Just met a hot Virgo guy - Virgo guy/scorp girl???

This topic was created in the Virgo forum by Queenscorpio on Tuesday, November 20, 2007 and has 36 replies.
Hey I just met the hotest Virgo guy. My first love was a virgo and even after we broke up we remained friends with a very tight knit bond. I haven't been involved with another one since.
Any advice? I am a scorp ofcourse.
hey queenscropio i just met the hottest scropio man, and he has left me with the most memorable memories. i miss him so much we are just taking some time aprat, but if we get back together i willknow just what it takes to keep him in my bed.

Details, baby! Details! You know us Virgs need 'em!
- Where'd you meet?
- Will you meet again?
- Is he available?
- Did he show any interest in you?
As for advice...
You've been down this path before - sure you want to do it again? If so, you know you have to be PATIENT and PERSISTENT to get a Virgo. My biggest caution: Watch for miscommunication / misunderstanding and hurt feelings -- that's been the biggest hurdle for me and my beloved Scorp. We really had to work at it, and still I go over the line with her, and put her in Brood Mode. Also, if he's trustworthy, then trust him. We Virgs can get our feelings hurt if we're being upfront and honest with you Scorps, and yet you hold back those details from us...
THIS is going to be an interesting season on DXP...
Good Luck!!
Sorry to hear pookie. I have recently learned how wonderful, but even complexed to me a scorp guy can be. He is still a special person to me. Just didn't see a long term relationship developing for us. I care for him still. He is very special.
Brahn, that was expected of you. The one relationship I had with a Virgo was wonderful and we remained freinds for years through all of our other relationships. He was very special. Funny most have said they are great for Scorps including a man (virgo) married to a scorp and is insanely happy with eachother.
You are right about scorps not "bowing down" it will never happen.
We had lunch yesterday and it was a blast. He is a wonderful person and kept me laughing we were so comfortable with eachother. Had a great time. He says he cannot wait to go out again. We shall see. He is wonderful.
I'm glad you had such a good time, QS. Virg man and Scorp woman can be a profound attraction. It's especially beautiful to see the Virgo man opening up to his heart under the Scorp woman's steady gaze. And the Virg mutability and intelligence keeps the Scorp woman always interested and stimulated.
Can't tell you how many Virg/Scorp couples I've seen! Keep us informed!

It's especially beautiful to see the Virgo man opening up to his heart under the Scorp woman's steady gaze. And the Virg mutability and intelligence keeps the Scorp woman always interested and stimulated.
That's the most accurate and succinct Thumbnail Sketch I've ever read about Scorp + Virg! Thank you, Eaglegirl!!
LMAO @ Roxi. You are Mishoogah!!!.... Sorry other readers. We are speaking hebrew here.
Thanks Eagle girl. He was just very relaxed and he did the gazing. I acted as if I didn't notice, but I did. He would just stare at me with a smirk on his face, while ofcourse I was running my mouth and laughing. His generosity to others was a turn on too. He had to help someone the night before move furniture. He was helping his sister's friend put together, desks and a bookshelf after our lunch. He is always helping others. That is kinda hot.
'hot' and 'virgo' don't belong in the same sentence.
Roxi - WOW- HAHAHA I fully agree that 'hot' and 'virgo' can't go together.
Virgos are COLDER THAN Antarctica!
Hi QS - what happened to the Libra? I have been with my virgo for 6 months now so have been reading this board. I love the stability my virg gives me. I think we both are pretty scheduled. Good luck.
Benice, girl.... I think you are asking about the FWB Libra. Oh, we are just friends now. We could never have been more. He and I both had been dating someone else. Ironically both from ATL. Yes, another Libra (who I met here on DXP) I ended it, couldn't do long distance. I am good though. You? What happened with your other libra?
BTW, my first love was a Virgo.... I still think of him on his b-day. Was killed in a terrorist attack in Israel. We remained so close even after we broke up and through our relationships with other people. I miss him Sad
QS - sorry to hear about your first love. I am good also. My Libra and I just had a bday drink on his bday. We will still keep in touch as friends as well.
My gf said virgs and scorps were compatible so when the opp arrived to be asked out by one, I accepted and here I am. He asked me to be his girlfriend two weeks after we met. It seems virgs are pretty sure . . . . we have our ups and downs, but mostly up and we communicate, that's a big one for me. LOL
Benice, isn't that refreshing. A man who is sure???? LOL!! Although my ex husband (Libra) was so sure about me. He told a friend I would be his wife some day the first day we met. Ofcourse I didn't find this out until after we were married. I still care for him. We just can't be married. We have a beautiful 4 year old daughter though. She looks just like him, damn!!! He is fine, so she is a beauty. she only has my nose and smile. Sad
not sure which board to post on, but you guys are _great_. the support for Virgo guy/Scorpio gal is awesome. I'm new to the board, still figuring out how to quote, etc., thanks for being here!
Virgokitten, we know sun signs don't define love and infinate compatibility. However this helps us understand people born under a specific sign in general, not individual. There are quite a few similarities with people born under a specific sun sign. It doesn't identify a human being completely though.
virgokitten u are right love has nothing to do with are astrology signs, becuase i fell deeply in love with a scropio man, and it is over now. he didn't tell me he just had me guessing what was wrong, and why was he acting so rude, and abrupt with me. i texted him today , and told hin to listen to something on his vm i was going to play tamia missing u, but he texted back he didn't want to listen nothing now or later. so then i knew why bother this man don't care and is not interested anymore. so i texted him back telling him i get it i want be bothering u anymore i hope u have a good life. so u see things just didn't work out no matter what i didn't i was there for him when ever he needed me.
QS, glad to see you on this end lol. Because you're truly interested and won't have a problem showing him this things should go well. You know all of the problems we Virgals had with our Scorps and all of the miscommunications, overanalyzing, conclusions and worries we have. Not sure how the male Virgos react to insecurity due to not having enough detailed communication but at least you know that's a biggie for the Virgoan. And of course you know I am rooting for you and here for you like you were for me. smile
Thanks MA, I haven't heard from him since Sat. Called left a message once. We shall see. Glad you are still here. How are things going?

