Well virgo man I have 2 questions for you :
What do you feel or think when you have a girlfriend who has mood swing very often??
It's not that I don't love him. It just I still can't trust him.
When you tell her that you love her, do you really mean that three words??
He always ask me, if he do or say is wrong when I turn cold toward him coz he told me he's afraid to lose me.
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Mar 15, 2008Comments: 2 · Posts: 350 · Topics: 10
I don't know anyone who likes ppl with frequent mood swings.
Based on experience, i put up with it...then byebye.
Turn cold when your bf says or did somethg wrong, how old are you. Sheesh ...ever heard that communication is important in a rship?
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Mar 15, 2008Comments: 2 · Posts: 350 · Topics: 10
No you don't love him.
How can anyone love without trust?
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Apr 03, 2013Comments: 18 · Posts: 1149 · Topics: 51
Frequent Mood Swings = unbalance in Virgo life and can be very unhealthy for them. It adds an element of uncertainty in their life. Virgo's won't put up with that long.
Trust: You need to work on you. You are relying to much on the past. You learn from the past and apply to the future, but you don't hang yourself up on the past and think every person who comes into your life is the same. That is lack of self esteem....Virgo will sniff that out and lose respect for you.
Virgo move slow, and typically will not say something unless they mean it. That is in general not be applied to everyone because you have to add personality and nature vs nurture in there.
Yeah it seems unhealthy for him. He observe my moods so at least he can expect it coz he said I'm unpredictable one. I think he started step back even he said he won't give up on me.
Before with him, I'm all alone. And when we started dating he said that he always there for me to through this life.
And really I want make him happy and treat him well like he do or more than he do to me.
I really need him for my life. He is the one who can open me up. The problem is I can't even handle my dark mood when around him..