Hey everyone. What do you make of this? To the ones who know how to read charts, can you please give me a better understanding, Thank you.
Sun- Pisces 4.19
Moon- Capricorn 19.44
Mercury- Pisces 16.03
Venus- Capricorn 20.31
Mars- Aquarius 26.36
Jupiter- Leo 00.19
Saturn- Virgo 11.28
Uranus- Scorpio 21.42
Neptune-Sagittarius 19.47
Pluto-Libra 18.52
I am new to asrology so I'm not really sure of what it means. It also mentioned that my ascending sign is Aquarius and Rising is Scorpio. I have no idea what that means. Can you please explain, please?? Thank you in advance!!
Oh, and happy birthday to all the Virgos!!!!
ascending sign and rising are the same things...so which are you, scorpio or aquarius? these two signsa are far away enough from each other, so can only be one or the other.
if you can, try to post a picture of your chart.
gawd, there were a lot of typos in my first post, grrrr......
Ok, i will try. my mistake also. been to different sites. both gave the two different ascending/rising which confused me also. so sorry about that. give me awhile- like i said i will give it my best shot. Lol.
Your Planets & Houses
Zodiac in degrees 0.00 Placidus Orb:0
Sun Pisces 4.19 Ascendant Aquarius 19.52
Moon Capricorn 19.59 II Aries 17.15
Mercury Pisces 16.04 III Taurus 20.23
Venus Capricorn 20.31 IV Gemini 12.04
Mars Aquarius 26.37 V Cancer 0.23
Jupiter Leo 0.28 R VI Cancer 20.12
Saturn Virgo 11.02 R VII Leo 19.52
Uranus Scorpio 20.59 VIII Libra 17.15
Neptune Sagittarius 20.18 IX Scorpio 20.23
Pluto Libra 18.57 R Midheaven Sagittarius 12.04
Lilith Leo 14.48 XI Capricorn 0.23
Asc node Virgo 17.36 XII Capricorn 20.12
This one or the actual wheel kind? Fast learner, huh? Lol. jokes.
I just wanted to say thank you both priingLeo and agent006 for your help and information. I am not able to do thing with the pictures like i can with the words- I think it's called 'pasting'. I've tried over and over again so I went back to the natal chart sites and i just did chart reading thro them so thanks anyways ok? But sorry i couldn't do it tho. Later.