Posted by newtothis
My Virgo boss is an independent wealth manager and I, an Aries, am his junior. We have no other employees. I'm 25 and he is 63. He is extremely mercurial though and it drives me insane! If we have meetings, sometimes he will cancel morning of because he "just has way too much work to do" and says he is extremely behind. My thoughts are we are getting a bad reputation because of the last minute schedule changes.
A few of our business acquittances have hinted that I am the one that is more reliable and easier to get ahold of. He also locks himself in his office for days and refuses to answer calls or emails. His clients will then call my cell. I ignore his crap and try to work as hard as I can, but even then it gets under my skin. I try to sit him down ask what is wrong but he is too hard to pin down.
This week broke the camels back though. I brought in a fairly big client and we all have a meeting scheduled for Friday morning. I just know my boss is going to cancel last minute and make us look like dumbasses. How do I get him to be more responsible and care about the business?
His chart-
Sun- Virgo
Moon- Aries
Mercury- Virgo
Venus- Libra
Mars- Virgo
Lilith in Pisces
My chart-
Sun- Aries
Moon- Libra
Mercury- Aries
Venus- Aries
Mars- Virgo
Lilith in Virgo
Please help ha
Posted by magma5replace Virgo with Gemini
Are all Aries the same?
Posted by RomanRdWhy are you trying to copy my name?Posted by magma5
Are all Aries the same?
replace Virgo with Geminiclick to expand
Posted by RomzzDon’t be a pillockPosted by RomanRdPosted by magma5
Are all Aries the same?
replace Virgo with Gemini
Why are you trying to copy my name?
There can be only one Roman and that’s me. Bye 👋click to expand
Posted by Tomboyyyy😂😂😂👍👍🤪Posted by newtothis
I do but I also have a lot of other stuff to do, too.
This new client is in his seventies and wants to do business with my boss, as my boss knows more than I do.
Are all Virgo's like this?
Why are you using his number one excuse?click to expand
Posted by newtothis
My Virgo boss is an independent wealth manager and I, an Aries, am his junior. We have no other employees. I'm 25 and he is 63. He is extremely mercurial though and it drives me insane! If we have meetings, sometimes he will cancel morning of because he "just has way too much work to do" and says he is extremely behind. My thoughts are we are getting a bad reputation because of the last minute schedule changes.
A few of our business acquittances have hinted that I am the one that is more reliable and easier to get ahold of. He also locks himself in his office for days and refuses to answer calls or emails. His clients will then call my cell. I ignore his crap and try to work as hard as I can, but even then it gets under my skin. I try to sit him down ask what is wrong but he is too hard to pin down.
This week broke the camels back though. I brought in a fairly big client and we all have a meeting scheduled for Friday morning. I just know my boss is going to cancel last minute and make us look like dumbasses. How do I get him to be more responsible and care about the business?
Posted by PhoenixRisingKind of. I have mixed feelings about it. I am aggressively looking for new job. Thanks.Posted by newtothis
My Virgo boss is an independent wealth manager and I, an Aries, am his junior. We have no other employees. I'm 25 and he is 63. He is extremely mercurial though and it drives me insane! If we have meetings, sometimes he will cancel morning of because he "just has way too much work to do" and says he is extremely behind. My thoughts are we are getting a bad reputation because of the last minute schedule changes.
A few of our business acquittances have hinted that I am the one that is more reliable and easier to get ahold of. He also locks himself in his office for days and refuses to answer calls or emails. His clients will then call my cell. I ignore his crap and try to work as hard as I can, but even then it gets under my skin. I try to sit him down ask what is wrong but he is too hard to pin down.
This week broke the camels back though. I brought in a fairly big client and we all have a meeting scheduled for Friday morning. I just know my boss is going to cancel last minute and make us look like dumbasses. How do I get him to be more responsible and care about the business?
Is he a successful wealth manager? If so, he must be doing something right whether you agree with his style or not. If business is actually suffering, then you have an issue--to the extent that it's affecting your pockets. Sounds like you've taken a few comments made by clients about you being easier to get a hold of to mean more than it does, or his style of doing business is "wrong" because it doesn't line up with yours. At the end of the day if he's making people money, they aren't going anywhere no matter how challenging he may be doing face to face meetings. Just sounds like its a bad fit tbh and you need a place that provide opportunity and mentorship. You can't force a round peg into a square hole.
Move on if its that big of a deal, but learn what you can until to expand
Posted by 777I was reduced to PT just working in the afternoons, I work 12-4 now. Last week, Virgo rescheduled an appointment at 2, then same day decided to reschedule for the next week. I apologized to the client for the last minute reschedule and he told me "don't, it is not your fault."
The question is, can you do what you do without your boss? Maybe his clients have been with him long time so are willing to deal with his cancelations.
