Posted by LeGendary ViRGo
why do people say that they are the most powerful water sign but yet so damn selfish i have many scorpios friends and they are all selfish and only thinks about themselves only they needs and feelings count they can care less bout urs only theirs if scorpios was so mighty how come they don't use they're feelings to be more nicer i dislike them all they are all the same. so scorpios on here might be mature and dats cool i roll wit anybody that act mature
i rather have gemini friends at least they are willing to be fair
and libras rest of tha signs are good money
Quote of the night
"be Relaxed like a lion"
Posted by hikoro
Do we really need a thread that bashes a specific sign on the virgo board?
Why don't you just go to the scorpio board and bash them over there?
It seems to me as if something happened recently that has made you think that way.
Posted by Qbone
You forgot jealous, possesive, paranoid and controlling.
If you are going to list our more "admirable" qualities don't half ass it dude. Go all out!!
Keep up babe??_ I have mentioned at least 1000 times in this forum in the past 5 years nothing new or to hate about, but if something is going to happen between me and scoprshit??_ I??ll be in charge??_ if not? it??ll be squashed under my feet like I did it billion times before for fun.
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