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Jul 19, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 532 · Topics: 30
Heya everyone... long time no see... I've been just too bummed to write since my relationship with the Cap Gal was going nowhere fast...
First week of October, I got a letter from a gal responding to my add in A local gal, about 25 miles away... a Scorpio, only two years older than I, way cute, petite, owns her own horse, trailrides, has and also trains dogs.
After 3 dates over 3 weeks, we finally spent the night together on Friday and..... = ))))))))))))))!
Wow, whatta difference between her and the Cap gal. We only smootched good night on the second date, then on the third date after trailriding for several hours smootched a few more times, then made plans to spend the night together for the fourth date = ))
She's a hotty = ) Wowza.
So you'll be seeing more of me now = )
Signed Up:
Jul 19, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 532 · Topics: 30
>Sounds like SHE'LL be seeing MORE of YOU, too! Cool! {Uh, once you Scorp, you'll never go back!}
I must say I was excited when she told me she was a Scorp... I instantly thought of you and your Scorp gal Dy = ) And hoped I'd have the same luck.
It's interesting what the Scorp board says about our combo tho:
>Scorpio & Virgo: There may be some trouble with this combination, because both find it hard to communicate.
As we actually communicate VERY well. Guess we're both the "other" kind of Vguy and Scorp Gal types, heh.
Hi guys, feeling my way around here. What is going on with the earth/water sign mix lately? ; )
My Mom is a Scorp and she has that magnetism! I am glad that you both have found that special someone and that it is working.
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Jul 19, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 532 · Topics: 30
What's most interesting about this new relationship, is that I'd seen her profile on ES months ago, but didn't write her, even tho she lived so close... because...... a bad picture! Her profile picture was taken from about 100 yards away and if I had seen her face to face in a crowd, I wouldn't have recognized her. It's something that bugs me about these dating sights... I know people are shy, but when you meet someone face to face, at a bar, event, store... whatever... you see ALL of them. So why not post a Recent and full length pic of yourself online also? It's only fair. I personally had 8 pics of myself posted on ES...
So I saw, but never wrote her and would not have...
Then she writes me and I was polite as always... and we really hit it off emailing... Then I asked for a better pic and when she sent it, was like wow... wish I'd known she was so cute months ago! I would have written her!
= )
Fate and chance. If she had never written...if. Is she somewhat shy (because of the picture being of her a long distance away)? But she is a scorp, so I'd guess not. Just maybe reserved? What do you like best about her?
Signed Up:
Jul 19, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 532 · Topics: 30
>Is she somewhat shy
Yes, said she doesn't look good in pictures... but I disagree.
In bed, a little when it comes to being seen in full light. We made love by candlelight, but I'd have rather seen her in FULL light... I've told her all the little imperfections we all have at this age are of no concern to me... I think she will become more at ease over time.
>What do you like best about her?
She's cute, petite, 5' 4". Average weight I think. Pretty eyes. Communicates well thru emails.. very important to me. And talking on the phone.. and in person. Is smart, well read, educated... college or self taught doesn't matter to me as long as you're sharp.
Loves horses and dogs.
Isn't quite the horse lover I am, but then I've met no one like me so far... but she's pretty close.
That was a big one. Have met too many gals who like horses, but like them like a "thing" that they can have fun with, not a being that you can have a close relationship with.. not the wonderful critters they are on a personal level if you know them well.
Not a smoker... light drinker... Independant.
Sexy. LOL. Very sexy. Even tho we only kissed lightly the second and third dates...
Talked about sex with no problems, like we were on the same page all the time. With the Cap gal, it was me coming on to her and I kept hearing from her that I was pushing and rushing her... now here's this Scorp gal in sync with me... very nice.
Sexually we're on the same page. We're still feeling each other out tho... so will be interesting to see how it all works out.
Physically... nice legs.. butt.. boobs, eyes. hehe. Very nicely built.
I love a cute petite gal. I think Dy and me discussed that once... we either go for the petite gal or the Big Earth Mother types... if a gal falls inbetween these two types, she has to have something special to attract and hold our attention. My Cancer gal was 6' and 180 lbs, so was the "inbetween type".
Signed Up:
Feb 16, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 15214 · Topics: 99
Hope it works out for you...there seem to be sooo many Virgo/Scorp couples around..
Best of luck