Pisces loves Virguy

Hi everyone. I met Virguy in March, about 7 months ago, through online dating.He is 47 I am 43, both in the medical fie...

This topic was created in the Virgo forum by piscesx on Saturday, October 20, 2012 and has 134 replies.
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Posted by 3dimes2nickels1penny0sense
Lmao.... ladies I'm trying to "save" y'all from the mundane ....
The bring excitement .... passion and romance to your dull and routine life....
Hey I like hall and oats...H2O thanks for the video ..... did you listen to the very end
of the video ..... it was a messages to Virgals..... he said "don't try to fix imperfection"
Oooooohhhh..... I didn't say it.... they did...... smile

Excitement? Lol. More like annoyance. You know, like a gnat buzzing in your ear you just want to slap between your hands, hahaha.
H2O? See...that right there. What are you talking about? Water is immaterial to what we're discussing...WTF???
Imperfection is the best BTW. If I was living in a perfect world, I'd be living with you, no?
Y'all give up on love because y'all lack the depth of Pisces love.... that'll why we hold on to y'all Virgals
until our hands and hearts suffer from "frostbite "...... sad when u think about it..... Sad
Posted by LostinmyMind11
If you head fills up anymore it might explode and I will not have your crap spilled all over my clean floors :p

Find a stray cat to lick it up...you know how much they love fish! Tongue
Posted by 3dimes2nickels1penny0sense
Y'all give up on love because y'all lack the depth of Pisces love....

Lack the depth of Pisces love...*ponders* welp, if I gotta love like a "pisces" kill me now.
Posted by LostinmyMind11
Never seen it...wasn't a part of my routine :p
Somebody's gotta keep y'all grounded! If you head fills up anymore it might explode and I will not have your crap spilled all over my clean floors :p

OMG! !!! I knew it!!!! I knew it!!!! You act just like my ex Virgal! !! Her place was spotless and
everything was organized .... even her closet....
I'm glad I know how cold y'all can be... maybe friends with benefits its best for Pisces and Virgals
I give you that.... never had an issue with sex.... we seem to "speak the same language in that
area "..... but once we out of the bedroom...... hmmmmm.... (twiddling thumbs)........
So let me get this straight...
So a pisces love is to intentially hurt the one the care about (so you say) then cry about us having no deepth or feelings because we choose to leave cause you hurt us (pretty badly I assume...since she left you)
You can keep your love then
Posted by VirgoR
Understanding relationships can be peculiar. Even with the full comprehension of astrology it's still a mystery. I see a couple of nuances but reluctant to comment.

Lol thanks Virgo R. I know you would like to ponder it for a few days and then make a informed
Comment that will be useful ..... I would expect nothing less from a Virgo.
41 you're a pisces with a gem moon huh? My ex was a gem with a pisces moon. Ugggghhhhhh! Figures why I wanted to ring his damn neck! But I still love him to the stars..yet I'd leave him out freezing gazing them. Hahahaha Tongue
*batting eyes*
Posted by 3dimes2nickels1penny0sense
Posted by LostinmyMind11
Never seen it...wasn't a part of my routine :p
Somebody's gotta keep y'all grounded! If you head fills up anymore it might explode and I will not have your crap spilled all over my clean floors :p

OMG! !!! I knew it!!!! I knew it!!!! You act just like my ex Virgal! !! Her place was spotless and
everything was organized .... even her closet....
I'm glad I know how cold y'all can be... maybe friends with benefits its best for Pisces and Virgals
I give you that.... never had an issue with sex.... we seem to "speak the same language in that
area "..... but once we out of the bedroom...... hmmmmm.... (twiddling thumbs)........
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Im guess you didnt catch my sarcasm...since you seem to think every virgal is the same ...I figured I'd play the part .
I absolutely hate cleaning ....and my place is far from spotless! Whoever came up with that shit....needs to be junk punched
Posted by RealTalk
Posted by LostinmyMind11
If you head fills up anymore it might explode and I will not have your crap spilled all over my clean floors :p

Find a stray cat to lick it up...you know how much they love fish! Tongue

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OMG @ lost..... my goal is never to intentionally hurt the one I love but sometimes unforeseen
events can occur which I have no control over. All I ask is that you give me a fair chance to try
to rectify the situation. Is that too much to ask from someone who cares about you?
Posted by LostinmyMind11

