Sun Virgo 19.10
Moon Scorpio 9.34
Mercury Virgo 2.22
Venus Leo 21.01 R
Mars Libra 7.13
Jupiter Virgo 0.02
Saturn Aquarius 0.36 R
Uranus Capricorn 9.51 R
Neptune Capricorn 14.03 R
Pluto Scorpio 18.10
Lilith Capricorn 15.28
Asc node Capricorn 16.49
Sun Aquarius 1.41
Moon Virgo 8.00
Mercury Capricorn 18.19
Venus Sagittarius 26.32
Mars Capricorn 9.45
Jupiter Virgo 13.49 R
Saturn Aquarius 8.21
Uranus Capricorn 14.57
Neptune Capricorn 17.02
Pluto Scorpio 22.39
Lilith Aquarius 0.10
So i've been dating a virgo guy for about 2 months and everything was great he was the sweetest guy ever! Lately though, i have noticed a change in my virgo. He's not as talkative or sweet. He's a little more distant and withdrawn. Sometimes i feel like he doenst want me around and its hurting me because i see him being warm with everyone else and cold with me. Before when he would see me his face would just light up and he would get a huge smile on his face and give me a big hug but now he still gives me a hug but he just says hey. I've also noticed that when we get away from his friends he acts a little more like he used to but when he's with his friends he acts like he's "too cool". This is unusual because before he acted the same with me whether his friends were there or not. So what is going on with him? Is he losing interest? Did his friends put something in his head (cause i know virgos can be easily influenced at times)? And also how should i deal with this situation? Just let him be, give him time and space? Or should i ask him? He's been like this for about maybe 2 weeks slowly getting worse. Help woul,d be much appreciated, thanks! =)
thank you both. :] im looking into the websites right now. But what do you guys think about the way he is acting?
Ok my virgo texted me earlier and he was being short in his answers so i just didnt reply to his last text and right now he just texted me saying "hey baby you are the apple of my eye." Do they do that a lot? This is getting me so confused. I've never dealt with a virgo before.
Signed Up:
Dec 24, 2007Comments: 0 · Posts: 1132 · Topics: 9
You have to talk to him about it.
WOW thank you soo much! This was very good insight and it does describe my virgo. I usually am the "typical" aqua when it comes to guys but i feel that i have really fallen quite hard for this virgo and i've already let my gaurd down which is a thing i usually never do and now that ive done it and he's acting different it scares me because its like ive let my gaurd down and put time and effort and i dont want him to just lose interest. Which i now realize that he hasnt and just needs some alone time, right? Also i am usually the one that needs their freedom but with him, i want to be with him and when he acts like he doenst want me there that hurts.
I was reading that site that you gave me, virgogotme, and it says that they often want to feel like their partner has "given up" someting for them. I feel like i have. I've given up a lot of my time and afternoons and hanging out with frineds, but i also dont want to be there at his disposal and him having me whenever HE wants only.
That sight is very informative, and i appreciate it. Thanks. :]
But he's not second guessing it right?
Thank you. You are completely right. That is exactly what i need to do.
But it almost feels like i've forgotten how to do that, how to leave him wanting more in a way i guess.
"...which will then cause him to analyze why the heck you are doing that."
you're right.
I never text him first. He always does that, but lately (since he sarted being weird) he's been texting me still but being really short like he doesnt really want to talk. So after a few texts of him being short i just dont reply and he'll text me in a hew hours. But the thing is if he doenst want to talk, which is the vibe that i get, then why does he text me in the first place?
Also sometimes i get the feeling that he just texts me to "check up" on me.
I am always myself around him, but with his distancing and him being quiet, even if i'm in a good mood and happy, when i go around him it brings me down and makes me be quiet as well.
Anyway...i'm going to see him tomorrow at school. We'll see how he's acting.
Thank you!