losing interest..

This topic was created in the Virgo forum by memyself on Friday, February 15, 2013 and has 26 replies.
does it happen to you, that you obsess over a thing for a while and then all of a sudden lose interest in it?
- listen to a song over and over again, then all of a sudden find it boring
- read and read on a topic, then have no interest in it
- watch back-to-back episodes of a show, then never go back.
is it a virgo thing; the need to know it all, take it all in, and once the thirst is quenched move to the next new thing?
Yes MA'AM! My OCD can really get it in. I will research something all night long sleep for an hour and then wake up and continue to research til I pass out at my computer. It's really bad but when I have nothing to obsess about I'm looking for something new to obsess about. I think it keeps me calm...lol
@Mr. Defense +1 romantic love is merely the result of a positive chemical reaction to the testosterone/pheromones given off by your SO & dopamine. Once that fades so does the "romantic love" there has to be a deeper foundation for it to last.
Posted by Mr. Defense
Posted by memyself
does it happen to you, that you obsess over a thing for a while and then all of a sudden lose interest in it?
- listen to a song over and over again, then all of a sudden find it boring
- read and read on a topic, then have no interest in it
- watch back-to-back episodes of a show, then never go back.
is it a virgo thing; the need to know it all, take it all in, and once the thirst is quenched move to the next new thing?

This is the reason why love alone isn't enough to maintain a relationship.
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yes, and over time with love gone, interest gone, what stays? obligation?
Posted by neuroticvirgo
Yes MA'AM! My OCD can really get it in. I will research something all night long sleep for an hour and then wake up and continue to research til I pass out at my computer. It's really bad but when I have nothing to obsess about I'm looking for something new to obsess about. I think it keeps me calm...lol

that's me too smile
Posted by CluelessCancer
Maybe it's my Virgo ascendant or maybe it just me, but yes. I eat the same thing till I get bored of it.I obsess over a guy until I get over him. listen to a song a billion times. than never again.
etc etc etc

Posted by TheMoodyVulcan
Posted by neuroticvirgo
Yes MA'AM! My OCD can really get it in. I will research something all night long sleep for an hour and then wake up and continue to research til I pass out at my computer. It's really bad but when I have nothing to obsess about I'm looking for something new to obsess about. I think it keeps me calm...lol
@Mr. Defense +1 romantic love is merely the result of a positive chemical reaction to the testosterone/pheromones given off by your SO & dopamine. Once that fades so does the "romantic love" there has to be a deeper foundation for it to last.

It's official. We now have to build an army of Virgos and take over the world.
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I'm In! *grabs white cat and heads to lab* mwahahaha!
Posted by TheMoodyVulcan
lol @neuroticvirgo. Why did I just get a mental image of a bunch of Virgos working in a laboratory whistling the Heigh-Ho theme of the seven dwarves?

lol...In perfect harmony no less!
I agree by the way; I think being your SO's best friend is what keeps a relationship/marriage going after the romantic love fades.
Posted by Mr. Defense
Posted by memyself
Posted by Mr. Defense
Posted by memyself
does it happen to you, that you obsess over a thing for a while and then all of a sudden lose interest in it?
- listen to a song over and over again, then all of a sudden find it boring
- read and read on a topic, then have no interest in it
- watch back-to-back episodes of a show, then never go back.
is it a virgo thing; the need to know it all, take it all in, and once the thirst is quenched move to the next new thing?

This is the reason why love alone isn't enough to maintain a relationship.

yes, and over time with love gone, interest gone, what stays? obligation?

Finacially oriented relationships last a lot longer. Love and a big focus on money is probably the most sustainable relationship, but people are afraid to admit this for some reason.
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i don't know about money, atleast at this point. i guess i can be as comfy in a studio as in a mansion (in fact maybe not in a mansion), but then whose to say that taste wont change with time. i guess love and a feeling of being a team might make it sustainable, atleast for me. if one dominates over the other, love is going to get replaced with resentment. not one should be the weakling in the relationship. but this is all theory. a girl wants equality (with him still wearing the pants in the relationship), but she also wants nurturing, wants to be made felt feminine, but also strong. aah its not easy to explain. simply put you want a PARTNER standing side by side with you (holding hands is good), not ahead or behind.
Posted by TheMoodyVulcan
Money is also a leading cause of divorce. The partners have to agree on how to handle said financial arrangement. It also helps if you can be friends with your SO.

