my virgo is OBSESSED with me

This topic was created in the Virgo forum by scorpio24 on Sunday, March 24, 2013 and has 26 replies.
i really didnt see this happening, but he is so obsessed with me, he cuddles and kisses me every chance he can get
im not complaining but wow, talk about one extreme to another!
How? smile What happened?
Posted by kindleberry
How? smile What happened?

i just gave him heaps of space and stopped initiating contact.. and when he contacted me i would reply when it was convinient for me and not at a drop of a hat, and just became really aloof. when i finally saw him he wouldnt leave me alone hahaha, i havent been as affectionate as i usually am, and am not always available to see him every time he wants to, and i havent been sleeping at his house much at all.. seams to be working. smile I feel heaps more balanced now and at ease
That's what I've started doing. It does work. But I almost feel like he's doing it just because I mentioned it during an argument. So I don't know if it's pity or he genuinely means to text me.
lol @TMV I'm picturing one of those after school PSA's circa "This is your brain on drugs"
Posted by scorpio24
Posted by kindleberry
How? smile What happened?

i just gave him heaps of space and stopped initiating contact.. and when he contacted me i would reply when it was convinient for me and not at a drop of a hat, and just became really aloof. when i finally saw him he wouldnt leave me alone hahaha, i havent been as affectionate as i usually am, and am not always available to see him every time he wants to, and i havent been sleeping at his house much at all.. seams to be working. smile I feel heaps more balanced now and at ease
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This made my day. Well done. I'm so proud of you.
Keep believing you are the Prize & he will believe it too smile
Ok so say the virgo called me and I missed his call. Do I initiate or wait for him to come in contact with me again??
If you are working I would take my time, don't answer right away, respond like you would to a guy friend, you call back when convenient, be cool and if he doesn't answer I would leave a message saying, hey you called me just returning your call, what's up?? Dont't start with the I am sorry I was busy and I missed your call etc...
Posted by scorpio24
i really didnt see this happening, but he is so obsessed with me, he cuddles and kisses me every chance he can get
im not complaining but wow, talk about one extreme to another!

Good for you, Big Grin I'm glad it worked out. If there is something people on dxp hear out of me all the frigging time...
"Fear is stronger than Love".
Don't let fear ruin, control, define you and your relationship
Posted by VirgoHero
Posted by scorpio24
i really didnt see this happening, but he is so obsessed with me, he cuddles and kisses me every chance he can get
im not complaining but wow, talk about one extreme to another!

Good for you, Big Grin I'm glad it worked out. If there is something people on dxp hear out of me all the frigging time...
"Fear is stronger than Love".
Don't let fear ruin, control, define you and your relationship

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Trust me I'm not a fan of games! I don't think by being a bit aloof is playing a game? But anyway, I think I ruined it again lol.. We have spent a bit of time together but for 3 days in a row, the whooole time he was obsessed with me by kissing me and cuddling me like there is no tomorrow.. But lastnight I let my scorpio come out and I became a bit more warm to him aswell... I could be over analysing but I feel like he gets annoyed at me for the smallest things when we spend too much time together. Even the first day when we were all good again and he was being obsessed with me
He said how much he has missed me and space made him miss me but then he said he isn't sure that we can handle eachother when we are with eachother all the time and that he doesn't know if that's a good or bad thing (clearly it's bad, people should want to and be able to be around eachother every second of the day) which is what he was implying. Anyway I have noticed now that I have given him a little bit of my scorpio warmth back now he's being a bit cold again... Of course I'm gonna do what I learnt and let him be but seriously this is so ANNOYING. I'm actually begining to feel emotionally exhausted! Why is he so INCONSISTENT. Also I saw the clairvoyant on the weekend she literally spoke about my relationship the entire time. She said that my guy will always be back, I just need to act aloof and have my own life.. Let him initiate contact etc. which I will do again, by my god it's exhausting. I'm begining to feel like we just aren't good for eachother in some ways. Ahh
Posted by scorpio24
Trust me I'm not a fan of games! I don't think by being a bit aloof is playing a game? But anyway, I think I ruined it again lol.. We have spent a bit of time together but for 3 days in a row, the whooole time he was obsessed with me by kissing me and cuddling me like there is no tomorrow.. But lastnight I let my scorpio come out and I became a bit more warm to him aswell... I could be over analysing but I feel like he gets annoyed at me for the smallest things when we spend too much time together. Even the first day when we were all good again and he was being obsessed with me
He said how much he has missed me and space made him miss me but then he said he isn't sure that we can handle eachother when we are with eachother all the time and that he doesn't know if that's a good or bad thing (clearly it's bad, people should want to and be able to be around eachother every second of the day) which is what he was implying. Anyway I have noticed now that I have given him a little bit of my scorpio warmth back now he's being a bit cold again... Of course I'm gonna do what I learnt and let him be but seriously this is so ANNOYING. I'm actually begining to feel emotionally exhausted! Why is he so INCONSISTENT. Also I saw the clairvoyant on the weekend she literally spoke about my relationship the entire time. She said that my guy will always be back, I just need to act aloof and have my own life.. Let him initiate contact etc. which I will do again, by my god it's exhausting. I'm begining to feel like we just aren't good for eachother in some ways. Ahh

Exhausting... to the point that you quit caring. Then they get bored... at least in my case
Posted by scorpio24
people should want to and be able to be around eachother every second of the day

