Okay Virgos Bring IT

This topic was created in the Virgo forum by Reiniba-Chan on Wednesday, December 6, 2006 and has 165 replies.
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I am completely new to this board. ^_^
However, I have been researching astrology for um... ever X_X
Anywho, all the signs..simple ABC-123 but VIRGOS X________X one word: amazing
I am aquarius. My Step-dad is Virgo. His birthday is on Sept 1, 1953. v.v He has an IQ of 168 (don't tell him I said it although I'd probably tell him myself)
He is a member of the mensa society.
If anyone knows anything about the Aquarius and Virgo- we agree well on intellectual levels.
X_X He has always said this to me "I am plugged into the universe." He is the epitome of Virgo.
Of course, Virgos shouldn't pay any mind to this info. They're virgo.
Tell me, virgos, do you understand the word Synthesizing?
I've had some trouble with a certain virgo lately. I thought, for once, a virgo was not annoyed by me, aquarius. However, I found out that he was only 3 days away from Libra, perfect compatibility with aquarius. Oh well.
So my next question is- Should I even bother trying to establish a "friendship" when I'm full aquarius and he's virgo with tendencies of Libra? o.O
I know it's not suppose to work out at all. I just want to confirm your point of view since my dad is of a different generation. Thanks.

?Tell me, Virgos, do you understand the word Synthesizing??
Virgos are masters of ?dismantling? piece by piece, when someone dismantling things (in order) then should be able to synthesize it together (with a little fine tune and adjustments of course) later on.
Virgos are genius?!
Should I even bother trying to establish a "friendship" when I'm full aquarius and he's virgo with tendencies of Libra?
Ask yourself ONLY! Why do you want the others running YOUR life? Are you gambling in your friendship.??
?I know it's not suppose to work out at all?
What exactly ?NOT suppose? to work..?? it seems that you've already made up your mind..! so why bother then..??
Friendship/loveship? what ever ?ship? requires dedications, sacrifices, devotions, honesty and intelligence, if you are in short of those you'd better grow up and stay tune, no matter what signs you are going to share your heart with..!!
BTW I was the member of this ?Mensa society? too ?years ago?, only to find out that they are insult to my intelligence and personality?Having higher IQ doesn't mean that you are a better person or have better understanding about the world around you..!
Are you gambling in your friendship.??
Are you gambling with your friendship.??
You've "bin" in mensa? You?
In absolute agreement with Q (damn, did I really say that?) . . . seems you've already made up your mind, so why bother?
R-C, there's something else here, on the subconscious level. I know you don't realize it, for if you did, it would be in the lucid part of your brain:
When you started this thread about Virgo's, your focus was on your father, how smart he is, it's apparant that you are very proud of him . . . however, you then talk about a Virgo you like with apprehension and maybe it might not work. You are looking at this Virgo/Libra cusp person, as compared to your father, whom you have pride for his knowledge and success. In doing this, your potential Virgo suiters will always fall back to Q's words: "it seems that you've already made up your mind" . . because NO MAN in your life will ever compare to your father.
In no way am I saying that your father isn't worth praising, loving him and being proud of him makes you a very dear and sincere child to him . . but, he is only him. For the fact that you start this by praising DAD, you've already made the decision that any Virgo has to measure up . . and that's not fair, to you, or to another.
I'm not trying to focus of my father. It seems that there is a lack of knowledge about the Aquarius.
Yes,P-Angel, 25% of what you said is right. However, I am only trying to attain comparison-analysis data here. I'm not asking anyone to measure up to my dad.o_O
According to my knowledge, that's not even fathomable to any virgo so why would I do that? And no, I do not think that highly of my dad. I do respect him, but he is my STEP-dad, not my father. He's like my personal encyclopedia, so don't take it that far.
You all have concluded too much without essential details, so let me give you those details and try this again.
Why am I here: To see if a virgo of this generation can explain his or herself.
Why mention my dad: To see if you can relate at all. (Apparently, some of you did)And to give you a clue on how much I know so far.
Okay, now back to the question on the top of my priority list.
Let me rephrase this as simple as possible for you.
Based on any knowledge or experience of the Aquarius-Virgo relationship, do you think there can be a way for the two to get along.
(I won't go into details and please do not overanalyze anything I've said.)
Tis all I need is data. Thanks.