I absolutely hate cleaning ....and my place is far from spotless! Whoever came up with that shit....needs to be junk punched

Lmao @ junk punched...for real. My closets & drawers are a complete mess. I also loathe doing laundry.
Unforeseen as in ...intentionally calling your ex in front of her in her bed
Hmmm yeah ok....and you want her to give you a chance to rectify it?! You were playing games and if you knew anything about us...we dont do drama.
Posted by VirgoR
She needs to allow more time for him to figure her out, build more trust in her, so to speak. Remember, he's 47 and *never* been married. He is *set* in this ways. It's worth repeating....47...NEVER been married....He's going to be cautious.

Excellent points .... its fair to say honestly, regardless of the sign, a male that's 47 and never been
married has serious commitment issues. He most likely never will marry.... he done fine for 47
years... why "rock the boat". He is set in his ways and use to his freedom and with his work
schedule ..... don't see that in the cards for him. He dangles that "commitment carrot" to entice
women ..... but they never get it...
Probably hard for him...seeing hes a doctor and all. I mean come one....goes to school foreverrr then straight to working all the time. Yes its still possible for doctors to get married and have kids ...it happens everyday. Just seems like maybe its a little harder for them.
But I dont know the situation ...so I really cant comment but I do agree that hes set in his ways ...happens to everyone as we get older
@ lost. Hmmmm you wasn't suppose to read that part ..... lmao .... who told you to read that....
Lol y'all are like living machines ..... ok ok ok I'm busted. I did say I had no offense to her leaving me.
She was justified. That's why it hurts so much. I messed up a good thing.
Glad to hear about the cleaning ..... hmmmm see I need a Virgal like y'all lmao!!!!
@Virgo R lol yes you are correct ..... you remind me of playing chess against the computer ....always
looking at ever angle....twice...... lol
Oh and kill you now if you love like a Pisces .....@realtalk.... I guess u will live forever lol
Lol @Virgo R... I know you typed "reluctant ". I was being nice in saying you wanted to ponder it...
Its kind of typical for Virgos to keep their thoughts to themselves and not express them to others
..... glad you had a change of "heart" no pun intended .....lmao
Posted by 3dimes2nickels1penny0sense
@ lost. Hmmmm you wasn't suppose to read that part ..... lmao .... who told you to read that....
Lol y'all are like living machines ..... ok ok ok I'm busted. I did say I had no offense to her leaving me.
She was justified. That's why it hurts so much. I messed up a good thing.
Glad to hear about the cleaning ..... hmmmm see I need a Virgal like y'all lmao!!!!

Hahaha Winking
@Virgo R.... have a good one! Thanks for the advice.
Only on dxp can a troll like pocket change get so much airtime. And y'all virgos are so gullible giving this motherfucker explanations for your actions. I wish there was a report button to get rid of this twat from this website.
Posted by piscesx
Thanks guys for your opinions.
Need more advice re. my situation. Dating Virguy for 7 months. Met online dating site.... things been going well, daily contact via text, phone calls on occasion, seeing each other weekly.
The problem is we are not moving ahead...AND the bigger problem is that he is still active on the personals where we met . I feel he is using me as a "fill in" or temporary girlfriend while he is still taking his sweet old time, picking and choosing from the unlimited amount of womens profiles available. why am I around then?? So he can use me until he finds "the One" and then toss me aside without a second thought?? Saying " it has been nice knowing you,and I like you, BUT I have met someone"....
I guess I need to break it up. It will hurt for sure, but it will hurt less then when he breaks it off becasue he met his "perfecr match"
You guys agree?

The answer is very simple love, you got to draw a line in the sand. It's not about you being a pisces and him being a virgo, it's about both of you having certain wants and needs. Both of you are adults, you state your positions to eachother and try to find a midpoint of compromise. If that works great if not you move on with your life and find someone who can fulfill you emotionally the way you need. All other long drawn out discussions are illogical and a waste of time.
Thanks Incandescent... i agree with you. It all comes down to having each others needs met. As far as finding a midpoint in this situation though is hard. It all comes down to
1. I accept the fact he is still searching on the dating site and I continue seeing him, without expecting an outcome or any long term commitment in the future or
2. I do not accept it, and walk away.
Posted by incandescentcancer
Only on dxp can a troll like pocket change get so much airtime. And y'all virgos are so gullible giving this motherfucker explanations for your actions. I wish there was a report button to get rid of this twat from this website.

