caring about having no relationship whatsoever... I only get attached to years and dates however... but love? I forget about it the next day or so... I know, I'm in love with an Aquarian girl but the very next day after Valentine's (an unhappy Valentine's for having no date at all), I returned to my old self, not feeling any loneliness whatsoever...
But I do care about people... A LOT... and I worry about them too more than they do about themselves... It's just that... I am emotionless at most...

@firebunny you are right, virgos care with an intensity. the one's receiving the care will not even know how much they are being thought about, or how attentive you are to their needs. i don't think it's lack of emotions in virgo. i think we just feel only where there is connection. with someone you care about, you pay attention to all their needs, likes, your happiness then becomes making them happy. i can be very emotionally hurt by someone who means a lot to me or someone that i respect. even small words can tear me up, but important thing is i won't cry in front of them, my heart will be crying but i will stop it from showing, and only let go when i am alone (of course other than in front of family). maybe we are guarded is what we can say, rather than unemotional?
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then i gotta say, you might have more emotions than i do. anyway, i never cried with family members because it feels awkward. there are two virgos in the family so that might explain why we never ever cried together. i only cry whenever i pray to God or when I see something that touched my heart like an unconditional sacrifice somebody has given to someone or just the feeling of emptiness or something. i also cry for someone who just died whenever i feel that that person deserves to go to heaven.
at most times, i don't show my emotions to the public. and it works to my advantage as a law student in a law class because it always makes my professors feel that I know what
Posted by CluelessCancer
Posted by firebunny
Posted by CluelessCancer
Posted by LostinmyMind11
Posted by CluelessCancer
That's cause they can never maintain a relationship long enough to even warrant making a thread about.

Really?! that's funny ...I was in a relationship for 10 yrs Winking

Well according to every post on the VIRGO forum and discussions with my Virgo friends, you guys LOVE your independence, you must be a RARE breed LMM. I think it's all a facade by the way, this whole Independence, I don't need love mumbo jumbo. I think Virgos are scared of true intimacy.

i'd rather be independent than be in a relationship i am not sure of... in my 25 years of existence, i only had one GF. just one... because i am reserving the best one for marriage... whoever she is, i'm going to wait... but yeah, another reason why i still don't have a GF is that I am not yet fully financially-independent. i can't be in a relationship if all my dates are going to depend on my parents' pockets. lol. that's not gonna happen... i'd rather think than love in the meantime...

You're adorablesmile
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Thanks. Now the insecurities I talked about in another thread is slowly fading away. Can't believe a forum on astrology has helped me out discover a part of me. A lot of thanks, dxpnet! smile
Certainly not this Virgo. I do ask for help when I need to.
Why do you need confirmation (from others), thou if you are aware that the problem is yours and yours alone?And your mind is made up. I dont see the point. I'm similar to what you guys described, I dont like asking for help either, my life is my life and I do what *I* see fit. I dont get people who write threads like "what should I do now?".
Thats all nice and sunshiney, Tiziani, but I still dont get it. Talking about "all figured out", nobody has it ALL figured out which is why I dont see the point in asking people who are as clueless as myself. I'd rather figure it out myself since its MY issue and nobody understands it better than MYSELF. I'm not saying 2nd opinion is bad, its just not for me, but I'm only interested in the POV of those who think its necessary. Dont get me wrong.
And I disagree with you 1st paragraph, Tiziani. When it comes to ones life, every decision and its outcome is your baby and only YOU are responsible. Personal choices is not a group thing, its your hence "personal". And if your choice is wrong then you should be woman enough to correct it by choosing other better options. Arent we taught to be responsible for our own actions? Besides, if you were to get in trouble for your choices (choice which were adviced by others), people will point fingers at YOU and you alone and not at you advisors.
Would you rather be accountable for others mistakes or your own?
Is comforting or isnt comforting. I couldnt get that part and some parts of your post, but oh well. If you meant "its comforting to talk to others going throu the same thing", yeah I agree, but I still understand that...just because problems are similar, doesnt mean they are the same, so the solution to each problem is custom made as per individual. I like listen to people who are going throu things im going throu, like to listen to how they overcame such thing. But, am I going to do exactly as they did, blow by blow? No, because even thou the problems are similar, I'm still an individual with other things to reconsider before making any decisions.
^^^this! I agree with you completely there. I dont believe in gurus in life, its bs. Those who claim to be gurus also went throu some stuff to get to where they are. I want the same thing for myself without the unneeded assistance.
Nice quote, Tiziani. Talking about people who expect other people to do as the rest of the "population"...God, I hate that. 1st of, you need to have a passion, interest or clear understanding of something before you blindly follow just because the rest of the people are into it. As for myself, I loose interest in things that are supported/done by everybody even if I believe in them because I figure that the reasons for following it are not the same. Some do it just because so & so is doing it, which cheapens the idea of the whole thing imo. I'd rather do things with few people who share the same reasons & goals for doing something...INDEPENDENTLY, and not based on sheep mentality or being part of the "cool crowd".
I remember a while back, here, when everybody was going on & on about the "blocking issue"...i just didnt get it. And I didnt participate either because I couldnt care less, but I'm sure there were some people who felt like me who took part in the campaign just because this or that "cool" person was doing it. Bleh
Lol. I never said I wasnt, dear sir. Astrology aside, I honestly hate it.
Maybe I have French blood lol. Yeah, I feel what you mean about people who do things just to be different...its annoying. Personally, I dont mind being part of the crowd, but I must 1st "get", be affected or relate to whatever "movement" is being pushed, otherwise idgaf. And yeah, man...I'm South African by birth, but I'm really a citizen of the world at heart. I like to spread my net and talk with people from different places. Ones country people and issues, or topics can become unstimulating with time...u know all that they have to talk about, nothing new *yawn*
Posted by wagtail
I'm a virgo and I asked for some advice here, and I got some straight forward replies I liked very much... But yeh, the decision was pretty much already made I just needed confirmation.
Overall, I hate asking what other people think because they are not me, and I'm the only one who has to deal with what I do...

