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Jan 18, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 13612 · Topics: 756
During the medieval era, an anonymous book of Jewish folklore entitled The Alphabet of Ben-Sira first appeared, and it is from this book that most modern views of Lilith are derived. Here, it is said that Lilith was the first woman ever created by Jehovah, long before Eve. Like Adam, She was created from the mud, and She became his first wife. For a while, the two of them were happy together in the Garden of Eden, but Lilith eventually got tired of always having sex in the missionary position. Since She had been created the very same way as Adam, She figured that She was his equal and She ought to be able to sit on top for once. But Adam refused to see the reason in this, and demanded that She be completely subservient to him.
Lilith refused to be Adam's sex slave, so She just got up and left the Garden of Eden - by Her own free will. Out in the dark wilderness, She came across the Prince of Darkness and other demonic entities, and She ended up sleeping with all of them. (Presumably, Ol' Snakey had no qualms about letting the woman be on top.)
From this union, Lilith gave birth to all of the Lilin, the Jewish equivalents to Lilu and Lamiae. And as punishment for Her desertion of Adam, Jehovah dictated that one hundred of Her demonic children would die every day.
As the medieval era passed into the post-Reformation era, the emphasis in Lilith's story began to shift from explanations for childbirth problems to explanations for nocturnal emission among adult males. In European Christian folklore, the Lilu/Lamiae/Lilin became known as succubi, with Lilith as their Queen of course. The succubi (singular: succubus) were female demons who would "rape" adult Christian men in their sleep at night and steal their semen.
Signed Up:
Jan 18, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 13612 · Topics: 756
And of course, Lilith became the one demoness who was most often called the "Bride of Satan." Out of all the female demons that populated the Christian world, Lilith was the one who was most often thought to be the Prince of Darkness' true love - which would make Her the Princess of Hell.
In the latter half of the twentieth century, Lilith was redefined by Jewish feminists as the archetypal "free woman." It seemed to them that Lilith was more of a heroine than a monster, for in Jewish myth She was the very first woman in history to have claimed equality with a man. This association soon spread among Neopagan and secular feminists to the point where Lilith is most usually recognized today - and in some cases, even worshiped - as a beneficient goddess by many people. There is even a music festival called "The Lilith Fair" which is essentially a celebration of independent women in music.
Some people even go so far as to claim that She has always been a goddess and that She only became "demonized" by the ancient patriarchies - but there is absolutely no archaeological evidence to support this. The evidence indicates that Lilith is an example of just the opposite; She was a demon who became "un-demonized" and redefined as a goddess.
Form various sources..
Signed Up:
Jan 18, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 13612 · Topics: 756
Lilith was either Virgo or Aqua... can not be other sign?
Freedom and be free is the keyword here.
Signed Up:
Jan 18, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 13612 · Topics: 756
Who needs your ?pile of shit? opinions on this subject?
Signed Up:
Jan 18, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 13612 · Topics: 756
Smoke your pot and shut the fuck up asshole and stop trolling the other peoples posts..?!
Signed Up:
Jan 18, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 13612 · Topics: 756
I was only attacking your post
And why would you do that..?? TROLL..! And don't show your victimized sorry asses here jerk..
The post had noting to do with you or anyone else , but you had this urge to show your shit anyway..It was a TEST ?to find what the hell is going on?.. along with my previous post ?it is what it is?.
And since you are an IDIOT along with your BOSS as usual you fell into it..!
Har har har?
Signed Up:
Jan 18, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 13612 · Topics: 756
Now, for the rest it is researchable and scientific approach right to the matter of or past and mythologies...
Don't be cold hearted of this idiot ?Shaka SHIT? comments.., the post is open to intelligent people comments. Something to contribute to developing the idea not the sporadic bullshits from Virgo wannabe idiot like SHAKA SHIT...
Signed Up:
Jan 18, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 13612 · Topics: 756
Shut up..! what DRAMA..??
You guys really read and research the post, or just looking for ?who is posting it?..??
Try to find meaning in ?shakashit? first post according to the TOPIC..!
Signed Up:
Jan 18, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 13612 · Topics: 756
? Looks like Q is not in a good mood...?
How do you feel a neighbour's dog shit in your door step every time you stepping out?
The TOPIC and DEVELOPING is important, not the assholes comments..
Like I said .. what DRAMA you guys are talking about..?
Signed Up:
Jan 18, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 13612 · Topics: 756
Fire up for what ever the TOPIC says..! read the goddamn topic and place your comment/ideas accordingly.
Signed Up:
Jan 18, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 13612 · Topics: 756
And be intelligent for once..!
Signed Up:
Jan 18, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 13612 · Topics: 756
I do NOT believe in any thing that has no PROOF and can't be proved logically.
Good, now we are talking, do you know anything about researchers and their passion for the ?unproven? matters..??
The earth was flat is the good point to start with, are you following the Victorian foot steps..??
and oh... have fun too
Signed Up:
Jan 18, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 13612 · Topics: 756
You think only u are intelligent because you are what is it VIRGO?
Tell me ? have ever said that..?
Signed Up:
Jan 18, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 13612 · Topics: 756
Do not need to go back to trace the history or science or religion to find the origin of it, it is infront of eyes - it is the men dominated society, attitudes and most importanly MEN that created "Lilith"! You can't blaim her, you need to blaim yourself.
I think it's the beginning though, what ever men have done to women since centuries, will happen to them in coming centuries and then we will have tales about it like we have it now for "LILITH"!!! HAHAHAHA
End of my posting on this thread.
Good.. I need more input..!