"You all have concluded too much without essential details"
There's no playing me, mate. Be careful where you "think" you are going to plow and dump, is the most beneficial advise I can give you from this point forward.
You'd be wise to adhere.
You came in here arrogantly thinking, "To see if you can relate at all. (Apparently, some of you did)" . . beware, even people in "here" have higher mind processing, and can comprehend the TRUE meaning of, "You all have concluded too much without essential details."
Let me tell you right now, directly . . if you think you are going to do this (prompt theoretical conclusions, knowingly based off of the absense of "essential details"), don't get your hopes up in having even the remote possibility of finding victory in taking the position of, "Let me rephrase this as simple as possible for you."; only in your wildest fantasy do you have the capability to out-wit me . . guess again.
Play with others, if you choose . . . I don't parley with "players" who only "think" they are wiser because of their blown-out-of-proportion ego's . . . You're loss, because I'm probably your only viable contender in here psychodramatically.
To the Angel:
lol I'm not here to argue. If you simply can't play -The Exchange of Information-game without getting defensive because of the way I choose to act or word things whether they be intentional to you or not, then I suggest you not even answer Reiniba-Chan, and play whatever game P-Angel does desire to play somewhere else.
Research Aquarius before you communicate with one so we don't waste anymore time here. Thanks.
Getting back on topic: Are virgos ever willing to look past an Aquarius's unintentional aloofness?
Fact: It's not that the Aquarius doesn't care about others, but they do not like the emotional messes that come with opening up completely.
If you do not have any correct knowledge or experience of the Aquarius-Virgo relationship then you might not be helpful. Thanks.

Hmm.. maybe I am a bit robotic. I think it might have to do with the fact that the Aquarius tries to avoid deep feelings as much as possible, lest that they might feel great emotional pain...again. Or, at least, I do. ^^; Once was way too many times for me.
I hope I haven't scared off any virgos. If need be, I'll attempt to tone it down a bit if I haven't already.
I'm feeling a new topic coming on. Now that I've stuck my hand into the Lion's Cage, I'm hoping to do better next time.
To branh: it seems like you're almost implying that VF is just an immature virgo and that it wouldn't be a normal reaction of the virgo but, specifically, his immature-virgo reaction to the aquarius.
So would you mind telling me what the normal or mature-virgo reaction should have been to the aquarius from a virgo in the situation that he described? If I'm totally off, don't mind me then. Thanks.

?Tell me, Virgos, do you understand the word Synthesizing??
QBone or other: Can you please define this synthesizing with regard to Virgo relationships???? I'm in the dark here.
i sent you a message, read it when you can, you can reply here or there.
i see how sometime we virgos tend to conclude and assume things way faster than what we should, lol, without enought facts to be or act like we are completely certain.
we mean well though, but before i assume things, i want to know more about you and your situation. i'll help you out to sort this through smile at least i'll try.
even if you made up your mind about liking this guy, i'm sure you have many questions and that's why you came here...we'll see what we can do, k.
lol ^^ It's too bad this Roxijam didn't pay attention when I said that the aloofness of the aquarius was unitentional. Of course, now all I can do is react in pity.
*and arrogance smile

I believe that I've explained enough about the subject called (Synthesizing)?!!
Dismantling, fine tune it, and put it back together?!
Synthesis is also a process of combining information and ideas to create or develop a new idea, focus, or perspective.

Put it in human and their relationship with what ever?.
Warning.. don't do this process with the person you love?.! It is kind on of psychological build up!
Should only be performed by professionals..!
Hi...I wouldn't try it at all in a relationship, but it seems to me that in my V relationship, I have been dismantled...probably not intentionally...don't know. Actually, any time one person intentionally hurts someone else's feelings, they are dismantling that other person, aren't they?
Just asking philosophically; thanks for your input,
Hi...I wouldn't try it at all in a relationship, but it seems to me that in my V relationship, I have been dismantled...probably not intentionally...don't know. Actually, any time one person intentionally hurts someone else's feelings, they are dismantling that other person, aren't they?
Just asking philosophically; thanks for your input,

Whom ever perform the ?synth? on you, needs to be checked up by professionals!
Art of ?synth? is very difficult to comprehend, results is as scary as it name...

Ever heard of MK Ultra..??

This is synthesing..! US Military use this to make assailants? in other word Brain washing.. !
At the end of process? you don't know who you are! But will obey certain commands...! like DO AS I COMMAND..
Hope that I was helpful?..
In relationship with Virgos you'll have to answer certain questions..!
If your Virgo mate is psychopath the he /she start to dismantle you in his/her mind? get the conclusions and will decide what will be the next?

