Sagi Woman confused with Virgo Male

This topic was created in the Virgo forum by env012 on Friday, February 13, 2009 and has 15 replies.
Hello All i am new to the forum and after reading it off and on for the past few months decided to take the plunge and join.
I am a 36 year old sag woman involved with a 32 year old virgo male and i just can't seem to work him or his intentions out.
We have known each other for the past 3 years and he has seperated from his wife 1 year ago. We were partners 6 months ago everything was going smoothly then he dropped a bomb shell told me he wanted to give his wife another go well that lasted a whole 2 weeks. I moved interstate the day we finished said that i would like to stay friends and contacted him every now and then via text just to say hello that was fine then he started to ring and i told him that i got a new job and if i worked another girls shift as well as mine at night i get 2 weeks off so he said come up and see me and stupid me did.
Well things happen and we slept together then he said that we should just stay friends and i agreed but as the days progressed we got close again but then he got cold then all arms all over me kiss on the cheek hugs holding hands then when he would get texts from his wife or a so called girl friend of his he grew cold then when the texts from his wife stopped he got close to me. So i decided to have a talk to him about all this which was hopeless he would look down when i was talking to him and would walk away he said that he still had feelings for his wife but they are getting easier as the days go on but wants to take it slow with me what the hell does that mean he says one thing and means another. Why does he want me around is it because i have money and give it to him when he needs it but he always has paid it back so i told him before i left one day i will walk away and not come back and he just freaked out said please dont leave me i am so confused as what to do with him do i just walk away or does he really want me even though he is emotionless but i know he has feelings for me he rings 3 to 4 times a day and texts over 20 times a day but when the girl called bec comes on the seen all phone calls and texts stop he says she is just a friend and that i am jealous he also went out to dinner with her when i was staying with him so does he want me or not or am i just being told some sort of bullshit so he can keep me there so when his funds are tight i can give him money.
And another thing i dont know if this is a virgo male thing why cant they look at you in the face when you are talking.
Sounds like he really likes u... u have to juge virgos on there action he is confuse thow bc he has love 4 u and he has sum love 4 his ex. u said enough now show by ur action how much u want him it speaks way louder to us than words. o and not looking at u in the face lol i to can't look at people in the face lol.
You should just keep being oblivious to him using you for money and an ear when him and his wife have problems.

Men also require cuddling and compassion when they are having woman problems, and you having sex with him certainly helps to make him feel like a man again when his wife has given him grief.
And to throw money in there when he needs it .... well ..

Sounds to like an awesome situation you allow yourself to be in .... you should keep doing it.
I am abroad with my Virgo sister for the past 22 years.
over the years I noticed she has a new boy whenever we do not talk for a while. There she tried to contact me and says she wants to introduce him to me. Once I get to know that man, a few days later she says they seperated for some reasons. The reasons have always been known to her from the first day.
I have the impression when I do not talk to her, she seeks intimacy with one of her many accquintances. When I am there and she has the family intimacay, then she feels to be able to drop the guys again.
She is Virgo with Venus in Scorp. I am Sag with Venus in Sag. She is always trying to get me nearer to her than it is comfortable for me.

Now back to you Sag woman. Read more of Virgos' relationships on the net. You will see that there more women out there confused with these guys. The reason is that they can maintain parallel worlds.
Last Christmas my Virgo sister had call and text contacts with a guy which were a few kilometers far from us the whole time. He hoped we would party with him on Chistmas, New Year Ev or between the two. She knew she did not want to meet him. But none of us (me, my father and a girl friend of mine) knew it. Only after all was over, my Sister mentioned she had not aimed to meet him, that she seperated from him one year ago with good reasons and she did not forget the reasons. Yet I do not know why she did let him call her and text her all the time. Why did she give responses?
she gave us, me and my father, a short list of our different plans how we can party the Christmas time. One of them was to meet this man in his small city. The other one was to meet our common girl friend in the big city....
Opportunity for sex, Brad .. it's all about the sex.
sex? not in her case. she wants to have lots of admirers.
Last thing he did for her was to download things from her car while a small relocation.
She is not so much into sex. and in my family we are easy with saying no.
now maybe he thinks of it (sex) when he does not cut the contact.
or maybe friendship is something you do not want to lose even if you have currpoted it times and times.
"he said come up and see me and stupid me did.
Well things happen and we slept together then he said that we should just stay friends and i agreed but as the days progressed we got close again but then he got cold then all arms all over me kiss on the cheek hugs holding hands then when he would get texts from his wife or a so called girl friend of his he grew cold then when the texts from his wife stopped he got close to me."

"do i just walk away or does he really want me even though he is emotionless but i know he has feelings for me he rings 3 to 4 times a day and texts over 20 times a day"

The thing here is ..... you can only be an opportunity to him if you allow it.
He uses you, and you question his intentions, and then proceed to describe this usage.

Sometimes, when people are stupid, I cannot pity them ... perhaps, one of my flaws in life.

Look how horrible he treats me ............. I want him.
How can a person feel compassion for that ^^^^
I can't.
"if you have currpoted it
if you both have corrupted it...
"Look how horrible he treats me ............. I want him.
How can a person feel compassion for that"

maybe there is a phenomena like:
you have had control over your life and nobody could trick you out. then you find it is boring. then you allow some extent of stupidity.
I say it because I have seen if we are protecting ourselve from being hurt by the others, sometimes we have to realize there is nothing left to do with people at all. They are all so dangerous.
I guess it isn't all for sex, with your sister's case .. but, usually, it seems to be all about sex.
So long as sex is a constant .... anything is tolerated, and a door of opportunity continues to be ensured that it remains open by maintaining the charm.
This really bothers me about Virgo's, mainly the females ... sex really isn't all that important in whole scheme of things.
In fact, if tolerance when shouldn't be is in place .. then this desire for sex which clouds discernment is actually a bad thing ... because it makes the person oblivious to the whole picture, and is the culprit in influencing the person to deal/settle when departure is the correct answer.
Ok just when i went and read all the messages about this subject i finally realised how stupid i have been so me being a sag and straight to the point i went to give him a call and say i wanted this over and done with and just as i was about to dial he rang asked if i was doing anything for easter and asked if i would like to come up and meet his parents now is this a person that is using me or just someone like he said that wants to take it slow like he wants i said leave it with me and i will think about it so now what should i do?
Sometimes with all these run on sentences and lack of diction, spelling and punctuation, I feel as though I have to pop a pill to get through these stories with the mega paragraphs.
I'm having a Virgo moment. Breathe.
"now is this a person that is using me or just someone like he said that wants to take it slow like he wants"
ask yourself, "do I feel motivated? am I on the move? is it my life? is he my friend?"
I was seriously joking. I have Virgo friends who are by far the worst spellers I know, but I love them all! smile
I wonder if a Virgo man would take offense to a spell checker for a gift?
This man is conflicted but sincerely has deep feelings for you.
He is finding it hard to deal with these feelings because that means he is loosing control.
You must be patient and tolerant...