And you're gullible to even believe I was explaining myself to him. His fuckery was entertained by me because I had insomnia & I was bored boo. It was fun to see how worked up he gets over us, hahaha...durrrrrrr. Did you not notice the sarcasm in my posts? Hello...
Posted by RealTalk
Posted by incandescentcancer
Only on dxp can a troll like pocket change get so much airtime. And y'all virgos are so gullible giving this motherfucker explanations for your actions. I wish there was a report button to get rid of this twat from this website.

And you're gullible to even believe I was explaining myself to him. His fuckery was entertained by me because I had insomnia & I was bored boo. It was fun to see how worked up he gets over us, hahaha...durrrrrrr. Did you not notice the sarcasm in my posts? Hello...
click to expand

Yeah it would have been more fun if you had laid into him the way you are now just because I called you gullible Winking. I was honestly expecting more biting virgo sarcasm towards that doucheface like my virgo friends would have delivered. No offense, you're only a girl Tongue
Posted by piscesx
Thanks Incandescent... i agree with you. It all comes down to having each others needs met. As far as finding a midpoint in this situation though is hard. It all comes down to
1. I accept the fact he is still searching on the dating site and I continue seeing him, without expecting an outcome or any long term commitment in the future or
2. I do not accept it, and walk away.

If finding a midpoint is hard then your relationship is unbalanced and such relationships just don't work in the long run. You should have this discussion bluntly with him instead of having it here. This doesn't go to say that you should threaten then man by words or deeds or give him ultimatums but quite simply have a polite adult conversation. Virgos understand very well and there is no need for any emotional drama. As a pisces, it's hard for you to show patience when a virgo internalises but you must learn the virtue of such patience if this will go anywhere. If you can't deal with that right now you don't even know what the relationship involves. Virgos are simply the most considerate people I have met just show faith in them and they will run a mile for you. Have the conversation already!
If you do work things out, try to find more shared interests. Virgos are project orientated, and some of our best relationships are often intertwined with our collaborations. Don't put him on a pedestal. And remember, it's not just about committing, but about committing at the same pace. Take a step back and enjoy the scenery.
Posted by incandescentcancer
Only on dxp can a troll like pocket change get so much airtime. And y'all virgos are so gullible giving this motherfucker explanations for your actions. I wish there was a report button to get rid of this twat from this website.

hmmmmm... *is this penis envy?* will there be sword fighting later? lol!!
OK, we talked. I told him that I feel very hurt because he is still on the personals and he is still serching for the "one', and how that hurts even more... I also said that it is too diffcult for me to sit back knowing he might tell me one day say " I am sorry I met someone" and that is a very real possibility if he is making new connections with women.... He said he was sorry, and did not mean to hurt me, and I believe that ( however, don't they always say that). I told him that I am not asking him to remove his profile, nor did I make demands or ultimatums. But I did say that I can not continue the way we are because I feel used and a convenience until he finds someone more to his liking ( i guess this is an ultimatum)... He responded with a lot of "i don't know's" " I have been so busy.."...he never confirmed the break up, or agree with it. I told him to think about things, and follow his heart.
He texted me later saying he was sorry, and he is now at home, and he was near my house when we were talking...not sure how that relates....but thats where we are.
Posted by incandescentcancer
Posted by RealTalk
Posted by incandescentcancer
Only on dxp can a troll like pocket change get so much airtime. And y'all virgos are so gullible giving this motherfucker explanations for your actions. I wish there was a report button to get rid of this twat from this website.

And you're gullible to even believe I was explaining myself to him. His fuckery was entertained by me because I had insomnia & I was bored boo. It was fun to see how worked up he gets over us, hahaha...durrrrrrr. Did you not notice the sarcasm in my posts? Hello...

