so after a short sabbotical i find myself again on the virgo board to do a little venting. soo.. my virgo guy, i love him to death and since ive managed to even things out between us understanding wise, things have been definitely on the 100. so right now wat am i struggling with? tearing him away from his daily grind at work at least a few times during the week. why does this seem so impossible?! instead of telling me wen sumthing happens AFTER we decide to do sumthin he just waits until im over it which used to drive me crazie. but hes given me much more patience than i had n the beginning (none). so wat to do?? i love him love him love him but i miss him miss him miss him even more. best way to feed him wat im saying OUTSIDE of coming all out with it (doesnt work nemore, hes called me selfish) is..... what say the jury?
Signed Up:
Feb 23, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 2255 · Topics: 55
The best you can do is to be honest about your feelings. However, maybe this person needs a sense of independence. In my experience, work is very important to virgos.. and they generally come around when they are "needed", maybe your guy is no different?
Anyway, I wouldn't expect him be waiting for your beckoning call.
seizeTheDay this is 2ru...only wen he's "needed" does he respond immediately. thats so not emotionally-friendly. lol. does the virgo ever grow out of this stage or is it lifetime type characteristic?
Shaka: in other words, my virgo guy's a workaholic and ive been underwhelmed with attention frm him lately. comments on changing this.
Tis funnie how he thinks im not serious unless im acting like "CANT....WAIT....NE LONGER....MUST....HAVE>>U>>> it makes me laff sumtimes but i cant figure if this is more virgo or ego?!or both?!