First post and probably just a vent post by now, but here it goes:
I met a beautiful Virgo lady at my University's library. At first I didn't really care about her (She was pretty, but not big deal to me). However, recently she started to sit down next to me where I'm normally studying.
So that's how we met.
We started to see each other everyday and talk every now and then, keep company for our studies
(I'm a Med Student and so is she BTW). I slowly started to get an interest on her.
So I tried to invite her out to do something for the weekend, and all that replied was
that she was busy.
I'm actually under much stress due to important examinations and licensing processes I'm going through
in my career right now, and I'm really not in the mood to decipher or play games with a woman at all.
So me being ol' grumpy capricorn just decided to cut all ties with the woman, as I'm not willing
to dedicate time to her that I must use elsewhere right now. (Graduation, etc)
So there's that... If any Virgo girl was actually wondering if Capricorns are good for them, you might
want to reconsider because I truly feel I'm being the bad guy here.
But my career comes first.
Signed Up:
Apr 13, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 44084 · Topics: 685
You sound pretty fucked up to me ..... I mean the woman said she was busy, and you gauge that as playing games with you?
You're not being a bad guy ... you ARE a bad guy.
Any person who would make that kind of assessment on a person who is too busy to go out with you ... is a fucked up person.
You caught feelings for her, and then suddenly you think she owes you to go out with you?
she didn't say anything derogatory according to what you wrote ... she simply said she was busy.
Good thing you're not the prime example of Capricorn.
Ok, so you can't handle rejection.
That's not her problem.
I was just venting, and certainly not expecting much love from here anyway.
I have my mind on other things right now and I'm emotionally unavailable, I don't really care.
I'm a bit frustrated tho because I know I could pursue her, but I just won't because of these other
things I've to do.
I was just venting, calm down.
Taking it way too personal from some stranger writing on the internet.
I'll never for the life of me understand why people make these posts, then act like they don't really care about the person they're bitching about, or the situation, but they still need to vent.
Everybody knows you cared enough to find this place and post (or just post if you were already a member). You don't look any less lovelorn than the people who openly whine about feeling neglected and rejected. Just 'fess up to it.
Signed Up:
Mar 24, 2017Comments: 9 · Posts: 1000 · Topics: 33
Well apparently u had enough time to post & vent here.
No one is interested in courting u
Take ur dull ass back to ur studies
Signed Up:
Jun 04, 2016Comments: 1035 · Posts: 5643 · Topics: 48
LMFAOO even a cap said they're not good for us
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Aug 04, 2015Comments: 2057 · Posts: 38091 · Topics: 1026
I'm a Capricorn Man, She's Virgo. I'm about to stop talking to her. This is great...
This isn't great!
This is about most stupid thing I've ever seen and she is lucky woman you won't talk to her moron'
Signed Up:
Aug 12, 2009Comments: 0 · Posts: 4771 · Topics: 30
*I meant the other female wasn't allowed to be busy*
I despise games too when my work life has high stakes.. OP, like Rocky had to tell Adrian in Rocky 1: "Yo I'm in training, no foolin' around right now" bro, just make sure to do 2 things now, if you care: 1. Say sorry.. 2. Tell her what's up. That's how you form the bond. I used to be like you with my work-life but I was an orphan in survival mode.. and I still take needed space when I need to strategize and work on my ventures, but, my Virgos always understand.. I've noticed that as long as you talk to them and let them know what's up they will rally with you. They're fantastic sidekicks (I'm talking about female virgos) If you gatta be cold though, do it, if you love her though, tell her what you feel, even if it makes you uncomfortable. She might surprise you man.
Also, OP, what TaurusBull said needs to hit you hard in the face.. you're too busy for games you say, and she says she's too busy for who knows what, maybe she's like you, too busy with school at that moment too.. you 2 CAN connect on your joint-fight to become docs and improve the world, AND, maybe if you can guide the conversation with love and care you 2 can fiiiind love in relating right there in that 'commonality' (is that even a word?) Also, maybe she's too busy for games too, so she's telling you she's too busy.. to see if you react with some understanding (but you didn't) she's a woman.. you can't just cut her like that.. massive red flag.. trust me, I've been you..
PS: What Tom said makes sense, just don't be a douche to the girl, man.. don't pay attention to 81gems either.. his/her kids will inherit a rented trailer and credit card debt and take care of many.. idk.. maybe some goldfish.. and hopefully their kids.. J/k gems.. but don't knock peoples ambition
Signed Up:
Jul 25, 2015Comments: 609 · Posts: 1982 · Topics: 53
She just said she was busy... ONCE. You can't jump the boat and say she's playing games just because of ONE excuse. How long have you guys been hitting it off? How long have you guys been seeing each other? That amount of time and her consideration to sit by your cold ass in the first place DOES NOT deserve you to just dismiss her because she can't make it to the first date. For all we know, she might really be busy. She might have plans. She might have to study. You don't know her schedule. Focusing on your career is a good thing but you can't just dismiss your relationships because they don't all conveniently work to your bidding. People have their own lives to attend to.