Yeah it would have been more fun if you had laid into him the way you are now just because I called you gullible Winking. I was honestly expecting more biting virgo sarcasm towards that doucheface like my virgo friends would have delivered. No offense, you're only a girl Tongue
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Smh..... It's one thing to envy me, be jealous of me, and hate on me..... I applaud the effect you
put into it.... but come on kid.... trying to get a woman to fight you battles ......that's beneath me...
Become a real man and stand on your own.... then have the balls to step to me.... and the only
"Fuckery " I see is this cancerboy jealous of a Pisces .... nothing new here...... smile
@Pisces X, sorry but it had to be said of the jealous crawfish .... I want even say he's a crab. LOL
But more importantly, back to your dilemma ....
Honestly, you know in your heart what you have to do. I wish I could say otherwise, trust me,
I really do. If astrology wasn't relevant in some way then why would you be here. You are on an
Astrology site, on the Virgo board seeking help and guidance.
You are here because you want to make sure you are not "overreacting " to what's happening.
You are making the time and effort to research "Virgos " to try to understand the one you love
because you don't want to lose him. You have invested almost a year into him hoping that one day it would lead to a committed relationship. Am I wrong?
Honestly, the new information provided doesn't change anything that was already said on
this thread. It only further proves what I have said.
Why I engaged in what realtalk called "Fuckery " was to show Pisces X how some Virgos think compared to how she thinks.
You see how you reached out to him and told him how you felt about everything. You put it all on the table for him. Some Virgals would never do that. They just wouldn't call anymore. They would give the doctor the "silent treatment ", even though they love him.
Never underestimate the wisdom of a Pisces.
You are an intelligent young lady and I know you can make your own conclusion with the
information provided in this thread.
Please forgive any typos .... and much thanks to all my haters... you give me inspiration and motivation * bows *
Good luck Pisces X
Posted by shellshocker
Posted by incandescentcancer
Only on dxp can a troll like pocket change get so much airtime. And y'all virgos are so gullible giving this motherfucker explanations for your actions. I wish there was a report button to get rid of this twat from this website.

hmmmmm... *is this penis envy?* will there be sword fighting later? lol!!
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Of that thing? Really? I am sorry you think that way.
Posted by 3dimes2nickels1penny0sense
Smh..... It's one thing to envy me, be jealous of me, and hate on me..... I applaud the effect you
put into it.... but come on kid.... trying to get a woman to fight you battles ......that's beneath me...
Become a real man and stand on your own.... then have the balls to step to me.... and the only
"Fuckery " I see is this cancerboy jealous of a Pisces .... nothing new here...... smile

Dude I am going to reply to you this once because I feel sorry for you. You are a 40 year old man try to behave with some sort of decency. I read your revolting crap of a thread on the pisces board and you're attempts to put the mack on some of the ladies through PM, how do you live with yourself? You honestly think I feel jealous of you? Good lord, all I see is a pathetic 40 year old man trying to hit on random women on an anonymous forum. Anybody can do better than that. I really don't care to "step up" to you or anything of that sort. Please continue being "the man". Adios!
@crawfish ..... I have to be brief .. Im at work atm. Now I have to laugh at you....
so kid.... you admit to being a fan of mine? I won't even divulge my level of income or what I do
Offline or in other countries abroad. I will stick to my little escapades on this site you seem
to be admiring so much. Yes, I'm forty, and I can stand on my own whether you like it our not.
Any woman I approach on or offline is none of your concern unless its your wife or girlfriend ....
If that's the case, my apologies .... other than that worry about your bank account and financial
portfolio .... and quit riding my d $ % &..... seriously ....
Posted by incandescentcancer
Posted by RealTalk
Posted by incandescentcancer
Only on dxp can a troll like pocket change get so much airtime. And y'all virgos are so gullible giving this motherfucker explanations for your actions. I wish there was a report button to get rid of this twat from this website.

And you're gullible to even believe I was explaining myself to him. His fuckery was entertained by me because I had insomnia & I was bored boo. It was fun to see how worked up he gets over us, hahaha...durrrrrrr. Did you not notice the sarcasm in my posts? Hello...

