Men with mars in virgo ?

This topic was created in the Virgo forum by dewiklaessen26 on Monday, January 22, 2018 and has 12 replies.
my sagg has a mars in virgo but i would like to know more about it
Posted by dewiklaessen26
my sagg has a mars in virgo but i would like to know more about it
Which house is it in ?
Posted by MyStarsShine
Posted by dewiklaessen26
my sagg has a mars in virgo but i would like to know more about it
Which house is it in ?
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the 5th house i have my mars in libra in the 9th house both a fire house i don't know if it's more his venus or mars that i often see when it comes to sex he's a venus in scorpio in the 7th house and i am a venus leo in the 8th house my moon in his 8th house and his mars in my 8th house

Posted by Earthgoddess
So basically

Mars is about sex, conflict and drive right?

So he will have sex passionately when he’s ready and will probably be a pervert

He also won’t like confrontation but also he will try to avoid it when it comes up. Also he probably is super compromising. Until u fuck up and then he will ghost 😂😂

His ambition or drive is strong but also lazy. Meaning he can get lots done if u done mind pointing him in the right direction and basically letting him know how helpful he is😉
lol i am a virgo sun he's sagittarius sun he sometimes seem to have the perfection and criticism of a virgo our chart is weird

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Posted by UnicornSag
I've got nothing of Virgo in my chart and can be quite of a perfectionist...I'm not sure what it was but some aspect in my chart pointed out at this. Sags can be quite of a perfectionists too and and to that Virgo Mars it does make sense. Did you try reading interpretation of his chart at some sight? Cafe astrology has good interpretations usually, and for aspects they may not elaborate you can always google to find the meaning
yes that's my main website but i wanna know the inside out do a little i digging Tongue

The Boy and I both have Virgo Mars. Anything in particular ya wanna know?

Hates confrontation, but doesn’t mind talking things out when brought up in a non-confrontational way.

Particular and headstrong. Borderline stubborn.

Great work ethic and sense of duty. More of a self starter than I am, tho he can also procrastinate with the best of em.

He’s a giver. My coffee grinder broke in November and, since I’m the only one in the house that uses it, he knew I’d put off buying myself another one until at least after Christmas. So he had me open one of my Crimbo presents really early. It was a coffee grinder. smile

He’s not very good at voicing his own needs tho. Neither am I. Dunno about him, but eventually I’ll start to stew in that. It’s good we’re both Virgo Mars. Helps us to help each other. So a word of advice would be to be able to spot the unspoken.
Posted by hippiecrite
The Boy and I both have Virgo Mars. Anything in particular ya wanna know?

Hates confrontation, but doesn’t mind talking things out when brought up in a non-confrontational way.

Particular and headstrong. Borderline stubborn.

Great work ethic and sense of duty. More of a self starter than I am, tho he can also procrastinate with the best of em.

He’s a giver. My coffee grinder broke in November and, since I’m the only one in the house that uses it, he knew I’d put off buying myself another one until at least after Christmas. So he had me open one of my Crimbo presents really early. It was a coffee grinder. smile

He’s not very good at voicing his own needs tho. Neither am I. Dunno about him, but eventually I’ll start to stew in that. It’s good we’re both Virgo Mars. Helps us to help each other. So a word of advice would be to be able to spot the unspoken.
We both have very strong oppinions and procrastination is something he always does lol

I would want to know when it comes to sexuality he always wants to please me and the other way around too but he can sometimes very obsessed about his body luckily he's less like that now he used to be afraid to get fat and run for 2 hours if he ate one unhealthy thing where as he is perfectly athletic and sexy

Posted by Toti
I'm a Scorpio with Mars in Virgo in the first house. I get the job done, I pay attention to details and I'm a perfectionist. I believe in constructive criticism. I keep my word and I'm very responsible. Very straightforward. If I don't like something, I tend to be a great procrastinator, for example with ironing clothes. Hate it. I pay attention to what I eat. I don't drink alcohol nor coffee. I hate being late. I'm not patient. I don't like to fight, I like to sort things out by talking. Great sexual energy, like to experiment and no inhibitions here. But, I can't be just with anyone. I'm very picky. I don't fall in love easily, but when I do it's hard. I can't be bored, I always do something.
Interesting hmm me and my sagittarius both don't smoke and only drink every now and then we both are health freaks and like the same food kinda we both do not like confrontation but fight like lions lol

Posted by Toti
I'm a Scorpio with Mars in Virgo in the first house. I get the job done, I pay attention to details and I'm a perfectionist. I believe in constructive criticism. I keep my word and I'm very responsible. Very straightforward. If I don't like something, I tend to be a great procrastinator, for example with ironing clothes. Hate it. I pay attention to what I eat. I don't drink alcohol nor coffee. I hate being late. I'm not patient. I don't like to fight, I like to sort things out by talking. Great sexual energy, like to experiment and no inhibitions here. But, I can't be just with anyone. I'm very picky. I don't fall in love easily, but when I do it's hard. I can't be bored, I always do something.
I think also because it's in a fire house

Posted by dewiklaessen26
Posted by hippiecrite
The Boy and I both have Virgo Mars. Anything in particular ya wanna know?

Hates confrontation, but doesn’t mind talking things out when brought up in a non-confrontational way.

Particular and headstrong. Borderline stubborn.

Great work ethic and sense of duty. More of a self starter than I am, tho he can also procrastinate with the best of em.

He’s a giver. My coffee grinder broke in November and, since I’m the only one in the house that uses it, he knew I’d put off buying myself another one until at least after Christmas. So he had me open one of my Crimbo presents really early. It was a coffee grinder. smile

He’s not very good at voicing his own needs tho. Neither am I. Dunno about him, but eventually I’ll start to stew in that. It’s good we’re both Virgo Mars. Helps us to help each other. So a word of advice would be to be able to spot the unspoken.
We both have very strong oppinions and procrastination is something he always does lol

I would want to know when it comes to sexuality he always wants to please me and the other way around too but he can sometimes very obsessed about his body luckily he's less like that now he used to be afraid to get fat and run for 2 hours if he ate one unhealthy thing where as he is perfectly athletic and sexy

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Super body conscious!

He won’t run these days, unless something’s chasing him, but there’s definite parallels. He only shops organic. Shuns fast food. Big into health supplements. Eco aware, particularly when it comes to plastic that could be leeching into his foods and whatnot. The man uses a bamboo toothbrush for cripes sake. Big Grin

Posted by CaramelizedCoffee
Virgo Mars

I'm too lazy to answer

But i'm critical

And i like to clean and organize my parents home

That's all i got

Rarely have sex unless i really really really like the person
Rarely ? my sagg needs it every freaking day what's your venus sign ? we have at least 1/2 sex every day

Posted by CaramelizedCoffee
Posted by dewiklaessen26
Posted by CaramelizedCoffee
Virgo Mars

I'm too lazy to answer

But i'm critical

And i like to clean and organize my parents home

That's all i got

Rarely have sex unless i really really really like the person
Rarely ? my sagg needs it every freaking day what's your venus sign ? we have at least 1/2 sex every day


I can have sex lots of times with one guy

But i rarely like anybody
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oh i am venus in leo too now i understand well yeah if i really like you i can be a show off but only if it;s addictive sex