Signed Up:
Jan 18, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 13612 · Topics: 756
Because this is a discussion board, and its my right to say what I think about a certain article, in this case I thought the article was shit so I stated it clearly. It was you poor old man who started the personal insults, cursing like a teenager, quite sad really for such an old person. If you say this post had nothing to do with me, why in the world would you start insulting me because of it? practice what you preach, sad old man.
Because this is a discussion board, and its my right to say what I think about a certain article, in this case I thought the article was shit so I stated it clearly.
And you call yourself an archaeology student..?? your bullshit again..??
It was you poor old man who started the personal insults, cursing like a teenage
Ohh.. get back to the first page and read who start the insult.. mind you only the word ?shit? is an insult.
why in the world would you start insulting me because of it? practice what you preach, sad old man.
Look for your posts so far and test your intelligence..!
Signed Up:
Jan 18, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 13612 · Topics: 756
Since you demanded and I NEVER OBEY to orders, No more input.
I never BEG, no more input from you..!
Signed Up:
Jul 07, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 2267 · Topics: 61
the irony, just your poor use of punctuation in that sentence betrays you.
HAHAHAHA- Virgo on punctuation!
Signed Up:
Jul 07, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 2267 · Topics: 61
I never BEG, no more input from you..!
It's not begging, it's learning a better attitude, if we seek info. , we ask for it politely. No where comes the begging thing.
These things we learn in Kinner Garden.
Signed Up:
Jan 18, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 13612 · Topics: 756
"And be intelligent for once..!"
Yeah.. Show you're intelligent if you've got one.. I doubt it though..!
Signed Up:
Jul 07, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 2267 · Topics: 61
BOTH virgos -
Please fight harder :-).
I want to see who wins and I like heavy fights. PLEASE!
Signed Up:
Jan 18, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 13612 · Topics: 756
poor use of punctuation
Poor use of punctuation? 'I'll give fuck to that, message is important not the punctuations, it is usual lame assets on the net ?when you get short of logic ?you'll start with grammatical punctuations.
Punctuation makes you wiser..?
You are still an idiot anyway..!
Signed Up:
Jul 07, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 2267 · Topics: 61
'I'll give to that, message is important not the punctuations,
Is it right?? Can a virgo let go of poor punctuation WHEN IT IS HIS FAULT? Generally virgos do not pardon ANY ONE OF ANY LITTLE MISTAKE ever.
oooooooooooooooh.... Now I know, it's never their problem, it's always others! I see.
Signed Up:
Jul 07, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 2267 · Topics: 61
message is important not the punctuations,
Signed Up:
Jan 18, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 13612 · Topics: 756
These things we learn in Kinner Garden
It is ?kindergarten? mind you, since someone enjoy the writing and correct grammatical stuff..!
Signed Up:
Jan 18, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 13612 · Topics: 756
Now how about the kiss I was talking about long time ago..??
And get back to the topic please.. this is boring stuff..
Signed Up:
Jan 18, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 13612 · Topics: 756
Punctuations are different in Norwegians, and English is not my everyday language, so what's wrong with it..??
I don see anything wrong with my English.. do you..??
Especially when I am typing/talking with less intelligent people on this site..!
Signed Up:
Jul 07, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 2267 · Topics: 61
I don see anything wrong with my English.. do you..??
I see every thing by my eyes and feel by my heart. I know virgos DO NOT have hearts.
Signed Up:
Jul 07, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 2267 · Topics: 61
How convenient, to say the poor old sock doesn't care about about punctuation. Its a bit rich to ask people to be intelligent when you can not use your "intelligence" for something so simple as punctuation.
I agree with Shaka, Q - your response please , to keep up this fight. I love it when VIRGOS FIGHT! They relieve every one else from the pain of dealing with them!
Signed Up:
Jan 18, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 13612 · Topics: 756
How convenient, to say the poor old sock doesn't care about about punctuation. Its a bit rich to ask people to be intelligent when you can not use your "intelligence" for something so simple as punctuation.
Smoke your pot Netherlands boy... you'll never know perhaps Lilith knock at your door sometimes later..!
Signed Up:
Jul 07, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 2267 · Topics: 61
Smoke your pot Netherlands boy... you'll never know perhaps Lilith knock at your door sometimes later..!
Perfect! Now it's heating up! More please!
Signed Up:
Jul 07, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 2267 · Topics: 61
Signed Up:
Jan 18, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 13612 · Topics: 756
I got 375 intelligent responses for the same topic on other sites, gotta study those?as usual DXP is full of shit..!
It wasn't like this before?
Ciao for now..
Signed Up:
Jul 07, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 2267 · Topics: 61
Ciao Q.
HAHAHAHA So because you are running off the field, is Shaka the winner?
Signed Up:
Jan 18, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 13612 · Topics: 756
Let him be winner..
Do I care..??
Signed Up:
Jan 18, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 13612 · Topics: 756
Topic was important and you trolls ruin it as usual anyway...!
The rest is not important..
Signed Up:
Jul 07, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 2267 · Topics: 61
Let him be winner..
Do I care..??
No- I see you don't. BUT WE DO.
Officially: Shaka is the winner.
Signed Up:
Jul 07, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 2267 · Topics: 61
It's OK to be defeated Q - once in a while.
Every failure is a major step in building a better character.
Signed Up:
Jul 07, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 2267 · Topics: 61
I thought the fight was over, I already declared the "winner"!
Signed Up:
Jul 07, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 2267 · Topics: 61
I am having so much fun.
Signed Up:
Jan 18, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 13612 · Topics: 756
Whatever... now get back to the topic.!
Signed Up:
Jul 07, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 2267 · Topics: 61
Bye now.
I get to go and cook a nice dinner.
Signed Up:
Jul 19, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 532 · Topics: 30
Go easy Qbone... I for one found your post very interesting. But as I'm about to hit the sack, I'll have to read the other four pages of this thread later.