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Mar 19, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 647 · Topics: 52
So y'all know my drama...Virgo has not called since he left my house last Wednesday after a incredible night.
I am meeting my realtor who is the bartender there at Virgo's bar on Wednesday to pick up my house plans. Virgo will probabaly be there...what is the best way to handle this situation? Do I speak to him? Say "hi how ya doing? I havnt heard from you so hows life?" Do I run in grab my stuff and run out w/ out acknowleding him?
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Mar 02, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 1737 · Topics: 49
I would wait and see if he takes contact with me. Let him come to you. Do not go over to him when you are at the bar. It's his own fault he hasn't taken contact with you. He has had days. Be firm. If he comes over to you, let him talk first and then respond. If he doesn't say anything, then you won't say anything you might regret. Besides, he knows where you are. Let him do the walking and play hard to get. I know it isn't easy especially when you like the guy.
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Mar 19, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 647 · Topics: 52
Wow Virgotime....thats a great idea...
I wonder how he'll react to that one!
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Jan 18, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 13612 · Topics: 756
Good old Virgo male?!!
Some how Iam proud of their actions? (coming from their soul)??!
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Jan 18, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 13612 · Topics: 756
Yeh? ugh.. stupid Q.. as I said in other post "the fact is"..
"The point is.. either you adjust "with".. or get him to "adjust" with you..
No compromise.. Because when you do it.. You lost your personality. (What ever it is)
Now? is it Virgo you really have problem with?... or?. It is YOU..??
Think about it for sometimes.. it really helps.
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Jan 18, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 13612 · Topics: 756
I am not kidding..
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Sep 28, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 7602 · Topics: 89
"None of the above, have your phone number on a paper in hand. Get your house plans, walk over to him look him directly in the eye and say "here, I figured the reason you haven't called is because you lost my number" smile..then strut yourself out. Be direct, don't play. He'll either stop you and converse or he'll be too stunned to say anything"
PLEASE do not do this. It makes you look desperate.
Just meet your realtor somewhere else. You are only going to this bar because the Virgo works there. It is really transparent.
If a guy is serious about you, you don't have to play these types of games. This is how you tell if a guy is serious about you:
1. He makes the first move.
2. He calls within 24-48 hours to set up a first date.
3. He makes the first date easy & fun.
4. He calls again within 24 hours of the first date to set up a second date.
5. He wants to talk everyday & spend all of his free time together.
6. He demonstrates unconditional loyalty.
7. He talks about marriage in concrete terms & proposes.
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Sep 28, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 7602 · Topics: 89
It really is that simple and basic.
I'd never put my phone # in any man's hand if I knew for sure he knew it all ready.
What I do w/my virgo male is, I leave him alone. If he calls, he calls. If he doesn't he can do his own thing.
More often than not, he'll only let 2 days at the most go & he'll call to "see how I am" & then we're off & talking again just like there was no break.
I agree, it makes you look desperate doing it that way.
I act cool & calm with mine..even if I have a hell of a time trying to be patient.
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Mar 19, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 647 · Topics: 52
I hear what y'all are saying but..I doubt I'd look desperate considering:
1. I have been going there 2x week for almost 2 years....
I have not been there for almost 2 weeks...if I was desperate, I would have been
there plenty by now .
2. His bartender is my Realtor
3. I am not staying
Signed Up:
Mar 19, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 647 · Topics: 52
Kuddos Virgotome~
Thats exactly how I feel...
I've stayed away from the bar even though my friends have been still going and inviting me to go, I politely decline and go out with other friends somewhere else.
Its only been a week since he has called and if I am the better/bigger person, I go in there like it was nothing and smile and be normal.
He's probably wondering why I havn't been there anyways, I am a familiar face there for years.
I do give people chances. There could be a million reasons why this is happening..including the facts
1. Could be a Player ...used me for this whole time
2. Could be playing a game, "testing me"
3. Scared sh8tless of me, I'm too much (independant/sucessful, not desperate)
4. Typical Virgo re-action run away and analyze a bit
5. "Not into me"..highly doubt with the things he said while drunk the other night.
Got very jealous of a guy talking to me and started to talk more "future stuff"
than before.
So..lets see what happens.
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Mar 19, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 647 · Topics: 52
Your right...hell he may not even be there...
Signed Up:
Mar 19, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 647 · Topics: 52
Went to bar... didn't see Virgos car where its usually parked...ugh. I never know when he will be there and he had no idea I was coming.
Bartender/realtor asked me if I was going to stay for a bit/have a drink and I said "no" ...he said "do you have to be somewhere?" I just said I was exhausted.
After a few minutes he asked "are you sure you don't wanna stay for a drink" I said I was all set" Got my plans and off I went. No Virgo "sighting" but damn...I sure looked good! I had just come from a Shiva (uncle passed so no trip this week) and was looking all "professional". Lets hope it gets back to him...hehe.
So, I've come to the conclusion that I'm going to wait it out. He will be back and once he does, I'll present the issue. Its still so new, only 7 dates so I need to chill. He's excpecting me to call as he has every other woman chase him...not me.
I'm moving on ....for now...