Yeah it would have been more fun if you had laid into him the way you are now just because I called you gullible Winking. I was honestly expecting more biting virgo sarcasm towards that doucheface like my virgo friends would have delivered. No offense, you're only a girl Tongue
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Why the fuck do you care? IDK who YOUR Virgo friends are but don't compare them to me. You don't know me. Whatever beef you have with him keep that shit between you 2.
Stop being so sensitive Cancer boy. I'm only a girl? You're acting like the bitch boo. Tongue
Ok 41 cents, or should I say 0 sense, the name fits you. We're just gonna agree to disagree. The more you try to understand a Virgo, the more lost you're gonna be & at the end you're gonna be even more confused. Being a Pisces you won't get that either, fuckery at its finest. Just because you got your ass handed to you by a Virgo broad, don't take that shit out on us because you'll never win Pisces.
Cancer, Pisces, smh. Take that watery sensitive shit back to your sorry little boards...you'll render yourself powerless. smile
Posted by RealTalk
Ok 41 cents, or should I say 0 sense, the name fits you. We're just gonna agree to disagree. The more you try to understand a Virgo, the more lost you're gonna be & at the end you're gonna be even more confused. Being a Pisces you won't get that either, fuckery at its finest. Just because you got your ass handed to you by a Virgo broad, don't take that shit out on us because you'll never win Pisces.
Cancer, Pisces, smh. Take that watery sensitive shit back to your sorry little boards...you'll render yourself powerless. smile

One thing I do know about Virgals is I do like y'all .... there is an strong attractions that I can't
Realtalk I like your style .... and lost ..... dammit I like most of the peeps on here.....
I love the fact that we are different .... and view the world from opposite point of views...
I guess if I get me another Virgal ..... I have to take the coldness too sometimes ....its a package deal. smile
Posted by 3dimes2nickels1penny0sense
Posted by RealTalk
Ok 41 cents, or should I say 0 sense, the name fits you. We're just gonna agree to disagree. The more you try to understand a Virgo, the more lost you're gonna be & at the end you're gonna be even more confused. Being a Pisces you won't get that either, fuckery at its finest. Just because you got your ass handed to you by a Virgo broad, don't take that shit out on us because you'll never win Pisces.
Cancer, Pisces, smh. Take that watery sensitive shit back to your sorry little boards...you'll render yourself powerless. smile

One thing I do know about Virgals is I do like y'all .... there is an strong attractions that I can't
Realtalk I like your style .... and lost ..... dammit I like most of the peeps on here.....
I love the fact that we are different .... and view the world from opposite point of views...
I guess if I get me another Virgal ..... I have to take the coldness too sometimes ....its a package deal. smile
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Lmao.... its funny how Pisces men have broken your heart as well...
Correction .... I messed up and she ended it..... she gave me 3 Chances.... shows I must have
been doing something right.... and just like a typical Virgal, when she started falling for me
she put her love neatly in the freezer and gave me the cold "silent treatment ". I know she loves
me, the same way you love your ex..... but just like you, she will never let me know that.
Its all good though ..... her eyes, lips, tongue, body screamed how much she loved me over
and over again.... that's more than enough .....why be greedy. smile
Posted by RealTalk
Posted by incandescentcancer
Posted by RealTalk
Posted by incandescentcancer
Only on dxp can a troll like pocket change get so much airtime. And y'all virgos are so gullible giving this motherfucker explanations for your actions. I wish there was a report button to get rid of this twat from this website.

And you're gullible to even believe I was explaining myself to him. His fuckery was entertained by me because I had insomnia & I was bored boo. It was fun to see how worked up he gets over us, hahaha...durrrrrrr. Did you not notice the sarcasm in my posts? Hello...

Yeah it would have been more fun if you had laid into him the way you are now just because I called you gullible Winking. I was honestly expecting more biting virgo sarcasm towards that doucheface like my virgo friends would have delivered. No offense, you're only a girl Tongue

Why the fuck do you care? IDK who YOUR Virgo friends are but don't compare them to me. You don't know me. Whatever beef you have with him keep that shit between you 2.
Stop being so sensitive Cancer boy. I'm only a girl? You're acting like the bitch boo. Tongue
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I am not the sensitive one when you take offense to "gullible" so much, it's alright lil girl don't cry Tongue. You got into the beef between me and him so stop the hypocrisy. Sensitive? ahahahhahahahaaa....you have no fucking idea.
Back to the situation at hand with Virguy, 8 months dating...discussed issue with him about being still on the personals, and the fact how hurtful that is.... Not demanding to remove profile but not able to continue with relationship either. He did not cut contact, said he was sorry, and sent texts afterwards, like conversation never happened. I want to be patient and let him think it over , see if he removes profile. The fact that he is sending texts feels that he does not want it to end. I just don't know if i should give it a chance or end things now.
Posted by piscesx
...discussed issue with him about being still on the personals, and the fact how hurtful that is.... Not demanding to remove profile but not able to continue with relationship either. He did not cut contact, said he was sorry, and sent texts afterwards, like conversation never happened.
I want to be patient and let him think it over , see if he removes profile.

