I told my virgo the dreaded words

This topic was created in the Virgo forum by lotuslilly on Tuesday, September 18, 2012 and has 23 replies.
and now he has gone into hiding and is more distant than ever..... Sad
this virgo man is so mysterious ...he just celebrated his 40th birthday and he invited me....we stick the cake and kiss in front all his buddies....
a week before i told him ,,,, i love u ... and now he is more distant than ever. im a libra he has given me many mixed signals before but this one just put me into a tailspin now.
he still shows he cares by doing small subtle things but i didnt hear it back ;((
we've been together more than a year and a half. I m tired of trying to understand him his disappearances , his lack of emotions, and his overall mystery. its like there is a wall around him..very hard for a libra lass... UGh i dont know how much more i can take of this.
2 months ago he told me he was "takin a break" and then resurfaced little by little in time for his birthday where he told his friends that he "is spoken for"
what is really going on? Sad
i just feel more open and vulnerable. i just feel to disappear from him for a while..
dreaded words ... not wonderful, happy to do, excited as hell to share - words

dreaded words ... and there's no doubt anywhere in my mind that when you said those words you were expecting a positive/affirmative result.

People are so fucked up ... they have no clue how unbalanced they are
well they must have been dreaded to him, cause look at HIS response.... and they really were as u put it happy to share words ...
In a year and a half, if you havent broken down his wall or understand him..then chances are you never will and he's not letting you in. Nor are the 2 of you who you need to be for each other.
If he wanted to say it, he would have.
He's 40 and sounds like he has issues you can not fix, handle, etc. and *I* would be the one to walk away at this point.
Did you say it to his face? Or over the phone/via text? There's a huge difference ya know...
It says in your profile that "you're almost single and loving it".
Posted by RealTalk
Did you say it to his face? Or over the phone/via text? There's a huge difference ya know...

Not to mention, were you drunk, under the influence or was it in the heat of passion???
Same problem here :o virgo men are coold they won't tell you that !!!! Mine is killing me :s we broke up I think but am not sure that's how vague and mysterious he is.. You want even know if you are together or not when things get heated up like in my case & we are damn engaged :o
Posted by Mimz
Same problem here :o virgo men are coold they won't tell you that !!!! Mine is killing me :s we broke up I think but am not sure that's how vague and mysterious he is.. You want even know if you are together or not when things get heated up like in my case & we are damn engaged :o

Mine tells me everyday..many times a day or texts me those words while i am at work, etc.
yes i did tell him to his face while he was over by my house and we were hanging out...anyways i have given up on this mystery man. Ive overdone my part....and yes i do think virgos are cold....but he was always kind and caring subtle in his actions. cant argue with that.
ok so i will go in a corner an lick my wounds. i invested too much in this relationship giving him the benefit of the doubt as libras do. so now im done.
thank u virgos it was nice being on this board for the past 2 years getting to know you'all...and your insightful answers
Be mysterious right back, you spend the time and energy trying to figure him out, maybe he needs to get a little taste of his own medicine....But, if you want things to be quick and simple, just talk to him about it. Let him know how you feel.
thanks for all the great advice virggiessmile really appreciate itsmile
will try the mysterious MIA thing...and let ya'll know any progress.
Good luck! smile
Don't just be MIA in hopes that he will notice your new found independence and lure him back into your life. Really, honestly, go out and enjoy your freedom. Live your life, seek for things and people that will make you happy. Expect to be loved the way you are willing to love back. No one, after all that time, Virgo or not, would abandon you in your most vulnerable moment if they truly cared for you.
Take care of yourself and everything else will fall into place.
Thank You for your kind words smile
He really is a jerk. he contacted me after 3 days of MIA and wanted to hang out for the weekend as if nothing happened . and then asking me why i'm acting like that when i returned the cold behaviour on him.
Why do women do that?
Why do women make (plays) for attention in a relationship?
It doesn't matter what he wants or likes, except when it concerns himself ... you are the one who matters in making decisions for yourself, and what the hell kind of decision is it to wait to see what hes doing and what he wants?

After 3 days of coldness from him, you should have forgotten him, and moved on ... instead, you respond back in some sort of immature retaliation to make some kind of point.
What kind of point are you trying to make excatly?
Are you trying to get him to realize that you are just as childish as he is? Because is't working, according to what you wrote ... you didn't seem to mind at all putting yourself at the low level you accused him of.

I'm sure everything I said will go right over your head, and you'll continue to focus on how to make a (play) to or against him in some fashion .... or, you'll await for him to decide whether you're worth anything or not, by waiting on his desicions.

::: shakes head :::

I thank my lucky stars every single day that I was born with some emotional sense.
well lucky you p-angel
Yes, lucky me, that's what I said.

Unlucky you though, that you don't have enough sense to realize who is in control of your fate .... and evidence of this is right here in dxp, when you write about how you await his reactions/responses so you can base whether you are worth anything or not.

Here you are making plans on how to manipulate the situation by intentionally going MIA in hopes of manuevering him into behaving the way you want him to do ...

I thank my lucky stars every single day that I was born with some emotional sense.

Look at how many people there are with zero sense and will believe that if they manipulate a person into doing what they want, that it's sincere.

You would be one of those people, and you don't seem to mind that people look at you like you're 12
Posted by P-Angel

I thank my lucky stars every single day that I was born with some emotional sense.

LMAO!!!! Pisces aren't BORN with emotional sense you dipshit, someone has to knock it into you. Big Grin
ha ha ha i like that one... smileu made me smile for the day...
i 've just gone MIA like the virgo and i get all this bashing from p/a. im not manipulating anything.
So, now you get yourself knocked up ... in hopes of trapping him, no doubt.
Posted by lotuslilly
I am not really in a good place right now regarding my (ex) ... we had a brief re-encounter which ... resulted in my becoming pregnant. i am now 7 weeks along.... it has been torture for me as I swayed back and forth on not keeping it...I am not financially able...
Do u think Virgo has gone into hiding forever leave him alone or just move on and dont bother with any support from him....