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Dec 06, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 795 · Topics: 11
I swear by the moon and the stars in the sky
and I swear like the shadow that's by your side
I see the questions in your eyes
I know what's weighing on your mind
You can be sure I know my part
Cause I stand beside you through the years
You'll only cry those happy tears
And though I make mistakes
I'll never break your heart
And I swear by the moon
And the stars in the sky I'll be there
I swear like the shadow that's by your side I'll be there
For better or worse
Till death do us part
I'll love you with every beat of my heart
And I swear
I'll give you every thing I can
I'll build your dreams with these two hands
We'll hang some memories on the wall
And when (and when) just the two of us are there
You won't have to ask if I still care
Cause as the time turns the page
My love won't age at all
And I swear (I swear) by the moon
And the stars in the sky I'll be there (I'll be there)
I swear (and I swear) like the shadow that's by your side
I'll be there (I'll be there)
For better or worse
Till death do us part
I'll love you with every beat of my heart
And I swear
And I swear (I swear) by the moon
And the stars in the sky I'll be there (I'll be there)
I swear (and I swear) like the shadow that's by your side
I'll be there (I'll be there)
For better or worse (better or worse)
Till death do us part I'll love you
With every single beat of my heart
I swear I swear I swear
The hottest songs from All-4-One
Signed Up:
Dec 06, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 795 · Topics: 11
And yes, for anyone who remembers....this is from the virg I've been complaining about since I came to this board..
So, I guess you could say this is the most recent update..
what happened to my cheering team? lol
Signed Up:
Dec 06, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 795 · Topics: 11
lol. It's apparent you don't know my situation at all, DK..
I'm waiting for my actual cheering team. But nice to know you have no background info on the situation and yet you somewhat care
I appreciate it ^_~
Signed Up:
Dec 06, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 795 · Topics: 11
okay here's the new horoscope for virgos...
the last one said that someone you care deeply about has been thinking a lot on the relationship...and it's about time you communicate your thoughts and feelings so no further problems arise...
then he lets me listen to that song..
now today, the 12th the horoscope has this:
Virgo (August 23-September 22)-
Successfully phrasing the words in your heart could be easier than you think today ? if you can take your cue from the object of your affection. Remember that it is in giving that we receive.
you think he might tell me those special words..within the next few days after a song like that...o.O
honestly, I never thought virgs could feel this's amazing X_X
Signed Up:
Feb 16, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 15214 · Topics: 99
Is this another success at Scorpio/virgo???
please tell me it is so...oh please tell me..LOL
Signed Up:
May 21, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 21685 · Topics: 138
she's an aqua
go for it RC!!!
Signed Up:
Dec 06, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 795 · Topics: 11
Well I do have Scorpio Moon...and you know how powerful the sun, moon and ascendant is suppose to be..
And I researched that The Male's Sun Sextile Female's Moon is found often in marriages.
Signed Up:
Dec 06, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 795 · Topics: 11
should I say or do anything in the meantime..or am I suppose to leave a virg to think this through alone?
I'm wondering if he's expecting me to do anything.
Cause even though I've already said the words "I love you" to him (meaning more than a friend)
and though he's told me the same thing but as a friend...
He still asks me the question every now and then "Do you really love me or do you just think you love me?"
And again and again I have to tell him I really do and it gets annoying to me sometimes.
But I guess you have to consider the fact that his venus is inconjunct my there might be no way he can tell besides my words..
how do I prove I love him even though I don't express love the same way he does? And yet I've been doing it this whole time..X_X just in a capricorn(earth) way, not a leo(fire) way.
how do I get the message across when we don't express it the same way?
these are his planets:
Sun Virgo
Moon Sag
Mercury Virgo
Venus Leo
Mars Virgo
Jupiter Aquarius
Saturn Scorpio
Uranus Sag
Neptune Capricorn
Pluto Scorpio
True Node Taurus
Ascendant Aquarius
these are mine:
Sun Aquarius
Moon Scorpio
Mercury Capricorn
Venus Capricorn
Mars Taurus
Juptiter Taurus
Saturn Capricorn
Uranus Capricorn
Neptune Capricorn
Pluto Scorpio
True Node Pisces
Ascendant Gemini/Taurus Cusp 2deg 59' into Gemini
maybe I should just ask my dad since he has both his venus and mars in LEO X_X
Signed Up:
Aug 16, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 435 · Topics: 28
i just read your post and just wanted to say...yikes! lol
hey not really, just wanted to come to encourage you to balance your emotions and logic...don't analyze too much, but don't feel without thinking ok.
please keep us posted with all this...
this guy defenitely does care for you reiniba, but im not so sure how mature he's been acting or not lately...
you deserve the best!