Another person cannot be molded to fit you, no matter the sun sign. This issue here has nothing to do with him being a Virgo and everything to do with you attempting to change him to satisfy your conditions.
Then add Virgo to the mix and angling doesn't bode well considering they are simple men.
Thanks P Angel...I really do not want to lose him over this, after all I knew that he was still on the site from the beginning. I was able to not let it get to me by rationalizing that until we are in a "serious" relationship he can do as he pleases. So I never approached the subject except when jokingly asked on occasion if any good dates lately from the web. He responded with " I am too busy for anything "... maybe if I openly said how it hurts me, things would not be where it is now. I kept it inside to fester until I could not deal with it anymore. I really do not want to mold him, I just do not know how to deal with it at this point. Well, now he knows how I feel, and I will not bring it up anymore. I guess when he is ready he will do something about the profile.
Posted by VirgoR
""a male that's 47 and never been married has serious commitment issues.""
It would be disingenuous for me to say he has "serious commitment issues"... He may have been in a long term relationship before he met the Pisces.

He was in a serious relationship about 8 years ago lasting 2 plus years, not overly long for sure, but they did not live together. He never lived with anyone in his life, as far as in a romantic situation. He must have been very hurt because when I asked why it ended, he strated to talk, then shook his head sadly saying he could not talk about it.
god you sound so pitiful. i swear my laptop is waterlogged after reading just 2 pages.
his 8 year relationship didnt work out? well, given his age, maybe it ended because he robbed her of having children? maybe it ended because in 8 years, he still couldn't/wouldn't commit? i mean seriously, the asshole dated someone for 8 years and his germaphobic ass still couldnt deal with the prospect of her toothbrush touching his?
i say he's a serial killer. you think him not inviting you over is a slight when in reality, those are just gatherings for him and his other psychotic friends. they probably kidnap people, chain them to beds and then spend hours berating them for keeping cutting their grass too low.
i suppose you're older? i know you've invested time, but seriously, this guy does NOT want to settle down in the manner that you wish to. that doesn't make him an asshole. if he's gotten this far in his life and hasn't reached the "oh shit i dont want to die alone" phase yet, move on. if you stay, he will yo-yo you until the fear does grip him and next thing ya know, his old wrinkly ass will be with a knocked up 30 y/o.
how old are you? you could probably settle this with one question. if you're too old to bear fruit and he has even hinted that he wants kids someday on his profile or otherwise, you got your answer.
Posted by VirgoR
""both in the medical field. That's I guess the only thing we have in common.""
^^This troubles me. You don't have anything in common outside of his and your profession?
we do have other things of course, why did I say that, maybe I was thinking of virgos are polar opposites to us. But we both like reading, travel, history, biking.

""I do not know about tonight if we should meet after his party,""
^^You were not invited to the party, correct? Or did you have other plans??? If I overlooked that please forgive me, I am not as detailed oriented as (ellessque smile), Did you meet him after the party?

No we did not meet, I was not invited to the party. He was to come over afterwards, but we did not meet. I was too upset by that time because of him being online.

""I did tell him about 5 months into the relationship that I loved him, I did fall in love""
^^What was his response to this? Please don't tell me he said "thank you". If so, we are going to show him to the door and change the locks.
He hugged me but did not say anything. we were in bed. He can not verbalize emotions whatsoever. No compliments ever. So I was not expecting him to say it.

His 2 year relationship is the only one I know about. Did not question him further.
she's not afraid. she just likes feeling pitiful and delusional. that's why she has pursued a career instead of children and is wondering why a man who has pursued the same doesn't want a damn thing to do with her.
quit sleeping with him and showing affection as if you were his g/f when he makes no further advances in HIS life that you are. He treats you like a friend, a fwb, when HE needs it.
Seriously..start saying 'sorry, I'm busy' when HE decides to get together instead of being at his beck and call. Start making time for him and live your life.
maybe then he will take you seriously smile
btw op..my virgo fiance is 54 and I am 43. I got fed up with his push-pull bs after we went from friends to relationship. he was either all the way in or he wasn't and that was the ultimatum because I have one life to live and dammit I was gonna live it with or without him...not be a puppet on a string and be an option!