I just recently became engaged to a Virgo. He just swept me off my feet. I am a Gemini and it was kind of love at first site for us. I have never been with a Virgo man. My mom, my younger daughter, and a very good friend are all Virgos, but I have never been in a relationship with a Virgo man. So please do tell me your experiences with Virgo men and if you are a Virgo I want to know what I am in for. lol
*because she's everywhere lol*
Signed Up:
Dec 11, 2012Comments: 2 · Posts: 592 · Topics: 23
While harshly put; P-Angel has a point and said exactly what I thought upon reading the original post.
Once you get to the point of being engaged, these questions really should already be answered. Good luck though; because if you're marrying a Virgo and you don't yet know what we're about and how we operate you are going to be in for a RUDE awakening.
I don't think any one is judging your decision on when to get married. That's your decision (congratulations by the way). The question coupled with we're engaged simply threw me for a very large loop. But that's a Virgo right there in itself. I would NEVER get married if I had to still ask that question because as a Virgo I must have ALL the facts and feel as though I know EVERYTHING before I can commit to something as important as marriage. This is not judgment it's just the way I personally operate. The fact that you've found a Virgo man willing to get married quickly is either a miracle or a travesty in the making...and that's just me being real.
Just be strong, be independent, be loyal and be prepared. There is no real way for me to explain all the idiosyncrasies that make up the Virgo psyche. I'll say that we're moody, we're cold on the surface but scolding hot underneath and you will experience both temperatures. We will push you away but if we love you we don't really want you to go. And if we love you; you will know because we DO show it in our own way and we love HARD! We're mutable so you might find that his style in love will sort of mirror yours; that's his way of trying to make you happy. BUT the most important thing to know is that WE DO NOT BREAK THINGS OFF IN ONE SWIFT ACTION!!! People don't want to accept this but Virgos wean off relationships and try to push the other person to leave us so we don't have to feel bad about ending a relationship. YES we do this; so if you feel like you're being weaned off...YOU ARE! Accept it. Good luck and let us/me know how it goes with the wedding. I'm mesmerized by your Virgo find.
Details please; I'd like to know how you got one of us to commit so quickly...lol
Ok that was helpful. That would explain why he was with a women for 23 years and another women for 8 years and never had any intention of marrying either. Well let's see. I don't know. I think he was just ready to get married.lol His b-day is 9/21, so he is kind of on the cusp. He may have some Libra tendencies as well. That might have something to do with it.
There is a book called The List: 7 Ways to Tell If He's Going to Marry You--in 30 Days or Less! It sounds kind of farfetched but lots of people swear by that book. My fiance did everything on the list. It talks about how a man will be with someone for years and break up with that person and marry someone else immediately after meeting them. Men are just like
Ok that was helpful. That would explain why he was with a women for 23 years and another women for 8 years and never had any intention of marrying either. Well let's see. I don't know. I think he was just ready to get married.lol His b-day is 9/21, so he is kind of on the cusp. He may have some Libra tendencies as well. That might have something to do with it.
There is a book called The List: 7 Ways to Tell If He's Going to Marry You--in 30 Days or Less! It sounds kind of farfetched but lots of people swear by that book. My fiance did everything on the list. It talks about how a man will be with someone for years and break up with that person and marry someone else immediately after meeting them. Men are just like that. When they are ready to get married they act accordingly.It's a great book on how to recognize a guy who is just wasting your time and a guy ready for marriage if marriage is what you want. Everyone doesn't want marriage. I did. I also use postive affirmations,positive meditation, and postivie thinking. That may have helped too.Sorry the stupid qoute function is not working, so I reposted.
Signed Up:
Feb 04, 2013Comments: 1 · Posts: 9186 · Topics: 179
"You make the implication here that you've gotten engaged to a person you don't know ... "
Ditto...again scratching my head. Anyway, congrats on your engagement, I can fill 10 pages up on Virgo men, but since you are marrying him you'll do that pretty quick yourself. Good luck.
Your post brought me back to my younger years when I was so carefree...
I'm a Virgo girl and I had the taste of Gemini when I was 20, he was my first love and we got engage. The relationship was smooth (thanks to my Sag moon) sooooo smooth that we hardly had any arguments. The relationship lasted for 4 years. I remember we only had 5 or 6 fights throughout the relationship. He was not clingy, he gives me space, he was not controlling but he was such a flirt. He takes care of house inspite of his work. We both love dogs, music and art. We talk about a lot of things to the point that we can stay up all night. It's a pretty good relationship but nothing last forever. One day I got scared of many things like "what about my dreams, what future will I have with this man, I still wanna travel the world, career, ambition, etc.". Then I ended our relationship. We both suffer the consequence of my decision but I had to do it during that time. I believe it was the best decision that time and it hasn't change up to now.
Don't think I'm cruel, that's just how, what and who I am. I can't pretend that I am this when I'm not that.
I hope you can analyze something on my post. I can only tell you what my experience was but I will not tell exactly what virgos are coz every Virgo is different from one another though we have trademark of being Virgo.
Congratulations on your engagement! Cheers!