The start of Scorpio + Virgo is nowhere near smooth. He should reply to you, and he'd better have some 'splaining to do, or you should whip that Stinger out!
But honestly, I was a Big Mystery to my Scorp, and I just about blew it with her -- before anything had really even happened!!
(Even though we're Smart Guys, we can act like total retards.)
I love this! Even though it doesn't give me much hope for my Scorpio, I love it.. especially EagleGirl's amazing interpretation of the relationship between a standard Virgo + Scorpio..
I keep getting frustrated because I hear Scorpio's are so sure of what they want.. so that must mean my Scorpio is sure he doesn't want me? We've been building up to what we sort-of-have now for around 3 months now.. and I recently told him what I've been feeling. He is so distant.. even though I took a step out into the open by telling him what I thought. That makes me never want to expose myself like that again.
Thanks Dyar,
He finally contacted me and asked to do lunch thi week. Unfortunately my daughter got sick with the flu. So I took the rest of the week of to care for her. I asked if we could reschedule for this weekend if he is available. Haven't heard back, but this was just yesterday. Winking I really am not used to things moving this slow.
Kiss a Virg- Scorp guys seem to get the way you explained when they really like you and are afraid of their own feelings. Atleast the one I was involved with. Scorp girls are opposite.

Bless her heart! I hope your daughter gets well soon!!
"I really am not used to things moving this slow."
Yeah, well, we're definitely not Minute Men... but there are times & settings where it's great that we're not too hasty... uh, slow hand & all...
Anywho. Until we're sure of how we feel about you, and how you feel about us, we're gonna hem-haw around. But the pace should pick up once 1 + 1 = 2...
"Scorp girls are opposite."
No sh1t! Mine was asking me about having kids WAY BACK -- much earlier in the relationship than this Virg would have...
Haha yeah I agree with this. I hope things work out between you two! You should really PM me and keep me updated, especially because we're both going through Scorpio + Virgo "relationships." =p
Good luck, not that you'll need it, you being a Scorpio and he being a Virgo..
TRUST ME. We find you TOO attractive-_-
See I'm tellin you =p
hahahahahaha LOL! @ kielbasa

True though.
"Just met a hot Virgo guy"
you scorps deserve better...

You scorps deserve shit..!!

How about that..??
Here the hint assholes.from the very site
Scorpions are people of extremes, you can describe them as powerful and as weak, passionate and cold. Obviously you are a collection of the best and worst human emotions. Intensity is the key to personality and to everything you do.
You give projects your all, from your career to your love life. Deep loyalty is a key characteristic, but so are possessiveness and jealousy. You're a fierce competitor and often collect little tidbits of information and then use them against your enemy at the most opportune time. Success is likely to be in your future because of your fierce determination and single-minded approach to getting what you want.
Your nature makes you prone to uncontrollable displays of anger. You often dominate those who are weaker than you, just because you can. It is best not to make an enemy of a Scorpion, others never know when their payback is coming. But it is.

All in all, you'll do because you have to do and here is my middle finger.
See the scorps? Squash it as fast as possible or else..? well..
These mother fuckers don't have any personalities.. like the Borgs in startrek ?collective crap
Never trust the scorps,,

Do us all a favor and drown yourself in a piping bowl of chicken noodle soup.

Thankssomuch smile
You crack me up. I know you don't mean a word you say.

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