Interviewing people

This topic was created in the Virgo forum by Cajunspirit on Friday, November 12, 2010 and has 16 replies.
Thanks to my new position in the educational institute I work for, I am more or less in charge of recruiting new instructors to handle our courses offered.
By far the most interviewees have been Pisces. It seems there affinity for nurturing also manifests into a desire to teach.
Second most interviewed would be Aries, good folks who can talk a lot.
Third would be Cancers, again that watery goodness inclines them to a nurturing role.
Fourth Sagittarius, also excessive speakers which lends to being a good lecturer, once on topic.
I had my first Virgo interviewee today, she was just well spoken and perfect. Haha.
Had an interview with a Scorpio, pretty stiff and put on a strong show.
Leos were laid back and jolly.
Capricorns were all business and very robotic lol
I bet your interview with all the pisces women was just another form of flirtation on their part Winking
No flirting at all actually... not to mention they were all much older too lol
What sort of job is this exactly?
Mine is to train, coordinate and discipline instructors for technical and tertiary education courses run by my company.
They apply to teach for us.
Thanks for the interesting info.
But I bet that perfect Virgo had a dark side.
They are prim and proper in public
but pull out the OuiJa board and show her the
occult section in the library and she'll never
Ellessque - it sounds like the boys had a good plan.
They are fortunate that they support each other so.
...provided the interviewer isn't a Scorpio.
Posted by ellessque
your analysis is interesting.
I'm wondering where the rising would come into play. wouldn't that be the "persona" you are interviewing, really?
I noticed that my virgo son, with virgo rising is kick ass with interviews. Some days I think he interviews just to see himself knock it out of the park and to get the job for the sake of getting the He is very good at it, it's as if he has mastered this skill naturally.
However, my pisces son, libra rising hates interviews. He often gets nervous and a little somber and probably doesn't come off as being real confident even though he's well qualified for the position.
They look so much alike they concocted a plan to have my oldest son interview and my youngest show up for the actual Luckily my youngest son got a job before they had to resort to that but it would have been fun to see that play out. LOL.

Haha, I can relate to your older son Tongue
Interesting... I'm a cancer and I'm a nurse, but now I teach nursing. I interview potential students and I've never thought to look at their astrological signs. I'll have to do that from now on smile
Posted by Cajunspirit
watery goodness

Watery goodness? eww...
Posted by andmilestogo
Interesting... I'm a cancer and I'm a nurse, but now I teach nursing. I interview potential students and I've never thought to look at their astrological signs. I'll have to do that from now on smile

hehe - The Symbol for CANCER is often interpreted as
69 - a sexual position.
This is wrong.
It is the overhear/superrior view of
two people supporting/nurturing/caring for each other.
Does not surprise me that you are a nurse.
I bet your patients liked you - you made them feel human.
Probably smart enough to tell the young girls
to warm up the old folks with low body fat
with blankets for AN HOUR
to dilate their veins to make the insertion
of IV and other needles easier and less traumatic.

Posted by WiseOldOwl

No Air signs yet???

None that I can recall, no.

hehe - The Symbol for CANCER is often interpreted as
69 - a sexual position.
This is wrong.
It is the overhear/superrior view of
two people supporting/nurturing/caring for each other.
Does not surprise me that you are a nurse.
I bet your patients liked you - you made them feel human.
Probably smart enough to tell the young girls
to warm up the old folks with low body fat
with blankets for AN HOUR
to dilate their veins to make the insertion
of IV and other needles easier and less traumatic.

You're very, very accurate here... I am the ultimate crab!
Posted by andmilestogo

You're very, very accurate here... I am the ultimate crab!

I would like to have sex with you.
( just sayin' - lol )
lol... you have a thing for Cancer girls? I've never dated a Scorp so I have no clue about you guys...
Posted by domino_O

Why the ---- are you recruiting people if you base people off signs?

It's my job.
Must be running that place into the gutter.
click to expand

Unwarranted, unnecessary and unprovoked negativity noted.