"It also helps if you can be friends with your SO." i second that. no one needs to cling to anyone. we can be like buddies and still have our fun smile not FWB, but FWC friends with commitment haha
Posted by neuroticvirgo
Posted by TheMoodyVulcan

I agree by the way; I think being your SO's best friend is what keeps a relationship/marriage going after the romantic love fades.

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Posted by memyself
does it happen to you, that you obsess over a thing for a while and then all of a sudden lose interest in it?
- listen to a song over and over again, then all of a sudden find it boring
- read and read on a topic, then have no interest in it
- watch back-to-back episodes of a show, then never go back.
is it a virgo thing; the need to know it all, take it all in, and once the thirst is quenched move to the next new thing?

Totally me.
This is why I am still figuring out my life's focus.
The only Virgo I have is in Pluto.
I had thought it was my Gemini moon
which always needs mental stimulation.
Hello. I am a leo but I definitely can relate to this.
I obsess and am fascinated with things but tire of them quickly.
It can be very frustrating, particularly when people are involved.
I also have my mercury in virgo.
That makes things tough sometimes, always analyzing.
How do you guys do it?!
Posted by memyself
does it happen to you, that you obsess over a thing for a while and then all of a sudden lose interest in it?
- listen to a song over and over again, then all of a sudden find it boring
- read and read on a topic, then have no interest in it
- watch back-to-back episodes of a show, then never go back.
is it a virgo thing; the need to know it all, take it all in, and once the thirst is quenched move to the next new thing?

Where is your Mars placed? This is not necessarily a virgo thing, it has a lot to do with Mercury and Mars placements. Your Mercury can only be in Leo, Virgo or Libra so that isn't causing it.
Posted by memyself
does it happen to you, that you obsess over a thing for a while and then all of a sudden lose interest in it?
- listen to a song over and over again, then all of a sudden find it boring
- read and read on a topic, then have no interest in it
- watch back-to-back episodes of a show, then never go back.
is it a virgo thing; the need to know it all, take it all in, and once the thirst is quenched move to the next new thing?

Yup all the time
Posted by incandescentcancer
Posted by memyself
does it happen to you, that you obsess over a thing for a while and then all of a sudden lose interest in it?
- listen to a song over and over again, then all of a sudden find it boring
- read and read on a topic, then have no interest in it
- watch back-to-back episodes of a show, then never go back.
is it a virgo thing; the need to know it all, take it all in, and once the thirst is quenched move to the next new thing?

Where is your Mars placed? This is not necessarily a virgo thing, it has a lot to do with Mercury and Mars placements. Your Mercury can only be in Leo, Virgo or Libra so that isn't causing it.
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mercury in virgo, mars in gemini.
Posted by memyself
mercury in virgo, mars in gemini.

hahahahaahha.....I could have almost predicted Mars in Gemini...you need constant stimulation. When you feel bored you probably feel tired.
Posted by incandescentcancer
Posted by memyself
mercury in virgo, mars in gemini.

hahahahaahha.....I could have almost predicted Mars in Gemini...you need constant stimulation. When you feel bored you probably feel tired.
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i do need stimulation, i wouldnt dream it's a gemini thing, i really do not know anything about gemini haha. and damn, i have to drag myself to do stuff i am bored of, but have to because it is an obligation.
Posted by memyself
Posted by incandescentcancer
Posted by memyself
mercury in virgo, mars in gemini.

hahahahaahha.....I could have almost predicted Mars in Gemini...you need constant stimulation. When you feel bored you probably feel tired.

i do need stimulation, i wouldnt dream it's a gemini thing, i really do not know anything about gemini haha. and damn, i have to drag myself to do stuff i am bored of, but have to because it is an obligation.
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I have Mercury conj Mars in Gemini, you have no idea how very few things are interesting to me. It's the same with talking, I find it very hard to deal with people who meander on without making a point. Besides in my case that Mars turbo charges the Merc and I am very sharp in the way I talk.
As far as Mars in Gemini is concerned you have to do multiple projects at any given time to have a healthy life. Besides that always try to have a partner in important projects because you may not be interested in finishing it as much as you want to start it Winking. Extreme physical activity is also not your thing and I can guarantee that you're capable of dating more than one person at a time (even three or four Winking) but if you commit you won't cheat unless Mars is placed in an unfriendly house in your horoscope or is badly aspected by another planet.
with songs:
listen to it again & again, addiction for weeks.
downloaded.... then......... Bammmmmm! no longer addicted -__-

good movies/drama: i can watch it again & again

Posted by memyself

- listen to a song over and over again, then all of a sudden find it boring
- read and read on a topic, then have no interest in it
- watch back-to-back episodes of a show, then never go back.
is it a virgo thing; the need to know it all, take it all in, and once the thirst is quenched move to the next new thing?

so now... I don't download songs anymore. bahahaa
"yes, and over time with love gone, interest gone, what stays? obligation?"

