Signed Up:
Apr 22, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 979 · Topics: 41
Dear All,
I am very upset. Word got back to me today to me that someone said that I told them I slept with my VirGuy. VirGuy has obviously found out because he's cold again. I couldn't figure out what happened between Friday and today. There's a young girl (28) who I befriend. Ever since then there's been nothing but problems between me and other people in the bar when she's around. I heard she was at the bar Sat. night. It doesn't take a whole hell of a lot for me to figure out who is the source. I am not scapegoating but I KNOW it's her. Rumours, inuendos...I can't tell you how much this upsets me. I don't talk about my private life, I don't gossip, I dont' perpetuate myth and I don't talk about who I have slept with. I am more upset because the people who are hurt are people I care about. I am angry, pissed off...
The person who told me is VirGuy's landlord and friend. He approached me because someone told him I said his wife is a lesbain I AM OUTRAGED!He claims he's not upset but he is. He also claims VirGuy is upset but he is. I can see the disgust on his face the minute I walked through the door. I could feel the heat of his anger. I feel helpless...I don't know if this situation can be rectified. M friend says that people like me, care about me, like and respect me. I can be a pain in the ass and I admit it. He says I shouldn't be upset. BUT I AM. IT'S VIOLATION. A BETRAYAL.
Signed Up:
Apr 22, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 979 · Topics: 41
Correction: He also claims VirGuy is not upset, but of course he is. He's not speaking to me. He's avoiding me...he's upset.
Signed Up:
Apr 22, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 979 · Topics: 41
But his friends tell me not to confront him...
Hi catfish36, I read your recent posting. Its a shame that people would behave like that. You must question the motives of this retard. I agree with dyr, you need to pull him aside and talk to him. Im not a Virgo but after posting here a few times and getting to know about the sign I agree that if you are sincere with him he will know your teling the truth. Believe me dyr will not steer you wrong. and you need to do this asap. As for the individual who is trying to ruin thisfor you, (in my book) definitely needs to get smacked around a few times so she can understand what she did is wrong. This is your reputation you must act. Definitely listen to dyr and strings!
Signed Up:
Mar 02, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 1737 · Topics: 49
I'm going to return the favor back to you and give you some advice, just like did for me on Sunday night when I was so annoyed about a Virgo guy.
Do not ever listen to his friends if you want to talk to this Virgo guy. Who are they to say you can't talk/confront to this guy. Maybe it's because they like there to be some trouble since it still makes you single if you don't hook up with this Virgo guy. You never know if one of them is interested in you also. You see, true friends of his would not want there to be trouble between you and Virgo guy since it's quite clear that you both like each other. His friends are just that his friends. They don't rule him or who he should talk to. Therefore be the happy go lucky Pisces I know you can be and talk to this Virgo guy alone. Maybe if you could meet him in another place might be a good idea so you don't have other distractions like his friends or whatever hanging around. This is something you have to sort out fast if you want any relationship with Virgo guy.
Then I have to say, it's a little unfair for Virgo guy to believe such a rumour. I mean Virgo guy would have had to have been with you for you to have slept with him. My gosh! Some people have dull lives so they have to stir up a little trouble just to make themselves better. Virgo guy should not be acting the way he is since nothing happened between the both of you. Instead he should be a man and not look guilty. Virgo guy seems to be somewhat insecure if he is going to let a rumour like that ruin what could be a beautiful relationship. He should already know you wouldn't lie about sleeping with him when it didn't happen.
Be careful about the girl because she might have started the rumour but without proof you can't accuse her. Do not act anything but friendly towards her because you don't want her to try and get even more revenge on you. Girls can be something else when it comes to men. This girl might also be interested in this Virgo guy and there is nothing you can do about that now. What you have to do is stay calm and be yourself. Be what this Virgo guy likes about you already.
Now you wrote it was the Virgo guy's landlord/friend who had told you that Virgo guy had heard you say the two of you had slept together. Well, I'm not trying to be negative when it comes to friends or anything as I value friendships very much but how do you know it wasn't one of his friends that told Virgo guy it was you had said it. You weren't around when Virgo guy heard the "news". Think about it for a little while.