That's why I always warning you people..

never.. ever put your Virgo mate in assumption moods be honest and truthful as long it is possible

Or else he/she starts dismantling process without you knowing it..!
Of course.. if you want to have a FUTURE with your Virgo mate?!... or else.. its already too late--? so don't waste your time?!
Virgos are not players..!
wasnt paying attention??? were you speaking then? NO........we are dealing purely with words here..........i didnt say you were aloof........i said you were arrogant...thats how your words come across to me, anyway.
keep your pity for yourself!
You really didn't get it. We're not arrogant at all. If you're virgo that'll explain why you couldn't see my sarcasm. We are aloof! Emotionally Detached! So we end up seeming arrogant when we're not.
thus-> *and arrogance smile = sarcasm.. Maybe I should have put the word in quotes for you.
hmm, you must be virgo if you're bossing an aquarius around. that's all they can really do with us, that or leave. ^^
, that or laugh.
RC -- think you better check yourself.... roxi is fabulous Scorpio -- they rule, they rock.... i wouldn't continue to push her or she may come back with a deadly sting... that or just ignore you cuz you are not worth her time.... roxi is intelligent, insightful, witty and offers lots of wisdom to those who are deserving.... your loss....
Yes, I know they are masters of sarcasm. ^_^ But my dad told me that they do not recognize it when someone else tries to be sarcastic.
At least you see the real Aquarius. Thank God!! @_@ *Bows down to most mature virgo on board*
Obscure is definately a better definition.(to me)
I understand that you need details. However, there are too many details. And I am stuck on ALL of them. Which is why I had to fully discuss it with just my dad.
So I would just appreciate any experience that a virgo has had in any form of relationship with an aquarius. I hope to learn as much as possible.

To Roxi: I'm glad you got your backup because I was definately getting bored.
And Thanks to P-Angel and Lindawin for helping her out of my topic since she didn't have enough self-confidence to do it on her own.

the synthesize that I meant wasn't much of any of those but I thought Q-bone's was almost there.
Sythesize-To combine so as to form a new, complex product
Ya'll kinda..keep adding ^_^ You're able to string it all together and not get lost in the details whereas an Aquarius like myself would be overwhelmed.
So yes, you are needed!!!
Whoa dang. Consequences of my words. Thanks, but I would like to request PG please. I'm only 17. I don't feel comfortable with initimate sex explanations. That is something sacred. Oh God!! SPARE me from the picture please >
lol maybe you want cherries, bananas, doggies bones, something? o.O
Yes, I noticed that we were and I was planning on talking to him sooner or later. ^_^
In fact he posted about the EXACT same chapter that we are going over in trig!! lol imaginary numbers!! hehe We should compare our scores!!
Oh please. I'm 17 and I could counsel scorpios for a living. So far I've only counseled scorps older than me. Now how ironic is that? o_O
dyrstrIf: If I didn't notice your sarcasm, it's because I don't know you. It's too bad your wife is scorp and your daughter is scorp. You might as well be a manwhore cause I know scorps are infamous for it.
Yes, I am just as cautious as you virgos.
By an obvious, unanimous vote(mine): this topic can flow into the abyss
I know what you virgos are up to and it's a good thing I have a secret weapon ^^
And scorps come to me. I don't go to them, dy. ^^
Look dy, I really don't appreciate being compared to corn, but I guess you don't appreciate being called a manwhore either nor my other comments.
I really don't want any physical relationship descriptions. Emotional would be better. It's not about the physical part. It's about the heart.
So if any virgo would like to help me out on that, I would greatly appreciate it.

little girl, i am flabbergasted at your arrogance.... you really, really,really need to bow down and apologize to all.... dontcha have to be 18 and up to talk?.... should be the rule... mensa dad or no..... who gives a S***! as for as counseling scorpios, HA! don't make me effing laugh... go counsel some 10 year old girl and then read back on this in 10 years and know what an A*** you are....
"dontcha have to be 18 and up to talk?"
Dude, when I was 17 I was smarter than 95% of the posters here(at leastTongue), so, no.
ha, ha, ha... dude, you two are too funny.... not worth my time...
Yet, you just wasted it.
hehe Amen to that, Yama. ^^
Come on, people, If you see a 17-year-old who has TOO big of an ego, WHY do you even bother talking to one?
If you know you're gonna get NOWHERE talking to me, then why are you doing it?
hehe ^_^ You've only made this too much fun for me. You only feed the predator->mwa
If anything, the people telling me to grow up are still immature themselves or have a lot of time on their hands and needs to get a life.
But if being in your 40's automatically labels you MATURE, well then you go ahead and think that and let me go ahead and think what I want to think.
If you all are so MATURE then don't you think it's kinda sad that you're bothering to talk to someone who is immature? Haven't you learned that trying to tell an immature teen that he or she is immature and needs to grow up, doesn't make he or she conform?
Think about it.
Since I'm done playing around with you all, I'll leave you with this: The Aquarius likes to disrupt things so something NEW can happen. Otherwise, it's boring.
I told you all, go look up Aquarius.
As for an apology: For what it's worth, I'm sorry.

