Just wanted to say to you guys, this message board is great. I found it last night by chance and have read through lots of stuff on Virgo guys as i have been dating one for the last 4 weeks. Most of the stuff i can relate to (the good and the bad.
Im Cancer female by the way and like ive said my guy is a Virgo male-what is anyones take on this combination??
Prior to dating we were friends for 6 months and that was all wonderful most of the time. Since he asked me out he called me every night for 8 days till we had out first actual date and he called me for up to 4 hours and we talked about everything and anything and i never once saw the `real virgo` come out, not even slighly!!!!
We had out first few dates, they went very well, when we were apart he still calls (not for 4 but 2 hrs) which i guess is natural progression. We have also spent last weekend together which was nice most of the time but this is where i got to see mosre of the `real him` if thats the right term to use.
By this i mean he found fault in the way i wash dishes, the way i wipe the sides, the way i didnt leave the bathroom door open to let the bathroom de-steam, the way i was asked to fix breakfadt of my choice so made omlette, then was asked why had i made a lunch menu at breakfast??? He just went from being sooo sweet one moment wanting to sit together and watch dvds and chat to being this strange person i felt i didnt know. Hes my first virgo so all this is new.
He also became very critical of my appearance, telling me what to wear, how to wear my hair but also did compliment me on my nail pollish choice and my lip gloss choice as being suited to me.
Like i say i guess im not used to this and want advice on whether you guys think it can only get worse or better. While were apart he has even taken to critisizing me on the phone about the smallest things and its hard hard to take.
Thats virgo for you!!! always critizising, but from what i have heard (myself having never dated a virgo boy) the more they critizise, the more they care.
Wow thats something i have never heard before, thanks pdragon.
Signed Up:
Sep 28, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 7602 · Topics: 89
* Next time he comments/criticizes you on something, instead of getting hurt, insulted, etc. just look at him with a sly, ?conniving? smile and say (with a hint of sarcasm?Virgos LOOOOOVVVE sarcasm!), ?Is there something wrong with the way I?m doing __________, Mr. Perfect?? Regardless of his reply, smile all the more (this keeps you in the driver?s seat b/c he won?t be smiling at this point) and say, ?Well, obviously, your way is far better than mine so I?m guessin? I should upgrade in a hurry so I can be just as wonderful as you are.?
Yes! This!
Just give it back to him a little but in a smiling, flirty, happy girl way. They love it, but most importantly, they get the point and knock it off.
okay NOW I feel BETTER thats why I dont have that problem with my virgo critizing me I guess its because i have a smart mouth and i have great combacks!;o)
You are helping me out lots here with good advice which i will apply this weekend when i see my Virgo guy and hopefully i can bite my tongue and keep to your advice.
Its seems i found this board just in time. I was sitting here contemplating whether to back out or not because he makes me soo nervous and panicky and thats pathetic and soo unlike me. No ones ever done that to me before. He (Virgo male) says im all loved up and he can see this, i say no way hose, not loved up not yet!!!! But if he shows more of Mr.Gentle and sweet i could fall for him big time.
The thing is what chance have i got of seeing this side???????
Hi Stringsattached,
I have broken down twice due to his verbal assults on me ?(the first time we met he told em the skirt i was wearing i was lucky he didnt send me back to where i came from) (LOVELY EH) because he said it made me look fat. But the next date he complimented my choice of clothing and said it made me look slimmer (LOL) so it does seems to balance out somwehat. It just makes me afraid as im not used to guys being so blunt with me.
On saying that he just called me and was making plans for this weekend and is in a good mood so lets hope when i return and post on here i have a good weekend full of smiles and joy!!!!!!!!!!
By the way is this a Virgo male trait???? I have talked to him of my plans to move to the Usa in 2 yrs to attend school there and all he can say is that in 2 yrs ill be needing a school where he is cos ill be with him then!!!!!!!!! Are they all so forward in making future plans?????
Thanks for that sweetie, you too give some great pointers as Stringsattached has done too (and yes Strings you were right about Dyrstr8z advice) I am now confident that i can face this weekend head on as we say ehre in the Uk.
Actually last night i told him on the phone how his `comments` make me feel especially about my weight, and he said if he lets up and lets me slack i will gain more and its for my own good and all that rubbish but i stood my ground and told him enough is enough. Lets see what happens over the weekend. The funny thing is he is wayyy overweight compared to me and ive never said a word. I did point that matter out and said since we met on average ive lost weight weekly and he hasnt so in fact i dont need him to tell me to lose weight as it was and is ongoing and i was doing this before we met. Enough said.
Whilst wanting to understand him and his ways (and you guys are helping me with this) well at least you guys have helped me see his not a total $ $ $ ^**& and there is some hope i am determined he wont get away with pissing me off because in my eyes thats no relationship.
Like i keep saying lets see what this weekend brings, im off this evening and back Monday night, so will be here to update you guys and to see how you are all doing.
Have a lovely weekend.
Oh and thanks again.
Antibling.....thats funny made my day!
Oh and another thing that i just remembered that kept happening all weekend was i was thinking of a song in my head and then he would come out and sing it!
When i told him that (it happened a lot over the 3 days) he said he was psychic (is my spelling right)
Are Virgos tended to be this way or is it just him????
Hey leyla!
I don't know about the physic thing either but this happens to me and my bf all the time. I could be thinking something and he'll come right out and say it. He says it our energy? whatever that means
Well i dont know if this is normal Virgo male behavoir but tonight he hung up the phone on me after an hours conversation basically having a go at me in the way i feed my daughter!!!!!
I consider slamming the phone down very childish and dont take that kind of stuff lightly.
Why me????
Hi Dyrstr8z,
Thanks for your input as usual its good to hear from you.
Ok if hes falling for me based on his behavoir on my last day of my visit then why an earth behave like this tonight? Its totally thrown me and to be honest im shocked.
Isnt the early days of love supposed to be nicer then this?????
LOL its funny you should say that!
I know hes hurt that the two ladies he dated prior to me both dumped him (their fault he says they both made excuses) and he still goes on about them both like he really wants them at times. Can get annoying but i just do the same back about my ex and he gets the message.
So maybe its that????
One would think if it was that then he should be looking at himself closely?
By the way he is 45 never married, no kids.
Ok an update on my love life for those of you interested....
I gave my Virgo male space and he got back to me the next day like nothing happened. I also called a close girlfriend to stop me calling him because even though i have a strong will i must admit it was hard to stop myself calling him.
We then spent our usual weekend together- things were the usual mix of half nice-half horrid. Its like when hes nice hes very nice and when hes bad hes horrid, like the little girl with the curl in her forehead.
I keep asking myself if i stick around (because the good times are really good) will it get better in time???
He has shown a nicer side to himelf at some points this past weekend, maybe hes relaxing, i truly have no idea. He got upset two hours before i left and asked if i could relocate to be with him and i said yes if he buys a bigger place cos i have too may things and his reply was "burn them" you dont need them. Charming. I said my possesions are precious and ill do no such thing.
So as things stand we are doing ok, when he has a go at me i just ignore it and when i have tried to have a go back he just tells me to stop being bitchy.
Right now im taking this for what it is and seeing what happens next.
What do you guys think????