Do you pursue guys? To what extent, if yes? Or do you let them do the initiating?
I've done the pursuing and It has only worked once, but only because we were friends already and his friends told me he had feelings for me. It was my green light, otherwise I wouldn't have. In my experience, chasing a guy just doesn't work.
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Jan 11, 2011Comments: 21030 · Posts: 11560 · Topics: 83
I've had a similar situation...found out a guy liked me, apparently never shut up about me lol I of course never even knew it but when I found out I said fuck it and I kissed him lol. If I wouldn't of heard that, there would have been no way in hell I would have been so bold.
So basically only if I know for sure (and I mean for sure) someone has feeling for me then I will not chase or initiate anything.
I've asked 2 guys out in my 22 years and it never worked out. I felt that we had lots in common so I decided to ask if they were interested... they said no. So, now I don't ask anyone out anymore. CHASING DOES NOT WORK FOR US VIRGO WOMEN! lol. I feel that if the guy is interested, he will tell you or hint around to it. If the guy is shy and you think he may like you; you do have to do a little work to get him open up and make him come to you. How to make this happen is to smile, say Hi and keep walking. This will allow him to be more comfortable to approach you. But if the guy still seems a little hesitant still smile and say Hi but this time ask him a question about himself. If you see that he's always reading something on his e-reader, ask him what he is reading and if you're not familiar with what he's talking about, ask him to tell you what the story is about. That will open the door for that kind of guy, the shy guy. For all of the other guys out there, the bolder ones, the smile and say Hi method works like magic. You will have plenty of dates in no time, without having to put your emotions on the line whatsoever. Know once you start with the Smile and say Hi method, it's contagious! LOL! Everyone will be trying to get your attention. For me I use to be so shy and unwilling to put my feelings on display. But since I started to smile and say Hi to just random people and to the guys I was interested in, I've seen better results. But long story short let the men do all the hard work, but still be super sweet to any guy that has caught your eye. Just remember to smile all the time and nothing can go wrong. Hope this helps!
Actually, I'm going to try that... The smile, say hi, and keep walking. I have always appeared aloof and detached, according to what people have told me. The shy ones don't stand a chance with me! So i'd like to open the doors for both shy and bold ones....Thank you very much!
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Apr 01, 2010Comments: 0 · Posts: 311 · Topics: 11
I don't know if I pursue with persistence or with the intent of being romantically involved, if ever. I don't necessarily wait for the guy to ask me out on a date; I don't mind being the one who asks and I'm usually very straightforward when I want to have dinner with you or not. My pursuit is usually at the very beginning to simply test the water, be friendly and get to know someone face-to-face. In my opinion, it's SO much easier to eliminate guys this way. But 99% of the time, my pursuit begins and ends there. Actually, 99% of guys don't pass this stage for me.
Only one person I "pursued" has ever kept me interested enough to keep me coming around, that's with my current Virgo. I met him in really unusual circumstances. But during the first two weeks that I knew him, he would find opportunities to message me, ask me questions, and just kind of pry into my day-to-day business. I'm not really a small talk kind of gal and prefer to connect in person. So when we made small talk one time, I just outright told him that I was going to set up a time, date, and dinner location, and he will take me there. He said "Okay." We've been together ever since.