
This topic was created in the Virgo forum by StandOffThis on Thursday, December 8, 2011 and has 6 replies.
you're stupid.
you should've/could've said it was your mom, dad, brother...third cousin twice removed.
you told him that it was a "friend" because you're playing games.
overall, you're both children and given that, why the hell am i responding to this...
Posted by caligula
you're stupid.
you should've/could've said it was your mom, dad, brother...third cousin twice removed.
you told him that it was a "friend" because you're playing games.
overall, you're both children and given that, why the hell am i responding to this...

If we're just friends why should I have to lie? Especially when this person is a mutual friend? He asked, I told the truth. I can't control his reaction. I considered it immature also,..on his part. Very reason why I told him "if it was going to be this way that maybe we shouldnt." Thanks for your 2 cents, chick. Big Grin
I'm capable.
Posted by StandOffThis
I'm capable.

Yeah I was gna say, it's doable. You find people of the opposite sex attractive all the time. Some of us can seperate sexual from emotional. It's really not that hard. I have a sag friend like this who I communicate with like a very good friend. We talk to each other about people were dating at the time and get advice, goof off, and just act normal.
It just depends on the person
Posted by MoonMan
Yeah, fair enough, I've just never met any people who have pulled it off, maybe they stay friends and actually hang out and keep in touch for a while, but what could have been a life long friendship before they had sex often changes gear after they break off the sex.
I'm willing to be swayed on my point of view but I'd have to question how truely connected the two actually were.
If they were both emotionally mature and went into it with eyes open, I guess it's possible.
You both would also face challenges if you actually hang out rather than just chat online/phone with regard to future partners as they might not like you being close, especially if you're going to be discussing "them"....oh yeah!
My understanding of human nature (which improves over time) is that it would more likely be easier for a woman to stay friends than a man in this situation.
If I was serious about a woman and we were in a relationship and she kept in touch with her 'special male friend' who were once just friends, then sexual partners and then just friends again, well, I wouldn't like that at all.
My serious girlfriend phones me at work, "hon, I'll be a little late getting home today, I'm having coffee with John",
.."you remember John?, we were once friends but then we got togeather for 3months and had lots of sex", but we're just friends again now, ok, so yeah, see you soon babe, luv ya."
"Yeah babe, no problem, have fun" f**k your gonna have fun!
It just wouldn't work for me.

Well, good thing you and I arent dating. Big Grin
Posted by MoonMan
Posted by StandOffThis

Well, good thing you and I arent dating. Big Grin

hehehehe. Yep
Good luck to you if you can pull it off, but it's unlikely.
Let me throw a twist of lemon into this cocktail...
Lets say you meet a guy, go on some dates over a coupla months, hang out, you really click and fall for him.
You want to take things to a serious level.
Just as things are looking great, he informs you that Julie, the girl you met 3 weeks ago, who he is good friends with,
were sexing it up for a month or two, (but before you met him), they have since gone back to 'just friends'.
Now Julie is quite a looker too, intelligent, all round good package.
Your new man informs you he wants to keep seeing Julie 'as a friend' and they do seem to catch up for what ever reason now and then, without you.
How do you feel about this?
What if you can see that they have a really good friendship and laugh and have fun.
How do you feel about sharing your new man with Julie?..... who used to be just friends with him, then they had sex,
now they are just friends again.
Remember, your new man is not just a casual fling, you really like the guy and you want to get serious with him.

*See, in the above scenario, you are actually Julie, but I'm putting you in the shoes of your friends new girlfriend.

click to expand

Hopefully his new gf wont be as insecure as Julie's ex-fwbs'. Big Grin

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