Older generations have good things too teach, but after a while they just become stale and unmotivated.
But remember, running a successful business isn't easy.
Save your money & start a business. most oldies don't want 2 change
Posted by newtothisit sucks to work with people who neglect their duties. It's even worse when superiors harbor neglectful behavior. They don't realize how it affects other people's moral & motivation. In this situation, considering such small staff ,& chain of command, your only other recourse is alternative employment.Posted by 777
The question is, can you do what you do without your boss? Maybe his clients have been with him long time so are willing to deal with his cancelations.
Older generations have good things too teach, but after a while they just become stale and unmotivated.
But remember, running a successful business isn't easy.
Save your money & start a business. most oldies don't want 2 change
I was reduced to PT just working in the afternoons, I work 12-4 now. Last week, Virgo rescheduled an appointment at 2, then same day decided to reschedule for the next week. I apologized to the client for the last minute reschedule and he told me "don't, it is not your fault."
Today, the client texts me "are we meeting at 10?" I replied "As far as I know. I do not come into until noon. Virgo should be in the office though."
He said "I'm starting to get a complex..."
Me- "I'm really sorry."
Client- "It is not you! This is the straw that broke the camel's back. I'm gone."click to expand
Posted by SuperSize9There is no need to be rude. We are also in a small town and in a pandemic. A lot of companies are not hiring.
Good thing he hired an EMPLOYEE to work FOR HIM. In HIS COMPANY. To a JOB and get PAID to that JOB.
Your a joke complaining about work. How about quite. Right now quite. Your not obligated to be there you can find another job. Unless you like your job and responsibility. Or better yet you can GROW THE FUQ UP and talk to your boss. Unless your a punk Azz Chihuahua venting onto the solar system. Sit puppy. Now roll over, and play dead.
Posted by newtothisYou both have a karmatic relationship. You have Virgo in your chart too, and your Lilith aspects him strongly. Due to the age difference, there’s potential for a mentor/prodigy relationship. Be upfront that clients are calling you. Don’t be blunt or you’ll trigger his moon’s qualities. Tomorrow, come 15 minutes before he arrives. Just sit a your desk. If he’s not a talker, bright smile, loudly say “good morning” (a genuine smile that would make anyone feel rude to pass by). Offer to piggy back coffee for him on top of your order. Once he’s approachable, walk in, and tell him you need to talk to him. Be upfront and tell him you’d like to expand your role and support him wherever possible. Be upfront and tell him (politely) that clients are calling you for updates, and that maybe he can find time to talk with you to work out a system. At the end of the conversation, remind him about the new business meeting. Tell him that you can’t help but notice a pattern in his schedule, and *just* for the sake of salvaging the best impression and retaining business, that if he happens to have to reschedule this meeting also, that maybe he’s willing to trust you to handle a more abridged meeting for the purpose of meet and greet. If you see him getting squirmish at the sound, remind him that the best work relationships are built on expanding trust, that you were hired for a reason, you work best in environments that reinforce good hires being honest and upfront about having additional time to take on more work and your style of work is to report every detail back to your supervisor afterwards. Good luck—
My Virgo boss is an independent wealth manager and I, an Aries, am his junior. We have no other employees. I'm 25 and he is 63. He is extremely mercurial though and it drives me insane! If we have meetings, sometimes he will cancel morning of because he "just has way too much work to do" and says he is extremely behind. My thoughts are we are getting a bad reputation because of the last minute schedule changes.
A few of our business acquittances have hinted that I am the one that is more reliable and easier to get ahold of. He also locks himself in his office for days and refuses to answer calls or emails. His clients will then call my cell. I ignore his crap and try to work as hard as I can, but even then it gets under my skin. I try to sit him down ask what is wrong but he is too hard to pin down.
This week broke the camels back though. I brought in a fairly big client and we all have a meeting scheduled for Friday morning. I just know my boss is going to cancel last minute and make us look like dumbasses. How do I get him to be more responsible and care about the business?
His chart-
Sun- Virgo
Moon- Aries
Mercury- Virgo
Venus- Libra
Mars- Virgo
Lilith in Pisces
My chart-
Sun- Aries
Moon- Libra
Mercury- Aries
Venus- Aries
Mars- Virgo
Lilith in Virgo
Please help ha
Posted by newtothislol this reminds me of one of the architects I work with. When I pointed out a problem with the number of retaining walls he had on plan he responded with "I've been doing this longer than you've been alive, don't tell me what to do" but also "can you convert this to a pdf, I don't know how".
One day he tells me he's been in the industry for forty years and he knows everything but then he tells me he has to figure things out everyday, too.
Posted by newtothis
Hello all. I was thinking about this today.
He is way too impulsive, emotional, and talkative for me. I like quiet stability and he is none of those things. Which is weird, because he is the Virgo and I am the Aries.
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