"or have a lot of time on their hands and needs to get a life."
The classics never die.
laughing is pretty much the only thing one can do.

Well, I'm glad I entertained you. lol ^_^
What do you wanna know about Virgos Reiniba-Chan? I am a Full Virgo (Born September 6, 1988) and have had great friendships with Aquarians; as a matter of fact, I haven't had any better friendships with any other memeber. We're completely compatable. I've never really understood water signs, and fire signs, are too damned egotisical, and in love with themselves for my liking, and earth signs rely too heavily on reality for answers, and aren't very interesting to me, and 2 otta 3 winds signs are boring, so that leaves Aquarius the Champ! Tongue
don't take the old headz too serious Reinba-Chan! They used to tag team me too! lol Tongue just leave 'em to stew in their own muck! lol FINALLY A KINDRED SPIRIT!!!!!!!! YESSSSSSSS!!!!! Isn't it fun to pose a question and see what remarks you get from the older generation?! They just don't understand us youngin's!! Let's just take their knowledge, and leave em to rott!! lol Tongue Tongue Tongue Tongue Tongue Tongue Tongue Tongue Tongue Tongue Tongue Tongue Tongue Tongue Tongue Tongue Tongue
besides, it IS only common knowledge that if you don't agree with a Virgo/Scorp combo, they bite your head off, and dismember you completely with that "fire and brimstone" nonsense about overall, "never offending that scorpionic pride" hey I'm glad you don't take things layin' down!!!! GOOOOOOOOO REINIBA-CHAN!!!!!!!!! LOL!!!
R-C, you're a doll! i can't believe i didn't discover this thread earlier.
i wish i could help you more, but i'm not sure i could offer you much insight, as i'm your polar opposite Winking.
Actually, now that I think of it; WHY do we get along so great? We're SUPPOSE to detest each other, Aquarius and Virgo I mean. Mercury opposes Uranus. I think that there are just two types of virgos; the Mercury Flavor, and the rest!! lol
well ^_^ I'm not sure why we get along in this generation.
My virgo dad told me that he just never gravitated toward them. But my dad is an old fart and he admits to it too.
As for dy, roxi, Qbone and p-angel..lol they only amuse me.
Poor things. they thought defeating a seventeen-year-old in cyberspace was worthwhile.
quite pathetic if you ask me..o_O they're suppose to be mature adults in their 40's.
I told dy (when he actually bothered to attack me) - "you win" cause I knew he made himself a fool.
check it out. --> http://www.dxpnet.com/opinion/messages.asp?id=678828&p=7&sort=asc

and roxi was happy..o_O
as for dy..being virgo..I knew he would realize how stupid it was.
I told my dad about it and he said you can only pity them because if they are in their 40's and wasting time with a 17-year-old and talking about petty issues on cyberspace, then how pitiful is that? there are more young people on here then old people! and there's a reason!! lol
my dad never does this stuff. he sees it as a complete waste of life.
"my dad never does this stuff. he sees it as a complete waste of life."
that stuff is. but there are things to be learnt here, too. (i swear)
yeah I thought Aquarius and virgo were suppose to hate each other..
gosh I don't know what's going on!!
lol actually the virgo that I wanted to know about, I got back into his good graces.
it wasn't too hard. I heard that writing works with virgos. And I am a good writer so that's a plus. anywho..I got my situation worked out. I also helped VirgowithalittleLibra with his aqua. they're back in a close relationship now
so all is right in the world of aqua and virgo as long as we put enough effort into the relationship. hehe smile
that stuff is. but there are things to be learnt here, too. (i swear)
true, I've learned a lot already. but my dad was talking about people like dy and roxi
considering their age. lol
lol yet again, the person who never backs up anything.
my dad was talking about the petty issues that not just me but everyone on this board bothers to ramble about day in and day out. It's not a surprise to me that you don't understand the obvious especially with words. I know you're a scorp so you probably have a few noodles loose, but you don't need to mess with me, sweetie. you scorps like "attempting" to yap at people until you think they're screwed. I know plenty of scorps. You all need to get your nasty lives straight. take that advice. they know I've got it together despite the surrounding temptations that life has for us. that's why they come to me, cause I overcome while they stay in their same ditch.
really, find something better to do besides trying to attack people that you haven't succeeded in "screwing" over. you're not that entertaining nor that smart. and the more you think you are, the more you'll stay in that ditch.
Who the f**** do you think you are....?????????????and that "you're not that entertaining nor that smart" hey, do I need to say any more.......
Ok, everyone . . handing out noodles . .
. . . here's some loose ones for those who are flexible and open-minded enough to evolve
. . . stiff ones for those who are tight-assed, confused and screwed up.
