Posted by kindleberry
How?What happened?
Posted by scorpio24Posted by kindleberry
How?What happened?
i just gave him heaps of space and stopped initiating contact.. and when he contacted me i would reply when it was convinient for me and not at a drop of a hat, and just became really aloof. when i finally saw him he wouldnt leave me alone hahaha, i havent been as affectionate as i usually am, and am not always available to see him every time he wants to, and i havent been sleeping at his house much at all.. seams to be working.I feel heaps more balanced now and at ease
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Posted by scorpio24
i really didnt see this happening, but he is so obsessed with me, he cuddles and kisses me every chance he can get
im not complaining but wow, talk about one extreme to another!
Posted by VirgoHeroPosted by scorpio24
i really didnt see this happening, but he is so obsessed with me, he cuddles and kisses me every chance he can get
im not complaining but wow, talk about one extreme to another!
Good for you,I'm glad it worked out. If there is something people on dxp hear out of me all the frigging time...
"Fear is stronger than Love".
Don't let fear ruin, control, define you and your relationshipclick to expand
Posted by scorpio24
Trust me I'm not a fan of games! I don't think by being a bit aloof is playing a game? But anyway, I think I ruined it again lol.. We have spent a bit of time together but for 3 days in a row, the whooole time he was obsessed with me by kissing me and cuddling me like there is no tomorrow.. But lastnight I let my scorpio come out and I became a bit more warm to him aswell... I could be over analysing but I feel like he gets annoyed at me for the smallest things when we spend too much time together. Even the first day when we were all good again and he was being obsessed with me
He said how much he has missed me and space made him miss me but then he said he isn't sure that we can handle eachother when we are with eachother all the time and that he doesn't know if that's a good or bad thing (clearly it's bad, people should want to and be able to be around eachother every second of the day) which is what he was implying. Anyway I have noticed now that I have given him a little bit of my scorpio warmth back now he's being a bit cold again... Of course I'm gonna do what I learnt and let him be but seriously this is so ANNOYING. I'm actually begining to feel emotionally exhausted! Why is he so INCONSISTENT. Also I saw the clairvoyant on the weekend she literally spoke about my relationship the entire time. She said that my guy will always be back, I just need to act aloof and have my own life.. Let him initiate contact etc. which I will do again, by my god it's exhausting. I'm begining to feel like we just aren't good for eachother in some ways. Ahh
Posted by scorpio24
people should want to and be able to be around eachother every second of the day
Posted by RomancingAPosted by kindleberry
Ok so say the virgo called me and I missed his call. Do I initiate or wait for him to come in contact with me again??
Just call him back, seriously, you miss his call...obv he was trying to get in touch with you. So call him back!!
Each and every step doesn't need to be thought out in the extreme. It's not about who is dominant and calls the least, or texts the's about being real.
If you don't like that as advice, text him back and say "Sorry I missed ur call. Was busy. I'll call you later from home".
Leaving people hanging is usually just considered rude. I'm sure you are not, so don't behave like that. Just be to expand
Posted by scorpio24
I'm so confused! Why is it as soon as I let my self warm up a bit again he goes weird/cold/distant? I don't get it :/ I feel like the whole relationship is a game and the only way for me to get what I want is to act like I don't want it?
Posted by julyoceanPosted by scorpio24
people should want to and be able to be around eachother every second of the day
I think even people who are crazily in love and married still need space and time to do their own thing...maybe he is just easily overwhelmed, and understand that he needs to pull away from time to time. If you do have your own life and are occupied with doing your own thing, then it wouldn't be so exhausting because you aren't pretending to be someone you are not. :-/click to expand
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