Im a leo girl who recently met a virgo man at a birthday party. Since then ive invited him for a cup of coffee, he didnt seem interested. Later on (two weeks ago) he invited me for dinner. He stared at me for hours, even though i dont look good (but i make an effort to look good and i cant leave the house without getting my hair or makeup done, or even wear the nicest things, and this is because i have a self confidence problem. i still dont think i look the best). Anyway, he invited me again to go out in the morning, and then at night and then again the same for 5 days straight.
Im a perfectionist and he seems to love it. If i do something wrong he loves how i try to make it perfect.
He seems to like when i take care of him, simple things like trying to protect him from incoming cars, although he is a gentle giant...
He always holds my hand when we go out, and puts his arm around me. I feel like he is also constantly protecting me. He obsesses about me sitting next to him. it has to be exactly by his side, and cannot be in front of him.
He also invited me for dinner with his friends, who adored me and i tried my best to be super social although im shy. He kept telling his friends about all the nice things about me, i felt a bit as if i was being auctioned lol. and he keeps on about how much his friends loved me and what a fantastic person i am.
He introduces me to everyone like a real gentleman.
He kisses me a lot, and looks into my eyes a lot, sometimes this goes on for many minutes. which i absolutely adore. he touches me but he hasnt tried to make love to me yet, which makes me feel safe (i dont know what his real intentions are yet)
I also feel like he is trying to improve my life, and he tells me that im too shy, but he says how much he loves my sensitivity and tenderness.
He picks me up at 6 in the morning to watch the sunrise.. i dont have time to put make up on but he says i look good any way and i smell so nice.
I had to leave yesterday because i work in a different country and he cried, i wasnt sure if this was a real cry or a pretend one because it was a bit exaggerated... then he said he loves me and will never stop loving me. He also says i woke something inside him that was dead a long time ago.
Are these traits of a virgo in love or is he just after sex? maybe im silly but im a bit of a naive person and i cant quite read into people because ive only been in 1 relationship before.
I know i love him like
i know i love him like mad and i miss him a lot already. valentina
Signed Up:
Feb 04, 2013Comments: 1 · Posts: 9186 · Topics: 179
From the time you met him at that birthday party to the time you left, how long did this go on?
Sounds like he has Venus (ruler of love) or Mars (ruler of sex drive) in Leo! He places you on a pedestal. I doubt it's all for sex. He will probably be a more dominant (not aggressive!) type in bed.
Thanks for the replies. No im not greek, but im italian and my english is a bit off! haha
ive met him at the party, then invited him for a coffee, which he accepted (but didnt seem romantically interested in me). Then i came back to the country im living in but we exchanged many emails about ourselves for two months.
Then, two weeks ago, i went back and we met again, and its been a lovely week...
He seems especially happy about the fact that everyone he knows seems to like me.
But as i said im very naive and im not sure of whats going on yet, and would love any advice as to whether this guy is serious or not. I just feel like this is almost a joke, because it seems too good to be true?
Hmm, well I will whip out my random stalker resource aka my book "What your birthday reveals about you by phyllis vega". Always the prepared & helpful Virgo ;P
September 20:
"On a personal level, you can find it rather difficult to relax and express your deepest feelings. However, partnership has a very high priority for you. It may take you a while to make a commitment, but when you do, you're in it for the long term."
I skipped the overall personality review. dunno if you want me spewing it all out, lol. Seems like a nice individual!
oh, and if its any help, i know it sounds weird, he is about 20 years older than me... im 27.
thats helpful! Apparently he has told me things he hasnt told anyone before, and although he has many friends, he seems like he needs company! im sure he had many women before, but for some reason i feel like im special, mainly for the fact that he introduced me to everyone. of course i dont know if he does it with all the other girls haha
Signed Up:
May 08, 2013Comments: 0 · Posts: 319 · Topics: 16
Hate to be a Debbie Downer but seems a little fast for "love" to be brought up. He might like you a lot, be intrigued by you, enjoy discovering you, but, love? Not likely. Just my opinion.
we've both been married before, but both bitten hahaah. So i think i dont really want to marry yet. however he says he is prepared to move with me and have a life with me (without me even asking). This will of his is another thing that makes me think this is too good to be true! its almost like a ''disease'' from his side. he himself admited the last day we saw each other that what he feels for me is like a disease.. im not frightened, but im worried that i might fall deeper for him and then he will not want me anymore, because it sounds so much like a passion and nothing else.
i think i might take a chance though.. see what happens! im not putting my hopes up..
When you had love before like i did in my marriage (my husband died a couple of years ago), its a bit hard to accept passions again. Love makes you not only feel loved but it also gives you safety. whereas passion can go wrong anytime, and im so frightened of starting all over again, frightened of the conflicts, fights.. etc.
I would like to give it a good try of course, but i dont want to feel like a teenager again with all the heartbreaking, fighting and crying, like i did back in the days before i was married.