Posted by LostinmyMind11
Posted by CluelessCancer
That's cause they can never maintain a relationship long enough to even warrant making a thread about.

Really?! that's funny ...I was in a relationship for 10 yrs Winking
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6 years here! But separated
Posted by CluelessCancer
Posted by LostinmyMind11
Posted by CluelessCancer
That's cause they can never maintain a relationship long enough to even warrant making a thread about.

Really?! that's funny ...I was in a relationship for 10 yrs Winking

Well according to every post on the VIRGO forum and discussions with my Virgo friends, you guys LOVE your independence, you must be a RARE breed LMM. I think it's all a facade by the way, this whole Independence, I don't need love mumbo jumbo. I think Virgos are scared of true intimacy.
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Hmmmm. Scared of true intimacy is pretty perfect
I'm not scared of intimacy. Life sucks when u can't show your passion ha. I'm glad I'm not one those virgos..who goes cold to control the intensity when they feel too much. I noticed at times my virgo freezes when I show my passionate side, facing him hugging . whenever i see that...i know he's feeling it deep. he's expressive half of the time (phew luckily)...but the other half, he freezes =D
Yes asking for help would be the last thing on the mind of a Virgo woman but this attitude of mine was slightly altered when I had the LTR with a Capricorn coz he was able to see right through to me that I needed help but will never ask for it. I think it's a good thing that every Virgo woman should learn in order for us to have a more harmonious relationship with opposite sex specialy with our partners but I do mean being too vulnerable or helpless. I am only saying that since we are woman we should be more intone with our femininity.
Speaking in general, the not "asking for help" manner comes from the thought that we know excatly how to do it. NOBODY DOES IT BETTER THAN HOW IT IS DONE BY A VIRGO.
Ok,I'll bite.I'll ask for help.I go to the source.I mean ya don't ask a ballet dancer about auto repair.People will give me advice,not fit for my scenerio but of HOW THEY experienced it,not what was the reality of it.Since I'm not them,it won't work.If their answer sounds stupid,then no thank you.I don't have a lot of free time,so I can't wring every sigh,tear and exclamation point out of a situation.I've learned a lot here,so that helps.Virgals try hard not to get into same trap again.No rinse and repeat for us.
But I mean,if a relationship isn't working,I cut it loose.If a person is acting like they want out,well there's the door.I don't clutch at an ankle and beg them to give it one more try.Why??That crap only works in the movies and usually turns out really ugly in RL.If a Virgo breaks it off,we're not playing.We'll try to be civil,and slide you out of the picture,like a pancake out of the pan,but if you don't take the hint,we step it up.We are puzzled why you stay.What's left?What was crap in a box is now crap in a barrel.Still crap.That-I'll-make-the Virgo/Virgette-jealous-by doing-x- is a waste of time and is emotion footdragging trying to hold back the coming end.Why is all this energy used to hang on to something icky and uncertain,when it could be used for attracting and enjoying the new better mate for you.
I know people who have someone new,then they pop in my place with their find.Just great.Since their judgement isn't good to begin with,it'll be short and now this strange guy/girl knows where I live.I've had gals ask me why my cousin dumped them.Ugh!Haven't you seen that couple and knew it would end in a restraining order?If one wants out,free them.It's not a relationship,but a hostage drama.
A Virgo knows drama costs;crushed hearts,moving,lost friends,items destroyed,changed locks,C.S.I.efforts,bail,stitches,therapy and for what?It doesn't make them want you more...If pink/red flags are out,why get involved?Why stay involved?I'm extremely caution before anyone gets access to me.Intimacy is just that,intimacy.Not showing other females how I play for keeps.I've been involved with same man for mega years.Yes a Cap.If I have an issue,I'll pick the brains of a Cap.It's always quality over quanity.+1 on already having an answer in mind.