There is something fishy going on. I have a feeling something isn't right. Therefore stay calm, cool and collected when you take contact with this Virgo guy. If he has any self respect he will listen to what you have to say and believe you.
Good luck!!
Signed Up:
Apr 22, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 979 · Topics: 41
Thank you for your honesty and your guidance. People keep telling me he must care otherwise he would have kicked me out of the bar a loooooong time ago. I don't know why it feels like him and me "against the world". People must sense something between us otherwise why would there be so much interference. The problem is people have seen me and this younger person hanging out. I realized very quickly her drinking and coke habit was too much for me to deal with. We've only been hanging out since Jan, but I?ve known since March this wasn't going to work. I even mentioned it to M last week that once I looked into her eyes and saw how desperate she was to score...I knew then it was over. M knows all about her situation which is why he should know better than to listen to her. Yet, he may think we are good friends and is disappointed in me. I leave for Fl on Saturday and don't think I will have time before I leave to straighten this out face to face. I am under soooo much pressure at work right now, finalizing plans, revamping the's pandemonium and it's all I can do to keep it together. I am exhausted...
I will heed your advice. Thanks Dyr and Johnny.
Signed Up:
Mar 02, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 1737 · Topics: 49
Hope you've read my post above. MAKE TIME to talk to him. DO NOT WAIT. You might let too much water go under the brigde if you know what I mean.
Signed Up:
Apr 22, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 979 · Topics: 41
I hear you guys but...trying to make amends only makes me look more guilty. He needs to grow the f....up. I mean really. Everyone warned me about her, everyone knows she's a pain in the ass, everyone knows she's trouble. Everyone in that places knows I am forthright, honest with my feelings, don't hold back. Have I put my foot in my mouth? Damn right.! I try to make it right if I've been wrong. But I've done NOTHING wrong here... as far as I am concerned, there is nothing for me to do. This relationship" has already become self-defeating if any rumor can unravel him.
Signed Up:
Apr 22, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 979 · Topics: 41
Now you wrote it was the Virgo guy's landlord/friend who had told you that Virgo guy had heard you say the two of you had slept together.
Actually, Matt (landlord/friend) told me he heard it from someone else. No one's ever heard me say because I never said it. Where's the f..kcing tape? I more mad that people believe this sh...t than anything else. And frankly, who cares if I did sleep with him? Unless, he's so repulsed at the idea that he want's people to think less of me because may be they might think less of him for associating with me.
I do draw a lot of male attention. I am not gorgeous or anything; I've just got big boobs, you can't get around it. But...there is a brain attached to this body and you'd better be pretty fu..king smart to get my knickers off. How conveninet is it for a rumor about me calling someone a "lesbian" when I am the one not sleeping with every guy in the place. It's like my friend Johnny (at the bar) said. "What guy would be upset about a rumor of him sleeping with someone". Must be he really can't stand me then if it bothers him so much.
Signed Up:
Apr 22, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 979 · Topics: 41
I wouldn't say this is a new relationship. The only time we've out is when he wanted me to go with him to see the Black Crowes a year ago. I got the tickets. When it came time to go, a group of us went ahead because M had to stay behind to finish work. We never saw each at the concert because it was standing room.
You're right. I am embarrassed. I sensed people looking at me and treating me differently. Why would I show my face in the bar if I was guilty? Why would I act as if nothing happened. Right now, I am tired of hearing about Virgo integrity. I HAVE INTEGRITY TOO! Virgos aren't the only ones. What about my feelings? I've been going there for months and now all of a sudden I am the bad guy.
He's not the only one in that place who is upset with me. Another man is and once again, it all goes back to this stupid girl Ana. Ana seems to be in the midst of all of it. Ana called me up at 1 AM in the morning months ago to tell me M was talking sh..t about me. About how he is sick of me doing blow in the back (which I have never done) and how he wishes I would never come back.
I can't take this non-sense. He hasn't demonstrated to me he's worth the effort to maintain any relationship.