I think even people who are crazily in love and married still need space and time to do their own thing...maybe he is just easily overwhelmed, and understand that he needs to pull away from time to time. If you do have your own life and are occupied with doing your own thing, then it wouldn't be so exhausting because you aren't pretending to be someone you are not. :-/
the push pull thing is soo annoying. i do have a life outside of him, i have plenty of activities and friends i can catch up with.. but when i feel like he's being cold/distant i secretly panic (i dont show it to him) but i am a scorpio so i easily can begin to over analyze and to panic which doesnt really help me be enthusiastic about anything else in life. someties i wish i was a different sign so i could think more logically and less emotionally and be more patient. ha
Posted by RomancingA
Posted by kindleberry
Ok so say the virgo called me and I missed his call. Do I initiate or wait for him to come in contact with me again??

Just call him back, seriously, you miss his call...obv he was trying to get in touch with you. So call him back!!
Each and every step doesn't need to be thought out in the extreme. It's not about who is dominant and calls the least, or texts the's about being real.
If you don't like that as advice, text him back and say "Sorry I missed ur call. Was busy. I'll call you later from home".

Leaving people hanging is usually just considered rude. I'm sure you are not, so don't behave like that. Just be real.
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I do get it. But it's hard when in my head I keep thinking to give him space. He asked for it then started contacting me anyway. I could have texted earlier - say lunch time. But was out with coworkers. Then timing wasn't good. I did notice he does what I do twice as much. If I don't answer right away he waits longer. etc. It's annoying. Even if it's not a game with me, he might think it is.
Then timing wasn't good. I did notice he does what I do twice as much. If I don't answer right away he waits longer. etc. It's annoying. Even if it's not a game with me, he might think it is.

mine does this sometimes.. but then other times if i dont reply for ages for any reason he will reply sooner and be more full on and clingy.. only lasts a few minutes though and then he becomes "cool, calm and collected" again
virgo men = confusing species.
No it doesn't. They are the same in their 30s and 40s.
I agree CC.
why are they like this? i dont get it.. why cant they ever be satisfied?
I'm so confused! Why is it as soon as I let my self warm up a bit again he goes weird/cold/distant? I don't get it :/ I feel like the whole relationship is a game and the only way for me to get what I want is to act like I don't want it?
I seriously wish someone would just punch him in the face.
Posted by scorpio24
I'm so confused! Why is it as soon as I let my self warm up a bit again he goes weird/cold/distant? I don't get it :/ I feel like the whole relationship is a game and the only way for me to get what I want is to act like I don't want it?

I have heard you are supposed to be like that even when you marry one lol always giving him space, keeping him in his toes... exhausting indeed
I am very happy with myself and I am very confident, I have my own life, etc I dated a Virgo for a year and I felt that way, no matter how cool and collected I was he would always pull away... it was weird and I tried really hard to make it work but it was EXHAUSTING and I felt myself getting insecure, needy and becoming this woman ruled by his moods and emotions.... I chose me smile
It does help moon girl smile it's just so hard to train myself in that way... How do I do that? :/ it's so difficult to go from one extreme (anxious/fearful) to another (relaxed/calm and collected).. I guess I already do try to in a way, Im pretty positive in general but yeah once in that mind frame it's difficult to switch!
I saw him again lastnight (only for an hour) cause I was helping him clean.. I was quite aloof and by the end of it he had cornered me and was kissing me but I couldn't be bothered kissing him cause I was cleaning which only made him want to do it more. Before he left to go out with his friends he made a "mwah" noise as to an indication for me to walk 2 metres to where he was to kiss him goodbye and I just stared at him (we very rarely kiss eachother good bye) and he walked away and was like "oh" seamed a bit disappointed hahaha I secretly thought it was funny.
Also, are virgos jealous? I have heaps of male friends (who he is now very good friends with through me) at the begining he showed very obvious signs of jealousy and suspicion. Once I introduced them all to him and he became friends with them he realized it was nothing but every now and then I think he would get secretly jealous over any males that I associate with as friends, though he would never admit it. It's kind of nice to be honest cause that means he still cares.
Thanks moon girl I'm going to try it! Will be hard though to NOT over analyze and over think, but I think I need to learn this for my own mental wellbeing haha smile
his chart makes him difficult to date haha, but thankgod he has cancer in venus, if his venus wasnt a water one i have no idea how he would be haha
scorpio24, I can understand how a man might become distracted to the point of obsession by your intelligence, warmth and beauty but too much of a good thing is not always marvelous. Physical affection and intimacy are continually delightful and can help hold a relationship together through troubling times bodily pleasure pleasure alone will not bring complete fulfillment and is not always welcome or desired by both people. Physical intimacy is also not a substitute for emotional intimacy. If you find your bf's becomes physical too often or at times you would rather not you need to talk about this with each other. He needs to understand and acknowledge your feelings and be respectful of them as you respect him and his feelings. I wish both of you only the best.
Posted by julyocean
Posted by scorpio24
people should want to and be able to be around eachother every second of the day

I think even people who are crazily in love and married still need space and time to do their own thing...maybe he is just easily overwhelmed, and understand that he needs to pull away from time to time. If you do have your own life and are occupied with doing your own thing, then it wouldn't be so exhausting because you aren't pretending to be someone you are not. :-/
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I agree.

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