question for virgals

This topic was created in the Virgo forum by cansir on Friday, September 28, 2007 and has 6 replies.
so i have been broken up from my last virgal for about 7 months after dating 1.5 years. i am over her but would like to rekindle our friendship. we work at the same place and i did see her at a meeting our company had but we have not spoken since we broke up. so earlier this week i stopped by her cube and talked to her. we made small talk and caught up a bit. so i told her to call or email me so we can get a beer and catch up some more. she said in her sarcastic but funny way that she would check her schedule and get back to me. my friend who was with me said she still liked me cause she would not look at me and was acting quite shy. she also told her friend who i know that i looked good when she saw me at the meeting. she takes her time on a lot of things and i don't know if she will get in contact with me as i left it in her court. so my friend said if she doesn't contact me to give it a few weeks and then contact her. so virgals what are your opinions? do you think she isn't over me and me contacting her would make it look like i want more or seem desperate? if you were in her shoes what would you be thinking after not having talked in so long?
starfish yeah i am over her and no it isn't mandatory to make contact outside the office. but we work in different buildings and don't work together so there is no real contact at work.
yeah you are probably right starfish..thanks for the advice..we didn't break up badly it was just bad timing. she had gotten divorced and was trying to figure things our for herself so maybe she is still in that frame of mind and from what i heard from her friend she had nothing but nice things to say about me so i guess if she wants to be friends again she will do it on her time..
cansir, if i'm not mistaken, aren't you currently dating a virgal? are we talking about the same one here?
but anyway, to answer your question, i would think you were trying to reconcile with me. it's okay to be cordial when bumping into each other, but to call or e-mail sounds rather odd, even after an extended amount of time. but this is just me, i can't speak for the rest of the virgos here, lol.
i also can't say if she's over you or not, because 'not looking at you' or 'acting quite shy' doesn't seem to equate to 'i still have feelings for you' in my book. i'd feel awkward too if i ran into my ex at work from time to time. i like Starfish225's advice, just let it be.
agent thanks for you input and yes i am currently dating another virgal. well i don't want her to think i want to reconcile and maybe that is the impression she has. the hard part is that we were friends long before we started dating and we do have this strong connection but i am going to take yours and starfishes advice and just let it be. if she ever wants to be friends down the road she will have to make the effort...
Well I cant speak for other Virgo the type of Virgo girl that I am.....I see things as black or white. There is no grey area in between. We are either together or we are not. I am friends with my ex of 5 years and I am able to be friends with him because I finally got to the point to were I did not want him (romantically) anymore. So if she is hesitant in being friends with you, its because the feelings are still there on her part. Virgo's can be shy and flexible, but after a certain amount of time, our backbone gets extremely stiff and can not be altered. Once that happens, its officially over.