Would you like it if someone stayed with you out of pity/obligation?
Posted by LetltB
"yes, and over time with love gone, interest gone, what stays? obligation?"

Would you like it if someone stayed with you out of pity/obligation?

you are right, no one wants pity. no one wants to be an unwanted presence in anyone's life. i was thinking more of in between married couples who stay married forever. sure the attraction/interest must fade in between them. how do they survive that? especially if no one is cheating on the other or mistreating or anything. they just pull on as a couple. because that is what marriage is all about. then there's kids, and you are pulled into even further. what keeps couples going for years. maybe obligation is a wrong choice of word. maybe it is moral obligation? or there is something more than physical chemistry that you share with that person that keeps you going. but here the couples are not mistreating each other or do not have anyone else they are interested in. they are together because they are married and that is what married couples are supposed to do.
yups. that's why if I just started seeing someone, I won't want to see him often/every week (can be up to 6 months)....because I'm afraid that I will lose interest in him! OR get clingy and scare the guy lol

Posted by memyself
does it happen to you, that you obsess over a thing for a while and then all of a sudden lose interest in it?
- listen to a song over and over again, then all of a sudden find it boring
- read and read on a topic, then have no interest in it
- watch back-to-back episodes of a show, then never go back.
is it a virgo thing; the need to know it all, take it all in, and once the thirst is quenched move to the next new thing?

Posted by memyself
does it happen to you, that you obsess over a thing for a while and then all of a sudden lose interest in it?
- listen to a song over and over again, then all of a sudden find it boring
- read and read on a topic, then have no interest in it
- watch back-to-back episodes of a show, then never go back.
is it a virgo thing; the need to know it all, take it all in, and once the thirst is quenched move to the next new thing?

You perfectly describes my behavior!
@ mrdefense
I like your idea, very real!
Posted by coolcappy
strange, I never thought love can possibly ever go away. Like the real love I mean. Yeah it alters and changes with time and hey it could grow even more and not necessarily diminish with time but to actually disipate and all you have left is just obligation or I don't know, respect for the vows you took or appreciation for loyalty or just because you happen to never meet anyone else you'd fall in love with? It's hard for me to accept because it doesn't happen to me. Also it's hard to believe that once free of loving someone you'd not be easily inclined to see/meet someone else you'd fall for because people usually are seeking subconsciously/conciously for love. I'm afraid if I stop loving I can't be living forever without love. I value love a lot and will always seek it. And I feel often that my love feeds on his love because more often than not he gives me signs his love for me is even stronger than mine for him, if that's even possible.

I agree. Especially in those long term relationships and love does change over time. The big difference is, loving someone and being IN love with someone. I will always love my husband. We were married for 14 years and have three children. But I am not in love with him. The big thing, if you both fall out of being "In" love with each other. You can love someone and not be in love and not put any work into the relationship and move on. If you both fall out of being "IN" love, then it is dangerous because both may not put any effort. There was a time he fell out of "In" love with me, but I was in love so I worked hard. I fell out of IN love with him one time and he knew (we were going through a rough spot and on his part), I told him I knew he was in love with me still and it was going to take time and effort on his part. Now, yes I am not IN love with him, sadly I don't think this will change. But I will always love him.
Posted by coolcappy
Is true. Loving and being in love are different. And I think we both never stopped being in love with each other. I never felt nor did he ever say he's not in love with me anymore so far and I really hope will not happen to either one of us. But if it happenes to just one at the time and the other helps with still being in love etc then it'll always work. It's dangerous when the in love feeling goes away from both of us at the same time... then there'll be nothing to pull it back.

^^^^^DING DING!!! EXACTLY!! If you both fall out of being IN love, then there is nothing to work towards and no effort will be put forth. It doesn't mean in some circumstances you don't love the person...just not in love.