I think I met another Virgo...

This topic was created in the Virgo forum by LovelyLibra on Sunday, December 30, 2007 and has 5 replies.
and he's trying to put me in a category and I seem to have confused and intrigued him a bit...Anyway...Libran dimples are always talked about however I've noticed quite a few Virgos/Virgo risings that always seem to have one dimple in the cheek any of you virgs have a dimple or any of you noticed this...maybe its just me...

I have "cute dimples" that sometimes make it hard for me to look as stern as I'd like to... of course, I'm on the V/L Cusp - dammit!
Why do Libra chicks find us VirGuys so attractive? It's like y'all want what you can't have; and when you do manage to catch it, it's not what you wanted...

Ah, my young PadaVirg, great minds do indeed think alike!
My Libra ex-wife never seemed to tire of telling others how handsome I was, when I really consider myself about average in looks, and she was very persistent to keep us exclusive when we first started dating.
Not bragging, just stating the facts as I see them. Libra tends to chase Virgo more than the other way around...
oh and one more thing, lots of libra girls are sort of mental, they have some sort of anxiety or restlesness in their manner, strange."""
a Libra ALOOF!?!?! Tongue ROFLMAO!!! Aw, that's toooo cute of you! Words can't express how cute that was!! wait, I said 'cute?!' Awwwww....dammitt, she made my heart melt lol...... Virgo and Libra are sybolically relative in my opinion. Virgo strives for internal balance (brings intellect and intuition together for self-mastery deep insight), and libra simply mirrors that urge to balance for the like for things to be externally/generally balanced the venusian librans anyway because they are obssessed with beauty in the physical realm.
It's like opposites attract; Virgo is the Loner or Free Spirit, and Libra the Party Girl or Debutante....we've alot in common, but the differences can cause chaos....Libra naturally hates chaos, so will do anything to balance it out, even if it results in bitter resentment on THEIR part....not good in my book. I need a chick I can talk deeply with. About anything, and everything, (talk means EXCHANGE OF IDEAS not just somebody going 'uh-huh, and ah-hyuck! what else baby?')otherwise I'll get bored and want a break up.