Signed Up:
Aug 16, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 435 · Topics: 28
i just read your post and just wanted to say...yikes! lol
hey not really, just wanted to come to encourage you to balance your emotions and logic...don't analyze too much, but don't feel without thinking ok.
please keep us posted with all this...
this guy defenitely does care for you reiniba, but im not so sure how mature he's been acting or not lately...
you deserve the best!
Signed Up:
Dec 06, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 795 · Topics: 11
well....he is leaning a tad bit on the mental side..X_X
He does drive me crazy but not to the point that either of us gets off track with what we need to do, you know? We just irritate each other. He does it on purpose most of the time so he can laugh.
I have to encourage him so he won't feel so worthless after his gf dumped him.
But at the same time, we've had drama between us too..mostly on his part, not mine ^_^
It's just that I have to coddle him like a child a lot of times. He's 3 years older and there is plenty of life lessons he hasn't learned..that I actually have's really weird...
For the most part, we are getting along and seems like he may have romantic feelings for me...Though he likes to keep it and many other things secret so he can surprise me later, I can tell!
We've been talking to each other about each other because we have so many opposed views, but we are both in awe of each some opposite attract thing...X_X
I'm meeting him in May at a convention.
Thanks for your help, VLL
God Bless
Signed Up:
Dec 06, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 795 · Topics: 11
yep. It's as I thought. He just called today. He was coughing. It seemed like fake coughing, honestly. Then he said "I think I am falling in love with you"
then he made me say it back and mean it so he could just hear it back from me. but I kinda giggle at the end. I'm honestly not use to saying this mushy stuff, I'm Aquarius after all...
then of course, after admitting such a thing, it wasn't a surprise that he "withdrew" by saying he would talk to me later..
lol I'm glad, thanks to everyone's posts on the board about virgs, I read all about virgo, and nothing is a surprise to me..
that's what you can appreciate about the virg Rountine... even love is a routine and you can tell if they're faking it or not.. lol
Virgs are cool!
Signed Up:
Aug 16, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 435 · Topics: 28
i'm happy for you reiniba...the feeling of 'love' is so experience we must go through...for better or worst...just to be in touch with all these things we are able to do.
we have different type of emotions and kinds of love...and sometimes we get confused...but live and enjoy this season with him...
you know...maybe you two don't have everything figure out right now, but it is ok to let that cautious, but don't limit your heart if that is the way it feels.
you aquas got a way to drive us crazy too :p
for good or bad...we all learn tons from this sort of interaction that is for sure.
so another honorable mention goes to yet another virgo/aqua story!
wishing nothing but the very best,
Signed Up:
Dec 06, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 795 · Topics: 11
lol now he's calling me sweety and sweetness..instead my name. (he takes the nickname I give to him, that's unfair!)
He told me that he can't wait to see me and that he wants to be with me.
And a while back, a couple days ago and also sometime last week he mentioned marriage..o_O but he didn't want to discuss it any further, he just said that he would marry me, like I fit some ideal wife or something. but like many other things he's mentioned, he's keeping the idea under wraps to surprise me later, I can tell!... could a virgo really want this at 21 though...?
his entire chart is all about relationships. I won't annoy anyone by posting it, but seriously, every single one of his personal planets is in house 7. So marriage to the right partner is crucial for him and I seem to fit the picture painted in his chart.
I'm very scared still, very scared. Should I tell him this..or would it be a complete turn off to a virg?
I would like this whole thing to go extremely slow...very very think he would be able to wait about 6 years? ^_^;;
At this time in my life, I just don't see it happening..not for "committment reasons" but for finacial, moral, emotional, educational, family and a load of other reasons!!
I've got things to do, places to go, people to see!! I don't know if I can do marriage right now..X_X Trust me though, I really do want to marry this guy, just not right now.