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Jan 11, 2011Comments: 21030 · Posts: 11560 · Topics: 83
So let me get this straight...
So a pisces love is to intentially hurt the one the care about (so you say) then cry about us having no deepth or feelings because we choose to leave cause you hurt us (pretty badly I assume...since she left you)
You can keep your love then
Signed Up:
Oct 04, 2012Comments: 1 · Posts: 664 · Topics: 18
OMG @ lost..... my goal is never to intentionally hurt the one I love but sometimes unforeseen
events can occur which I have no control over. All I ask is that you give me a fair chance to try
to rectify the situation. Is that too much to ask from someone who cares about you?
Signed Up:
Jan 11, 2011Comments: 21030 · Posts: 11560 · Topics: 83
Unforeseen as in ...intentionally calling your ex in front of her in her bed
Hmmm yeah ok....and you want her to give you a chance to rectify it?! You were playing games and if you knew anything about us...we dont do drama.
Signed Up:
Jan 11, 2011Comments: 21030 · Posts: 11560 · Topics: 83
Probably hard for him...seeing hes a doctor and all. I mean come one....goes to school foreverrr then straight to working all the time. Yes its still possible for doctors to get married and have kids happens everyday. Just seems like maybe its a little harder for them.
But I dont know the situation I really cant comment but I do agree that hes set in his ways ...happens to everyone as we get older
Signed Up:
Oct 04, 2012Comments: 1 · Posts: 664 · Topics: 18
@ lost. Hmmmm you wasn't suppose to read that part ..... lmao .... who told you to read that....
Lol y'all are like living machines ..... ok ok ok I'm busted. I did say I had no offense to her leaving me.
She was justified. That's why it hurts so much. I messed up a good thing.
Glad to hear about the cleaning ..... hmmmm see I need a Virgal like y'all lmao!!!!
Signed Up:
Jul 24, 2012Comments: 3 · Posts: 3294 · Topics: 45
Only on dxp can a troll like pocket change get so much airtime. And y'all virgos are so gullible giving this motherfucker explanations for your actions. I wish there was a report button to get rid of this twat from this website.
Thanks Incandescent... i agree with you. It all comes down to having each others needs met. As far as finding a midpoint in this situation though is hard. It all comes down to
1. I accept the fact he is still searching on the dating site and I continue seeing him, without expecting an outcome or any long term commitment in the future or
2. I do not accept it, and walk away.
If you do work things out, try to find more shared interests. Virgos are project orientated, and some of our best relationships are often intertwined with our collaborations. Don't put him on a pedestal. And remember, it's not just about committing, but about committing at the same pace. Take a step back and enjoy the scenery.
OK, we talked. I told him that I feel very hurt because he is still on the personals and he is still serching for the "one', and how that hurts even more... I also said that it is too diffcult for me to sit back knowing he might tell me one day say " I am sorry I met someone" and that is a very real possibility if he is making new connections with women.... He said he was sorry, and did not mean to hurt me, and I believe that ( however, don't they always say that). I told him that I am not asking him to remove his profile, nor did I make demands or ultimatums. But I did say that I can not continue the way we are because I feel used and a convenience until he finds someone more to his liking ( i guess this is an ultimatum)... He responded with a lot of "i don't know's" " I have been so busy.."...he never confirmed the break up, or agree with it. I told him to think about things, and follow his heart.
He texted me later saying he was sorry, and he is now at home, and he was near my house when we were talking...not sure how that relates....but thats where we are.
Signed Up:
Oct 04, 2012Comments: 1 · Posts: 664 · Topics: 18
@crawfish ..... I have to be brief .. Im at work atm. Now I have to laugh at you....
so kid.... you admit to being a fan of mine? I won't even divulge my level of income or what I do
Offline or in other countries abroad. I will stick to my little escapades on this site you seem
to be admiring so much. Yes, I'm forty, and I can stand on my own whether you like it our not.
Any woman I approach on or offline is none of your concern unless its your wife or girlfriend ....
If that's the case, my apologies .... other than that worry about your bank account and financial
portfolio .... and quit riding my d $ % &..... seriously ....
Back to the situation at hand with Virguy, 8 months dating...discussed issue with him about being still on the personals, and the fact how hurtful that is.... Not demanding to remove profile but not able to continue with relationship either. He did not cut contact, said he was sorry, and sent texts afterwards, like conversation never happened. I want to be patient and let him think it over , see if he removes profile. The fact that he is sending texts feels that he does not want it to end. I just don't know if i should give it a chance or end things now.
Thanks P Angel...I really do not want to lose him over this, after all I knew that he was still on the site from the beginning. I was able to not let it get to me by rationalizing that until we are in a "serious" relationship he can do as he pleases. So I never approached the subject except when jokingly asked on occasion if any good dates lately from the web. He responded with " I am too busy for anything "... maybe if I openly said how it hurts me, things would not be where it is now. I kept it inside to fester until I could not deal with it anymore. I really do not want to mold him, I just do not know how to deal with it at this point. Well, now he knows how I feel, and I will not bring it up anymore. I guess when he is ready he will do something about the profile.
Signed Up:
Aug 17, 2010Comments: 1 · Posts: 4994 · Topics: 99
god you sound so pitiful. i swear my laptop is waterlogged after reading just 2 pages.
his 8 year relationship didnt work out? well, given his age, maybe it ended because he robbed her of having children? maybe it ended because in 8 years, he still couldn't/wouldn't commit? i mean seriously, the asshole dated someone for 8 years and his germaphobic ass still couldnt deal with the prospect of her toothbrush touching his?
i say he's a serial killer. you think him not inviting you over is a slight when in reality, those are just gatherings for him and his other psychotic friends. they probably kidnap people, chain them to beds and then spend hours berating them for keeping cutting their grass too low.
i suppose you're older? i know you've invested time, but seriously, this guy does NOT want to settle down in the manner that you wish to. that doesn't make him an asshole. if he's gotten this far in his life and hasn't reached the "oh shit i dont want to die alone" phase yet, move on. if you stay, he will yo-yo you until the fear does grip him and next thing ya know, his old wrinkly ass will be with a knocked up 30 y/o.
how old are you? you could probably settle this with one question. if you're too old to bear fruit and he has even hinted that he wants kids someday on his profile or otherwise, you got your answer.
His 2 year relationship is the only one I know about. Did not question him further.
Signed Up:
Aug 17, 2010Comments: 1 · Posts: 4994 · Topics: 99
she's not afraid. she just likes feeling pitiful and delusional. that's why she has pursued a career instead of children and is wondering why a man who has pursued the same doesn't want a damn thing to do with her.
btw virgo fiance is 54 and I am 43. I got fed up with his push-pull bs after we went from friends to relationship. he was either all the way in or he wasn't and that was the ultimatum because I have one life to live and dammit I was gonna live it with or without him...not be a puppet on a string and be an option!